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Math 1030 Reflection

Tanner Peterson

Throughout the year I’ve learned math that has been more applicable to my life than any

other before. This would include the finance unit and the trigonometry unit. Learning how to find

monthly payments and mortgage amounts are some of the formulas that I will use most in my

life when I leave school behind. It isn’t hard to find a purpose that this will find in my life in the

future. After many years of learning complex and unnecessary math, it was refreshing to find

something that is directly related to the future.

All of the units have been important to my learning and the simple fact that I have had the

thinking process has helped along with the math. Sometimes the process of thinking helps to

expand your brain and make other problems seem easier. Once you figure out how to do a certain

thing it makes the rest of the unit easier. I was able to use videos and lectures to have these

realizations that made my life a lot easier.

Another one of my favorite units was the voting theory unit because I could see the real

world applications through the entire thing. In situations where there are complex problems a

vote is a good way to have everyones opinions heard and this unit showed the best ways to vote.

Expected value was another applicable part of this class. Finding how much you would expect to

win or lose in a situation is important to life to make smart moves with your money and


I have learned a lot in this class and hope to continue the learning and retain the

information throughout life. It will help with countless areas of life and it won’t always be
predictable when you will need to use it. Sometimes things will pop up that math will need to be

used to solve a problem. A lot of that math will be used in life and there are times that this

knowledge will come up in these situations.

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