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Great effort, and it definitely improved my white score.

- Golubev, Understanding the Kings Indian

Very good explanations, a reasonable repertoire choice. After studying this book my confidence in the
opening grew.

- Tiger Hillarp Persson, Tigers Modern

I enjoyed his writing style, and the chuzpe to present a repertoire based on such an objectively risky

- Johansson, The fascinating Kings Gambit

Great effort by our TalJechin, especially as he wasn´t backed up by one of the big book companies. At the
time I played the KG I always liked to work with the book.

- Yakovich, The complete Sveshnikov Sicilian

I know this book could have been outclassed by Rogocenko, but I was pleased to have it. With its help I
learned the first major sicilian opening on the black side.

- Gligoric, Mar del Plata Variation

Not for the value of the book or its variations, but for the explanations given to the development of the
variation in the ancient 50s.

- Psakhis, French Defence 3.Nd2

Great book for studying the white side of the French.

Great effort, and it definitely improved my white score.

- Golubev, Understanding the Kings Indian

Very good explanations, a reasonable repertoire choice. After studying this book my confidence in the
opening grew.

- Tiger Hillarp Persson, Tigers Modern

I enjoyed his writing style, and the chuzpe to present a repertoire based on such an objectively risky

- Johansson, The fascinating Kings Gambit

Great effort by our TalJechin, especially as he wasn´t backed up by one of the big book companies. At the
time I played the KG I always liked to work with the book.

- Yakovich, The complete Sveshnikov Sicilian

I know this book could have been outclassed by Rogocenko, but I was pleased to have it. With its help I
learned the first major sicilian opening on the black side.

- Gligoric, Mar del Plata Variation

Not for the value of the book or its variations, but for the explanations given to the development of the
variation in the ancient 50s.

- Psakhis, French Defence 3.Nd2

Great book for studying the white side of the French.

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