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Install Node.js and Npm on Raspberry Pi

by biskis

You can build many apps using node.js and npm on your raspberry pi and it's very easy to interact with GPIO or
other components connected to your raspberry pi. So if you are like me and like to do it on node.js here a few
simple steps to install node and npm.

Step 1: Detect What Version of Node.js You Need

The processor on Raspberry Pi is ARM, but depends on the model there can be ARMv6, ARMv7 or ARMv8. This
3 versions of ARM is supported by Node.js.

So first of all type this in your terminal on raspberry pi to detect the version that you need:

uname -m

If the response starts with armv6 than that's the version that you will need. For example for raspberry pi zero W
you will need ARMv6

Install Node.js and Npm on Raspberry Pi: Page 1

Step 2: Download Node.JS Linux Binaries for ARM

Go to node.js download page and check right click on the version of ARM that you need and choose Copy Link

After that in the terminal using wget download the tar.gz file for that version. Just type wget, paste the link copied
before and make sure the extension is .tar.gz. If it's something else change it to this and it should be ok. For
example I will need ARMv6 and I will type this in my terminal:


Step 3: Extract the Archive

Using tar that is already installed with the system on your raspberry pi just type this (make sure you change the
filename with the file that you have)

tar -xzf node-v8.9.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz

Step 4: Copy Node to /usr/local

cd node-v6.11.1-linux-armv6l/
sudo cp -R * /usr/local/

Install Node.js and Npm on Raspberry Pi: Page 2

Step 5: Check If Everything Is Installed Ok

Check if node and npm are installed correctly. This lines should print the version of node and npm installed.

node -v

npm -v

Now you have node.js installed on your Raspberry Pi and working so you can build something using node

Install Node.js and Npm on Raspberry Pi: Page 3

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