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High School Bucket List

1. I want to get a job at a movie theater

2. I want to learn how to drive/ Get my

drivers license

3. I want to succeed in my Media Productions


4. I want to go to prom

5. I want to be in one of the Drama Club


6. I want to help at the Lake Shore Art


7. I want to watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High the

whole way through

8. I want to make a time capsule

9. I want to get closer with my friends before we


10.  I want to make a creative graduation cap

11. I want to go somewhere for Spring Break with
my friends

12. I want to get a scholarship  at a good film and/or

art school

13. I want to go to a  TV/movie convention and

attend the panels they have there

14. Take more pictures with my friends (Especially at

events like prom, football games, etc)

15. I want to go to The Outsiders house in Tulsa 


16. I want to go to more parties (Leave my house

more often)

17. I want to go to a concert (My first concert


18. I want to get enough service hours so I can

be the Honors Society

19. I want to paint one of the bricks in our hallway

along with all the other bricks for different colleges

20. I want to go to different sites in Michigan

(Sleeping Bear Dunes, DIA, etc)

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