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McCollum-Pratt Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Received for publication October 25, 1956

The nitrogen fixation process has been recently METHODS AND MATERIALS
reviewed by Wilson (1952), Burris (1956), Culture methods. A. agile, American Type Cul-
Shug et al. (1956), and Gest et al. (1956). Al- ture Collection No. 9104, was grown in Burk's
though the characteristics of the over-all process medium (Newtonet al., 1953) to which was added
in vivo are well known, neither the pathway nor 1.44 g KNO3 per L. Three-liter culttures were
the enzymatic steps has been established. On grown at 35 C for 18 to 24 hr with vigorous
the other hand, a number of enzymes from bacte- forced aeration. Cells were harvested by centrifu-
ria, fungi and higher plants have been character- gation at approximately 2,000 X G, and washed
ized which together can catalyze the reduction of once or twice with 0.2 per cent KCI. This removed
nitrate to ammonia by way of nitrite and hy- nitrite which had accumulated in the growth
droxylamine. The properties of these systems medium in considerable quantity. The yield of
and their possible role in the main pathway of cells under these conditions was 10 to 20 g wet
nitrate assimilation have also been recently weight per 3 L. Cells not used immediately for
reviewed (Verhoeven, 1956; Taniguchi et al., the preparation of cell free extracts were stored
1956; Nason, 1956; McElroy and Spencer, at -15 C. Such cells could be stored for several
1956). That nitrogen fixation and nitrate assimi- weeks under these conditions without affecting
lation might have a common pathway has been the activity of the extracts subsequently prepared
suggested by a number of workers. from them. Cells grown on nitrogen gas, gluta-
The present paper reports the presence in Azo- mate, and ammonium sulfate were obtained
tobacter agile (A. vinelandii) of pyridine nucleotide essentially in the same manner as described above
nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases with except that the nitrogen source was air (i. e., 80
properties similar to those already described per cent nitrogen gas), monosodium glutamate
from Neurospora and soybean leaves (Nason et (2.36 g per L), or ammonium sulfate (0.94 g per
al., 1954; Zucker and Nason, 1955). These sys- L) respectively instead of potassium nitrate.
tems have been characterized, and some indica- When ammonium sulfate was used, calcium car-
tion of their physiological significance in nitrogen bonate (0.5 g per L) was added to avoid a lower-
fixation and nitrate assimilation has been ob- ing of the pH of the medium.
tained from adaptation experiments. Preparation of cell free extracts. Azotobacter
1 Contribution No. 170 of the McCollum- cells were suspended in three times their weight
Pratt Institute. This investigation was supported of a solution of tris-(hydroxymethyl) amino-
in part by research grants from the National methane (tris) (0.05 M, pH 7.1) and glutathione
Science Foundation and the U. S. Public Health (10-3 M). The suspended cells were subjected to
Service (R.G.-2332). A preliminary report of this sonic oscillation for 5 min in a Raytheon 10-kcy
work was given at the Federation meetings in oscillator at 0.94-amp. output and centrifuged at
April, 1956 (Spencer, D., Takahashi, H., and 20,000 to 25,000 x G for 20 to 30 min. The
Nason, A., Federation Proc., 15, 358). supernatant solution was used as the cell free
2 Post-doctoral fellow of the McCollum-Pratt
Institute. Present address: Division of Plant In- extract. Extraction of the cells by grinding with
dustry, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. alumina powder (Alcoa A-301) also yielded active
3 Post-doctoral fellow of the McCollum-Pratt extracts.
Institute on leave from the Tokyo University, Cofactors. Triphosphopyridine nucleotide
Tokyo, Japan. (TPN) and diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN)
were obtained from Pabst Laboratories. Reduced In every case, the preparation contained iso-
TPN was prepared by enzymatic reduction, citric and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases
using isocitric dehydrogenase and isocitrate as which were able to maintain almost all the added
described by Nason and Evans (1953). An excess pyridine nucleotide in the reduced state in the
of isocitrate was used so that the resultant solu- presence of their r espective electron donors.
tion of reduced triphosphopyr idine nucleotide Some assays of both enzyme activities were carried
(TPNH) would contain this compound. Chemi- out, using the oxidized pyridine nucleotides in-
cally reduced TPNH was prepared according to stead of the reduced forms in the presence of either
the method of Kaplan et al. (1952). DL-isocitrate (3 ,moles) or glucose-6-phosphate
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin (4 imoles).
adenine mononucleotide (FMN) were obtained Ammonia was deteirmined essentially as de-
from the Sigma Chemical Company. Boiled pig scribed by Zucker and Nason (1955), except that
heart extract was prepared as previously de- the ammonia in the center well of the Conway
scribed (Nason and Evans, 1953) from the acetone dish was assayed with Nessler's reagent (Vanse-
powder of pig heart. Sodium DL-isocitrate and low, 1940). For the ammonia determination a
barium glucose-6-phosphate were obtained from 3.0-ml ireaction mixture with components in the
the H. and M. Chemical Company, Santa _Mon- same proportions as above for the nitrite r eductase
ica, California, and Sigma Chemical Company, assay was used, and the incubation carried on for
respectively. The glucose-6-phosphate was used approximately 1 hr. One-tenth ml of sodium
as a sodium salt solution. DL-iSocitrate (0.4 M) was included in these reac-
Assay methods. Nitrite ieductase activity was tion nlixtures. Endogenous and non-enzymati-
measured by the following assay procedure. The cally fornmed ammonia was measured in parallel
reaction mixture consisted of boiled extract of assavs in which enzyme and nitrite were omitted
acetone powder of pig heart, 0.05 ml; or 1.2 X singly. For each incubated reaction mixture a cor-
10-4 M FAD, 0.03 ml; 2 X 10-4 M NaNO2, 0.15 responding zero time control was also assayed.
ml; 2 X I0--' M TPNH, 0.03 ml; 0.02 to 0.06 ml, The ammonia liberated due to nitrite reductase
enzyme and tris buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.1, to give a activity was then given bv the total increase in
final volume of 0.5 ml. After incubation for 10 to ammonia during incubation, minus the sum of the
15 min at room temperature, 1.5 ml of H20 and increase in the absence of nitrite and the inerease
0.5 ml of sulfanilamide reagent (1 per cent in 3 N in the absence of enzyme.
HCl) were added to stop the reaction, followed by A unit of nitrite reducetase or hydroxylamine
0.5 ml of N-1-napthylethylenediamine hydro- reductase is defined as that amount of enzyme
chloride (0.02 per cent aqueous solution) to de- which results in the disappearance of one m,umole
velop the color. After 10 min the optical density of nitrite or hydroxylamine uinder the above con-
of the resultant pink solution was measured in a ditions of assay for ten min.
Klett-Summerson colorimeter using a no. 54 filter The specific activities of nitrite and hydroxyl-
(green). A similar reaction mixture at zero time amine reductases were expressed as the decrease
or from which TPNH had been omitted was used in nitrite or hydroxylamine in units (or m,unmoles)
as the control. per mg of protein per 10 min, respectively.
Hydroxylamine reductase activity was assayed Protein was estimated by the method of
by the following procedure. The reaction mixture Lowry et al. (1951). For most of these studies 300
consisted of 10-4 M FMN or 2 X 10-4 M FAD, to 600 ,ug of nitrite reductase or hydroxylamine
0.01 ml; 4 X 10-i M hydroxylamine hydrochlo- reductase were used.
ride, 0.15 ml; 2 X 10-s M TPNH, 0.02 ml; 0.2 M
glucose-6-phosphate, 0.02 ml; 0.02 M Mn Cl2, 0.02 RESULTS
ml; enzyme, 0.02 to 0.06 ml; and tris buffer (0.1 M, Proportionality betwueen enzyme concentration
pH 7.1) to give a final volume of 0.5 ml. After and nitrite or hydroxylamine disappearance. The
incubation at room temperature for 10 to 20 proportionality between enzyme concentration
min the remaining hydroxylamine was estimated and nitrite or hydroxylamine disappearance under
by the method of Czaky (1948). This involves the described assay conditions are shown in figure
the oxidation of hydroxylamine by iodine to 1. There is a slight non-enzymatic loss of nitrite
nitrite. and hydroxylamine in the presence of TPNH,

elution, a definite requirement for added cofactors

could be shown. All fractions possessed consider-
able TPNH and DPNH oxidase activities, TPN-
isocitric and TPN- or DPN-glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenases. These dehydrogenases in the
E 8 _6 presence of excess isocitrate or glucose-6-phos-
Z0I m
phate resulted in a continuous riegeneration of
6 ~ *1 2u) Attempts to further purify the enzyme by
ui -o
ammonium sulfate treatment resulted in a com-
OH plete loss of nitrite reductase activity. Hydroxyla-
mine reductase, however, was precipitated be-
tween 30 and 50 per cent ammonium sulfate
2 4 saturation. A 2-fold increase in specific -activity
could be obtained by this treatment but with
poor yield.
100 200 300 400 The location of the nitrite redueing system in
PROTEIN (pG) the soluble, cytoplasmic fraction of the cell was
Figure Effect of concentration of nitrite or
1. suggested by the presence of considerable activity
hydroxylamine reductase on the disappearance of in the supernatant solution after centrifugation
nitrite and hydroxylamine, respectively. at 144,000 X G of a cell free extract prepared
with alumina powder and buffered hypertonic
and hence the plot does not pass through the sucrose solutions. This is also supported by the
origin in both cases. finding that the particulate fraction from whole
Purif cation. The cell free extract of Azotobac- sonic homogenate showed little or no activity
ter cells was treated with one-half its volume of towairds hydroxylainine or nitrite.
alumina C y gel (12.1 to 16.5 mg dry weight per Partially purified nitrite and hydroxylamine
ml) for 15 to 30 min with intermittent stirring. reductases are stable for several weeks at -15
The gel was collected by centrifugation at 3,000 C if stored in 0(.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.5,
X G for 5 min, washed twice with 5 to 10 times containing glutathione (10-3 M). The enzymes wrill
its volume of tris buffer (0.05 M, pH 7.1) contain- store at 0 to 2 C for approximately 1 week without
ing glutathione (10-3 M), and eluted twice with marked losses in activities. The crude cell free
potassium phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.5) con- extract was ielatively unstable and all activities
taining glutathione. For each elution, carried out were lost under the above storage conditions.
for 30 min with occasional stirring, the buffer Both nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases lose
volume was one-quartei of the original volume of all their activities after 5 min at 50 C. The en-
the cell free extract. The two eluates were com- zyme is stable to dialysis for 6 hr against 0.1 M
bined and this fraction used for subsequent K2HPO4 and 10-s M glutathione, provided that
enzyme studies. In some cases this fraction was the dialysis membrane is soaked for 30 min in the
recentrifuged at 144,000 X G and the active same solution prior to use.
supernatant solution collected. This step was The activity and stability of nitrite reductase
were greatly enhanced when both the tris and
used in order to remove most of the TPNH oxi-
phosphate buffers used for purification had been
dase activity which was mainly associated with previously extracted with a solution of 8-hydroxy-
the particles. quinoline in chlorofor m in order to remove heavy
The over-all purification procedure resulted in metal contaminants. Excess 8-hydroxyquinoline
a 2- to 4-fold increase in the specific activity of was removed by repeated extraction with chloro-
nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases as shown form.
in table 1. pH optimum. The effect of pH on nitrite and
The cell free extracts possessed considerable hydroxylamine reductase activities is shown in
endogenous nitrite and hydroxylamine reductase figure 2. Maximum activity for the former was
activities but, after gel absorption, washing, and obtained using tris buffer at pH 7.1. Ilydroxyla-
Summary of purification of Azotobacter nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases
Nitrite Reductase Hydroxylamine Reductase
Fraction -___
Ttl Total Specific Recovery
Reoey T
Ttl Total Specific Recovery
protein activity protein activity
units mg units/mg % units mg units/m
protein proteitn
1. Crude extract ............... 5,300 376 14.2 8,900 727 12.2
2. Supernatant solution after
high speed centrifugation . 3,600 264 13.8 67.5
3. Al C-y gel eluate ............ 4,850 114 42.6 91.0 5,300 240 22.1 59.5

b20 < A 20
E 0x
0 I ~~~~~~~~z

w (I)
5I 60
7 5 6 7
Z 4
K' o~~~~TFRIS>
5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 m
pH 3

Figure 2. Effect of pH on nitrite reductase and hydroxylamine reductase. All buffers present in
final concentrations of 0.05 M. Seventeen units of nitrite reductase and 20 units of hydroxylamine

mine reductase activity, however, showed a broad this reason TPNH was continuously regenerated
pH optimum in the range of pH 6.5 to 8.0. in the assay system by means of isocitric dehv-
Substrate saturation. The relationship between drogenase or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
nitrite and hydroxylamine concentrations and DPNH, regenerated by the glucose-6-phosphate
reductase activities are shown in figure 3. From dehydrogenase system, was also effective as an
the reciprocal plot (Lineweaver and Burk, 1934) electron donor for both nitrite and hydroxylamine
of these data the dissociation constants for the reductases. In view of this interfering oxidase-
nitrite and hydroxylamine enzyme complexes activity it was not possible to do stoichiometric
were calculated to be 6.3 X 10-s M and 4.8 X or kinetic studies with reduced pyridine nucleo-
10-5 M respectively. These two enzymes have tides, or to compare the relative effectiveness of
a relatively high affinity for substrates. DPNH and TPNH as electron donors.
Reduced pyridine nucleotides as electron donors. Requirementforfiavin. The enzymatic reduction
The stimulatory effect of TPNH on the rates of of nitrite by Azotobacter extracts was stimulated
nitrite and hydroxylamine reductions is shown 2- to 3-fold by the addition of a boiled extract of
in figure 4. A small amount of reduction occurred acetone powder of pig heart. This stimulatory
in the absence of added pyridine nucleotide but effect could be replaced completely by FAD at 4
the rates of reduction were increased 2- to 7-fold X 10-6 M final concentration. At optimum FAD
in its presence. concentration the addition of boiled pig heart
The extremely active DPNH and TPNH extract gave no additional stimulation. Hydrox-
oxidases of the Azotobacter preparations compete ylamine reductase from Azotobacter was also
strongly for reduced pyridine nucleotide, and for stimulated 3- to 4-fold by added FAD at 8 X 10-6
M or by FMN at 4 x 10-6 M. The effect of a range
of FAD and FMN concentrations on the nitrite
1401 and hydroxylamine reductases is shown in figure
5. FMN only slightly stimuilated nitrite reductase,
1201- but resulted in a marked increase in hydroxyla-
mine disappearance.
100 Inhibitors and activators. The effect of a range
I/V "N02- RED. of inhibitors on nitrite and hydroxylaniine reduc-
tase activities is shown in table 2. Sensitivity to
metal binding reagents such as cyanide, versene,
and 8-hydroxyquinoline suggests the essentiality
60F of a metal component for both nitrite and hydrox-
ylamine reductase activities. The identification of
401_ D. the essential metal component of nitrite reductase
has not yet been inade. The enzyme could be
20 _ inactivated by dialysis against 1O-4 M KCN in
i2I 0.1 M K2HPO4, pH 9.0, containing glutathione
(10-s M) in a pre-soaked dialysis sac. Removal of
20 40 60 80 100 120 cyanide by subsequent dialysis gave an extract
I /s
with greatly lowered activity compared to that
Figure 3. Effect of nitrite and hydroxylamine of a non-cyanide treated dialyzed control. How-
concentrations on the activities of nitrite re-
ductase and hydroxylamine reductase, respec- ever, the activity of the enzyme was not restored
tively. Standard assay conditions with 32 units by preincubation with salts of Fe++, Fe+-++,
of nitrite reductase and 36 units of hydroxylamine Cu+ , Mn+ , Zn+, MoO47, W04,- BO3=-, Co+,
reductase. Lineweaver-Burk (1934) plot of data. Ni+, and Mg+ singly or in various combinations
S, substrate concentrations in millimoles per L. at 10-- to 10-3 M final concentrations.
V, velocity of reaction (nitrite disappearance in Cu+ and Cu+ salts at approximately 104 M
millimoles per L, per 5 min; hydroxylamine dis- were found to cause a non-enzymatic loss of ni-
appearance millimoles per L per 7 min.) trite under the assay conditions. This reaction
18 j36
was found to require the presence of protein but
active enzyme could be replaced by boiled enzyme
16 N H 2OH RED.
or casein. At 10-v to 10-6 M copper salts inhibited
nitrite reductase activity.
4 28 r
The marked inhibition of nitrite reductase with
12g /NOj- RED. 10-4 M p-chloromercuribenzoate and its partial
o- 4 / _ 8 zm reversal bv glutathione (approximately 50 per
20 90 cent) indicates the importance of sulfhydryl
6_/_12 2D groups for enzyme.
The lack of inhibition of nitrite reductase by
allylthiourea and hydrazine is of interest since
6 12 >
these compounds were found by Hofman and Lees
~~~~~~z (1952) to be selective inhibitors of the stepwise
oxidation of ammonia to nitrite via hydroxyla-
mine in Nitrosomonas extracts.
Inhibition of hydroxylamine reductase activity
by versene was overcome by the addition of excess
TPNH ADDED(mpM) Mn+, and furthermore the addition of MnI
Figure 4. Effect of added reduced triphospho- to the preparation caused a marked stimulation
pyridine nucleotide (TPNH) on the activity of of hydroxylamine reductase activity. The only
nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases. Condi-
tions as in standard assay with 17 units of nitrite effective metallic ion thus far tested was Mn+ ,
reductase and 32 units of hydroxylamine re- as shown in table 3. The dissociation constant
ductase except for varying TPNH concentrations. (Km) of the enzyme-Mn complex, as estimated

0 a 7
W w f
L 4 4288

W Ir
H ~~~~~0
r /0 N

2 ~~~~~~22
0~ ~ ~ OCNRTO OF FAIN(x16


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 82 4
Figure 5. Effect of added flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin adenine mononucleotide
(FMN) on nitrite and hydroxylamine reductases. Conditions as standard assay with 16 units of nitrite
reductase and 34 units of hydroxylamine reductases except for varying FAD and FMN concentrations.

from the saturation curve (figure 6) is approxi- droxylamine cannot be aseribed to oxime forma-
mately 4 X 10-5 M. tion, since the latter is determined by the same
Since the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase method as that for hydroxylamine. The lack of
activity of Azotobacter extract was stimulated nitrite formation from hydroxylamine in this
only 20 per cent by the addition of Mn+ as system (as well as the requirement for reduced
measured by TPNH formation, it is clear that pyridine nucleotides) also eliminates the oxidation
Mn+ is involved in hydroxylamine reductase of hydroxylamine as a possibility. Finally, the
from Azotobacter. The nitrite reductase from quantitative recovery of added ammonia in this
Azotobacter was not influenced by MnI . mixture rules out the possibility that the failure
It was observed that the NH20H reductase to observe ammonia formation can be ascribed
system was stimulated 25 to 55 per cent wvhen the to its utilization in other enzyme systems. The
rieaction was conducted aerobically. There is no enzymatic reduction product of hydroxylamine
phosphate requirement for this system. with the Azotobacter enzyme, therefore, has niot
Products of nitrite and hydroxylamine reduction. yet been identified.
The disappearance of nitrite from the assay system Adaptation experiments. In order to test
was accompanied by ammonia formation. The whether nitrite and hydroxylamiine reductases
identification of the product as ammonia depends are adaptive enzymes, Azotobacter
on its volatility at alkaline pH and the character- cells were
istic color formed with Nessler's reagent. Table 4 grown in media in which sodium glutamate, am-
shows that for each molecule of nitrite reduced monium sulfate, or N2 replaced KN03 as the sole
one molecule of ammonia was formed. nitrogen source. The rates of growth in these
Thus far it has not been possible to consistently different media were comparable (approximately
demonstrate the formation of significant amounts 100 to 150 Klett units with a red filter after cul-
of ammonia concomitant with the enzymatic ture for 24 hr). Extracts were prepared from these
disappearance of hydroxylamine. The insignifi- cells in the usual manner. The results (table 5)
cantly small quantities of hydroxamic acid formed showed that the formation of nitrite reductase
in the reaction mixture cannot account for the was markedly stimulated in the presence of
disappearance of the relatively large quantities of KNO3. The crude cell free extracts, as well as the
hydroxylamine. Also the disappearance of hy- purified fraction from N2 or glutamate grown
Effect of inhibitors on nitrite and hydroxylamine 7-
reductases from Azotobacter agile EJ

Per Cent Inhibition z

~ Concentration
Compound ~Final Molarity
Hydrxyl- Nitrite
C rdcaeamine
dreductaereductase w
KCN 10-2 100 (I
2 X 10-3 13
10-3 100 7 w
10-4 100
105 100 -i
10-6 70
Versene 10-3 0 64 0 5 10 15 20 "36
8-Hydroxyquinoline 10-3 45 CONCENTRATI ON
10-4 29 Figure 6. Effect of Mn++ on hydroxylamine
reductase. Twenty-eight units of enzymes used in
Thiourea 10 3 7 0 the standard assay.
p-Chloromercuri- 10-3 15 TABLE 4
benzoate 10-4 100 Relationship between nitrite disappearance and
ammonia formation in the nitrite reductase
Hydrazine 10-3 0 0 reaction
Allylthiourea 10-4 0 Time of Nitrite Lost Ammonia NHWN02-
The above inhibitors were preincubated with
~ Formed N,N2
min pmoles gmoles
the enzyme for approximately 2 to 3 min before 0 0 0 0
the start of the reaction, except for p-chloro- 20 1.07 0.99 0.93
mercuribenzoate which was preincubated for 10 40 1.92 1.64 0.86
min. 15 to 20 units of nitrite reductase and 20 to 75 2.26 2.07 0.92
35 units of hydroxylamine reductase were used in
the standard assay. Ammonia was determined as described in Mate-
rials and Methods. Nitrite was determined in
duplicate 0.05-ml aliquots of the reaction mix-
TABLE 3 ture. 535 units of enzyme were used in a 3-ml
Effect of metals on hydroxylamine reductase reaction mixture with components in the same
proportion as in standard assay.
Metal Added NEHOH Disappeared
(8 X 10-4 1) (mgmoles/15')
cells effected only a small disappearance of
Control ................... 1.28 nitrite.
plus MnCl2 ............. 28.6 The formation of hydroxylamine reductase was
MgSO4 ............. 1.5 stimulated 2- or 3-fold by KNO3, as shown in
Na2MoO4 .......... 1.5 table 6.
ZnSO4 .......0...... Effect of aging and nitrogen source on nitrite and
CoSO4 ............. 11.1* hydroxylamine reductases. Nitrite and hydroxyla-
CuCl2 .............. 31.2* mine reductases in the crude extracts from nitrate
FeSO4 .......0...... grown cells could be stored for at least 2 days at
Na2WO4 ............ 3.8
0 C without appreciable loss of activities. Hy-
19 units of hydroxylamine reductase were used droxylamine reductase activity in the crude ex-
in the standard assay. tracts from the cells grown on other nitrogen
Non-enzymatic. sources was also stable under similar conditions,
TABLE 5 whereas nitrite reductase activity in the crude
The effect of nitrogen source on the formation of extracts from N2, ammonium sulfate, and gluta-
nitrite reductase mate grown cells was very labile (table 7). The
Enzyme addition of the crude extracts from nitrate grown
Units or
Nitrite Specific cells (intact or boiled) did not stabilize the labile
Fraction Source Reduced Prti
Protein Activity system. Nor did the extracts containing the labile
0.05- ml
Enzyme nitrite reductase inhibit the activity of the ex-
(mnAmoles Mg/min tracts from nitrate growin cells.
Crude cell N2 1.6 14.9 2.2 DISCUSSION
free extract Glutamate 2.9 15.6 3.7 Nitrite reductase from Azotobacter closely re-
KNO:3 11.9 13.1 18.2 sembles that from Neurospora (Nason et al. 1954)
Gel eluate N2 2.9 9.4 6.2 with respect to electron donors, FAD require-
Glutamate 3.0 10.1 6.0 ments, and sensitivity to various metal binding
KNO3 15.1 10.2 29.6 agents. On the other hand, the hydroxylamine
enzyme is more sinlilar to that of soybean leaves
Standard conditions of assay were used. (Nason et al. 1954), since manganese serves as an
activator and either FAD or FMN meets the
TABLE 6 flavin requirement. The reduction product of the
The effect of nitrogen source on the formation of hvdroxylamine reductase from Azotobacter has
hydroxylamine reductase yet to be established, since ammonia is not
Units of
Fraction Nitrogen
amine Pro-
Further evidence is needed in order to deter-
Source Reduced/ tein Expt. Expt. mine whether these systems constitute the main
0.05 ml
Enzyme 1 2 path of nitrate and nitrite assimilation on the
miAmoles/ mg/
intact Azotobacter cell. The quantitative recov-
10' nil ery of an equivalent amount of ammonia as the
Crude cell N 2 21.3 23.6 18.1 16.8 product of nitrite rieduction indicates that in
free ex- Glutamate 10.3 19.5 10.5 15.8 these partially purified extracts no other major
tracts (NH4) 2S04 14.7 29.4 10.0 mechanisms for nitrite metabolism were function-
KNO3 50.0 29.0 34.5147.5 ing. The simultaneous adaptive formation of
Standard conditions of assay were used. nitrite reductase, and additional hydroxvlamine
reductase in the presence of nitrate, also suggest
TABLE 7 their potential physiological importance in nitrate
Effect of aging and nitrogen source on nitrite and assimilation.
hydroxylamine reductases from Azotobacter agile If one assumes that the reduction of nitrite
proceeds by a series of two electron transfers it
Units of mrjmoles NO2- or NH20H
Reduced per mg of Protein per 10' wvill be seen that two intermediate compounds must
Treatment occur between nitrite (+3 oxidation state of N)
KNO3 N2 (NH4)2S04 Gluta-
mate and ammonia (-3 oxidation state of N). One of
these would be on the oxidation level of hyponi-
NO2- reductase trous acid ( + 1 ) and the other on that of hydrox-
Fresh .......... 16.3 3.6 5.1 5.0 ylamine (-1). It is clear that in Azotobacter the
1 day old ...... 19.8 0 1.7 7.9 hydroxylamine reductase is a distinct enzyme
2 day old ...... 13.0 0.9 0 from nitrite reductase, as shown by the Mn+
requirement, inhibition experiments, stability in
NH20H reductase crude extracts, and the pH curves. The adaptive
formation of hydroxylamine reductase in the
Fresh ..... 34.5 16.7 10.0
presence of nitrate suggests that it may play
1 day old ..... 29.2 5.9
2 day old ..... 31.0 12.6 12.1 some role in nitrate assimilation. The nature of
the compound at the oxidation level of hyponi-
Crude extracts stored for indicated time at trous acid is unknown.
0 C. Standard conditions of assay were used. The inability of 2, s-hen acting as nitrogen
source for growth of Azotobacter to induce the maximal activity, flavin adenine dinucleotide
formation of large amounts of nitrite and hy- specifically in the case of nitIite reductase, and
droxylamine reductases is of interest with respect flavin adenine dinucleotide or the mononucleo-
to the mechanism of nitrogen fixation. Mforeover, tide with the hydroxylamine enzyme. Inhibitor
nitrite was never detected in the cells or in the studies indicate that the systems have an essential
growth medium of these cells. The results suggest metal component. MIn++ was demonstrated to be
that nitrite and hydroxylamine are not inter- a specific activator of hydroxylamine reductase.
mediate products of the nitrogen fixation reac- The dissociation constants of enzyme nitrite and
tion. This would constitute evidence against the enzyme hydroxylamine complexes were calculated
possibility that N2 is first oxidized to nitrite or to be 6.3 X 10-4 M and 4.8 X 10-4 M respectively.
nitrate and then reduced to ammonia via the The product of the reduction of nitrite by these
pathway of nitrate assimilation. Suzuki and extracts was identified as ammonia. Approxi-
Suzuki (1954) observed that the hydroxylamine mately one molecule of ammonia is formed for
reduction activity of the whole cells of Azoto- each mole of nitrite utilized. The enzyme has a
bacter agile could be induced by nitrate but not pH optimum at 7.1 in tris buffer. The product
by N2, and came to the conclusion that the hydro- of hydroxylaminie reduction by these extracts
xylamine reducing system is not involved in was not identified. The pH optimum for the
nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter. enzyme ranges from 6.5 to 8.0. Nitrite and by-
Higgins et al. (1956) have reported that tung- droxylamine r eductases are adaptive enzymes
state is a dietary antagonist of molybdate in whose formation is stimulated by nitrate but not
animal nutrition, and a competitive inhibitor of N2, ammonium sulfate, and glutamate. The re-
molybdate in Aspergillus niger when nitrate is sults indicate that these enzymes play a r-ole in
the sole nitrogen source. It has already been nitrate and nitrite assimilation but not in nitro-
shown that molybdenum is required in the nutri- gen fixation.
ent medium for the enzymatic reduction of
nitrate, and that it is the metal component of REFERENCES
nitrate reductase from Neurospora (Nicholas et BORTELS, H. 1930 Molybdan als Katalysator
al., 1954; Nicholas and Nason, 1954a, ].954b), bei der biologischen Stickstoffbindung. Arch.
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