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Research Paper


We are here to represent are very own creations of fruit shake with malungay.This
shake is affordable and also healthy.
For these who are self-concious that buying such expensive medicines for their
satisfaction about their health .we recommend this for you .Here are the ingredients that
you need.

 Banana
 Apple
 Mango
 Malungay
 Evaporated milk
 Ice
 Sugar (optional)

Before we teach you the procedure here are some trivia’s that you can get from
the ingredients:

Banana – banana has more vitamins and nutrients than apples. This fruit
contains carbohydrates, vitamin A , potassium , iron , phosphorus and natural
sugar. If you are tired just eat some banana than drink a coffee. This potassium
helps to distribute oxygen from our body. For us student eat 3 bananas a day to
improve are brain from daily school routines.
Apple – it can prevent from getting an Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Rich in
fiber and can prevent heart diseases and cancer. It can also prevent diabetes.
From those who want some healthy diet just eat apple because apple can reduce
fats from our body. Also it can cure asthma and lung cancer.
Mango – it has an anti-oxidants, minerals , vitamins and selenium. It can also
prevent acidity and heart diseases. It can also help digest our food and it has
some magnesium for low blood person.
Malungay – has more vitamins, calcium , iron and it can harden our bones.
Calcium is to prevent osteoporosis , and iron for anemic to boost blood

The procedure of this delicious shake is just easy. You don’t need to be hesitate
or use some expensive stuff. All you have to do is this:
1. You’ll need some blender to mix all the ingredients inside.
2. Poor some exaporada or milk to add some a little bit of sweetness. If you
want to have some cold, ice is optional, or you can add some sugar if
you’re not satisfied to it’s flavor.
3. Get some glass and poor your delicious shake to it and enjoy your day.

- See! It’s very convenient and you don’t have to waste time and money.

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