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Voyage for the indispensible H2O

By Richeeck Ghosh

Year 2030..

Europa- Hello! Mother Jupiter I am so scared.

Jupiter-Why my dear Europa ?

Europa- There are so many spacecrafts and clippers hovering all round
my territory. Those are collecting my information and taking my
photos. I think somebody is going to invade my territory very soon.

Jupiter- Don’t worry my dear. In year 2016 the JUNO spacecraft and
some other clippers were orbiting my territory as well but after many
investigations they returned back.

Europa- Oh my god! Mummy!! they have already landed on my territory.

Jupiter- I have heard that the clippers are here to explore the
habitability of earthly beings.

Europa- They have landed into Mr. Cilix and Mr. Pwyll’s homes, my two
big craters. They are now heading towards Mr. Plume’s garden, may be
to check what’s spewing out.

Three friends, Mr. Plume, Mr. Cilix and Mr. Pwyll, heard to be crying in
a unison…

“Who are you? What do you want ?”

Spacecraft- We are here in search of a rare compound H2O. We need

it badly as we are on verge of running out of it….
Europa- Mummy why do they need H20? Why they have come so far?

Jupiter- This compound, which they call water, keeps earthly creatures
ticking. I have heard that their Earth had plenty of it. But they have
ruthlessly wasted it due their insatiable hunger of power and comfort

Europa- Mummy why have they destroyed their own water bodies?

Jupiter- It’s because of their greed my child. They started cutting

trees and polluting their own precious atmosphere and all the water
bodies. They always wanted an easy life and thought they know

Europa- I saw them detecting my surface.

Jupiter- Maybe they want to test if they can grow plants on it.

Europa- But my surface is mostly made of solid ice and silicon. There
are some traces of iron though.

Jupiter- But their main concern is about pure H2O and Oxygen. They
cannot live without it.

Europa- But how will they convert my solid ice to liquid water form?

Jupiter- May be they have invented some new processes to convert

solid ice into water.

Europa- Mummy will they pollute my water surfaces too?

Jupiter- No my child they into a big trouble now. They have learnt a big
lesson from past and will act wisely for safe future. They have become
friendly to the space and will always save it. They must have learnt to
respect the balance of universe by now.
Name : Richeeck Ghosh

School : Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi

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