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End of the Galaxy

Chapter 1: The Recruitment

The universe is a vast, infinite and continue to expand as time freely flows by. It contains all things
starting from stars, planets, blackholes and even dark matter. Compared to universe, a galaxy is a group
of stars which then make up the vast universe. Milky Way is the galaxy that we live in with our solar
system just a very tiny part of it. Our planet Earth is just a very tiny dot to this very much outgrowing
universe. This concept started to develop the idea as what if there are other intellectual life aside from
humans as it become an hypothetical assumption throughout centuries. Many outstanding scientists
tried to open this hypothesis as it is not impossible to happen. Astronomers around the globe dedicated
their lives to prove this unraveling theory but ended up failing with the technology not yet advanced as
what we currently have as of today. Centuries passed by but the thought of being not alone in this wide
universe made people continue to assume this theory was true. Many explorations were made but yet
no confirmations of actual alien species discovered. Technology advances in direct proportional of time
in which we now have advanced technological devices useful for astronomy as well as other fields of

This technology paved the way to the greatest discovery of science. The long assumed hypothesis has
started to be confirmed true.

Griiiiiing! Griiiiiiiing!

Shelly suddenly awoken annoyed with the disturbing rings from her alarm clock. The sun was already out
as warm wind flows through her opened window.

"What? I've only been asleep for an hour," she said as she yawned stretching her arms to the air. She
reached for her eyeglasses on the desk from her bedside. She took a sip of water with the glass on the
desk noticing her lips drying out.

"I wish I never have to get to school," she said annoyed as she was to spend another week in her
unwanted school. Her mom decided to enroll her up without her consent which got her irritated.
"Why can't I just become an austronaut already?" she said. "What is the sense of going to school to
study about futile things which clearly can't help me in the future?"

She went back to her bed, covering herself up with her heavy-weaved blanket pretending to be still
asleep as she hear heavy footsteps coming upward of the stairs. It was her mom rushing to her room
after minutes of shouting Shelly to come down but was just ignored.

As her mom pulled the door, she wasnt surprised to see her daughter in the exact same position she do
every monday morning.

"You've always been liked that," said her mom shaking her head. "Don't you understand that you need to
study so you would be able to achieve all things you want. You will be able to buy all food that you like.
Do you want to become like me who hasn't achieved anything in my life. I don't want you to experience
what I have experienced. I wish I took engineering instead of astronomy like what your grandma wanted
me to be. If only I wasn't dumb before."

Tears came falling from her eyes as she starts to think of her daughter ending up like her.

"Why do you always say that?" shouted angrily by Shelly. "Dont you remember your favorite quote which
you always shared to me way back ago? "

'We are the sailor of our own ship.'

"No one decides what I would like to be except for myself. I dont care what other people think about me.
I will stand and will make a name for myself. And why are you blaming your decision taking up
astronomy if the one to blame here is your self-trust. You were already given the opportunity to become
an austronaut but what did you do? You quitted and started living here as a failure with a man who can't
even buy his family their needs."

"Stop!" shouted her mom as she slaps Shelly sharp leaving a mark on her face. Shelly stood for a second
before started crying in pain and anger. She run to her bed covering her face by the blanket.

"I didn't mean to do that Shelly," her mom said.

"Just leave my room," Shelly replied.

Her mom left Shelly's room without saying a word. She felt bad for herself knowing her daughter suffers
because of her wrong decisions in life.

After minutes of crying, Shelly started to wipe her tears as she stood. She took a sharp glance on the
clock hanging on the bedside.

Half an hour before his seven o'clock class. She rushed downwards ignoring her mother by the sight of

It took her twenty minutes to prepare herself for her upcoming class. She was ready to leave when she
noticed her school id's not in sight. She got time to roam around and be able to find it hidden below the
school files on her study desk. She hastenly went outside as the school bus gave few minutes to wait
before leaving. Shelly left the house ignoring her mother by the door.

The school bus arrived at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at sharp seven. Students hopped
outside excited for class leaving Shelly leave the bus last. She walked through the entrance of the school
facing the floor. Other students were walking on a group with only herself alone make other students
notice her. She walked through the corridor as she hears a voice calling out her name.

"Hey Shelly!" Jeff said.

Shelly didn't recognize the voice calling out to her. She didnt budge to look around and continued
walking towards her room. A hand reached out to her shoulder. She took it off and looked around and
see it was her classmate Jeff.

"What's with the hurry, Shelly?" Jeff asked.

"Nothing," Shelly replied avoiding long conversations with Jeff.

They continued to walk the corridors and finally reached the stairs to the second floor where their room
is located.

They reached the room with an angry face from their professor.

"Come in both of you. Fast."

They both entered the room looking down humiliated as their classmates were looking at them.
Shelly sat at the back and started to sleep while the professor was having a discussion as what she
always do in school everyday. When not sleeping, she read books about astronomy.

While the professor was busy teaching, the person next to Jeff raised his hands and pointed out to Shelly
sleeping. The professor moved his head towards Shelly and eventually got mad. He opened his handbook
and looked for a difficult question he was so sure Shelly can't answer.

"Ms. Shelly Vander!" the professor shouted.

"Why are you sleeping? You came late in class and now you sleep instead of listening?"

"You can't even discuss the topic properly," Shelly said which made the whole class laughing. "You should
better be off teaching. You are old enough. Rest yourself at home."

The class' shouting and rumbling went mad.

The professor picked his handbook and went to ask the hardest question he picked no student ever has

"What is the reason why Mars doesn't have its atmosphere?"

"It is a distinction between Earth and Mars, the magnetic field."

The whole class went silent. The words she uttered made everyone stopped what they were doing. They
all looked to admire her. Even their professor couldnt speak in surprise.

He couldnt keep himself to be embarrassed.

That was the day Shelly participated in class which made all her classmates admire her. The before
bullies started to make friends with her. Ever since that day, she was respected. However, the professor
became much more angry on her. He seeks to find a way to bring Shelly down.

Ting. Ting.
'Class dismissed'

The professor went out the room making a sharp eye with Shelly. Jeff approached Shelly with him
amazed also.

"You didnt say you were intelligent."

"Nah. It is just easy if you keep yourself focused on it," Shelly replied.

They started to walk out on their way to the cafeteria for lunch. They passed the corridors with their
other classmates trying to be friends with them.

"Do you really love astronomy that much?" Jeff asked. "I think you will become great with that
outstanding perseverance of yours. Cant wait to see you achieving your dreams."

"Yeah I want to travel in space. I will make a name for myself. Just you wait."

Three days passed.

Shelly's mom received a mail concerning about her daughter. The school principal asked her to bring
herself and Shelly as to an important matter. She thought of this as because of Shelly's misconduct again
in school. It is the fifteenth time they will go to school for this matter since Shelly started to enroll in the
school. Although she has an attitude like this, the school cant just drop her out because they see a
potential in her after getting Superior in the exams for higher grade levels.

She rushed to Shelly's room to tell her about the mail. Shelly wasn't surprised because she already know
that their professor would ask the school principal for a counseling. She went to prepare to leave for
The school bus arrived at school. As Shelly with her mom walks towards the entrance, they see men in
formal suits with their strange-looking shades as they enter the school.

"Do you know who those guys are, mom?" asked Shelly confused.

"I havent seen them until now," her mom replied.

They ignored those guys and continued walking right to their room. They arrived the room with her
classmates but their professor wasn't there.

"Don't worry Shelly. They wont kick you from school," shouted Jeff followed by his other classmates.

"Yeah, I know. I'll be fine."

Shelly and her mom walked straight to the Counseling room. As they went nearer, they see a those
strange guys from earlier entering the room.

"Shelly, promise me this is the last time we will enter this room," her mom said.

"You always give me embarrassment."

They both entered the room and see the school principal, the counselor, and the professor just like
before. The professor made a sharp look with Shelly and soon with her mom. Shelly noticed the strange-
looking guys sitting on the side of the room.

"So here is the reason why we summoned you here Mrs. Vander," the principal said. "We want to talk
about your daughter Shelly."

"Is this about her misconduct again?"

"Yes, Mrs. Vander," the principal replied. "Your daughter Shelly doesnt perform a good conduct in class.
She always sleep while the professor is discussing which is considered a form of disrespect. I know you
are aware of this, Mrs. Vander."
"Last monday, she disrespected professor Kendrick here," said the counselor. I know she is smart but
please be disciplined. And we think that discipline must start from you Mrs. Vander. It is your
responsibility to discipline your daughter."

"Yes, I promise it won't happen again."

Shelly and her mother thought the counseling was done. Shelly made a pouty face against the professor
before they walked through the door but before they were able to, the principal called them both to stay
for a few minutes. Although Shelly wanted to leave already, she cant go because her mother told her not
to go.

"Mr. Austin and Mr. Kendrick, you can both go now," the principal said. "And kindly please lock the door
after you leave."

Mrs. Vander was confused why they were asked to stay a little bit more. The counseling was already
done and they should be leaving.

"The counseling is done. I still have many things to do. What is it that you made us stay a little longer?",
Mrs. Vander asked.

"Please wait a little longer Mrs. Vander. This is a very important matter," the principal replied. "There are
these guys from NASA. They were sent here to recruit Shelly unto joining the manned exploration to
Mars. They believe that Shelly plan to become an austronaut and she's got the intelligence to be chosen
to become the leader of the exploration."

Mrs. Vanders got silent for a minute. She was shocked from hearing those words which made her sweat
nervously. However, Shelly's face can't be drawn with the surprise she had.

She mocked her mom that her journey would start now.

"Sir Estephe, you talk with Mrs. Vander."

Mrs. Vander stared at the men as if they were suspicious.

"Mrs. Vander, My name is Estephe. I have been sent here to ask confirmation directly from you to
publicly recruit your daughter Shelly into our exploration."

"There are lot of other people but why my 18- year daughter?" she asked confused.

"Your daughter passed the physical and mental requirements we need. She is the best we can have,"
Estephe said.

"I will think of it."

Chapter 2: Commence Launch

They went home after the conversation with NASA agent Estephe. Shelly was very happy to know that
she would now achieve her dreams. She wouldn't have to wake up every morning preparing for school.
Now she can go to space with all her heart.

"Mom, I am already 20. Just let me join them."

Shelly's mom doesn't want her to join. She knows it is Shelly's dream but she knows the dangers of going
to space. His husband, Shelly's dad was sent to space but unfortunately, their space shuttle was hit by an
asteroid which killed him and his crew. That is why Mrs. Vander doesn't want Shelly to join. She doesn't
want to lose another family member again.

"It is my dream ever since to become an austronaut. Aren't you happy with your daughter's dream
starting to come true," Shelly asked her mom.

"If I can't do anything about it then just go. You're free to do as you like. Just please be careful, Shelly. I
still can't forget what happened to your dad."
Shelly was very happy to know that her mother gave her permission to join the manned exploration to
Mars. She tightly hugged her mother as a ring came from the telephone. It was Estephe calling to
confirm Shelly's response.

"Hello! Is this Shelly am I speaking to?" asked Estephe from the telephone.

Shelly didn't budge to answer the call. She want to talk to Estephe so she could be able to join the NASA.

After 2 days, Estephe went to the house of Shelly at Hawksville Town. He escorted Shelly to the space
station agency.

"Welcome Shelly to NASA," said by the head chief officer, Fuller. "You will lead the team. Meet your
crew- John, Felix, Joan, Joaquin, Abraham and Vivi."

"The captain is pretty sexy, huh," said Joaquin as she looked to Shelly head to toe.

"She will be your captain and that means you need to respect her." said Fuller.

Shelly was introduced to all agents inside. She roamed around to see the equipments and devices which
she previously know but hasn't used yet. She saw two guys sitting talking to each other.

"Is that the daughter of Commander Basil Vander?" the guy whispered.

"The Commander of Apollo 3?" the other guy answered as they continue playing chess.

"Isn't that the one who was hit in by an asteroid in space and left to wonder there?"

Shelly overheard their conversation and started to become curious about what happened to her father.
He has been only with her when she was five years old. Shelly doesn't have a complete memory of his
father face. She grew in the hands of her mom without her father. She was left behind when she was a
child which made her have a bad memory of her father.
Two days passed and Shelly became friends with all the people there. She had her room with
technologies she haven't used before. In her desk, there was a supercomputer with the fastest internet
speed than any other place in the world. Her thoughts about his father came up. She used the computer
to search for what happened to her father checking on the data files of NASA. After a second, a video
pops out after she typed in. She played the video which was 2 minutes long. It was the Apollo 3 which
her father was in. It seemed normal at first but near the last she saw the space shuttle brought down fast
to the surface of Mars. It seemed it was pulled by a magnetic force from the surface. Surprised and
confused as why the NASA lied to her. Her dad was clearly not hit by an asteroid but instead something
strange happened. She immediately run off to Fuller's office.

"I saw the video of what happened to my dad," she said. "You said their space craft was hit by an
asteroid but what actually happened was completely different from what you said."

Fuller couldn't open his mouth. He never thought that Shelly would be able to see the video. He hid the
file but Shelly was able to see it.

"I'm sorry we lied to you. But what we did was for the safety of both you and your mom and to the
public as well," Fuller insisted. "We are waiting to confirm what actually happened so we didn't made it
public because we don't want to the people to worry. Only the highest officials here knows about what

That is actually what your mission is all about."

"I will go there to know what happened to my dad," she said leaving the room.

She directly walked back to her room. She lay in bed crying and tried to call on her mom by the
telephone but failed as calls can only be made in a specific time.

Everyday, Shelly and her team were practiced to what they will be doing there. She felt that her dad's
demise was a doing of intellectual life there. She practiced using the laser gun just in case the same thing
happens to their exploration.
After 2 years, they're all now set. The first manned exploration to Mars. It was broadcasted throught the
globe. The team called to their families first for a short moment. Shelly promised her mother that she
will come back successful.

"This is it Commander Shelly," Fuller said. "Lead the crew and do what you were briefed in here. We will
always see what happens not just like before because we already have far advanced technologies than



It was very fast and just after some seconds, they were on the atmosphere. The crew sees the earth from
below them.

Chapter 3: The Discovery

The space shuttle started to separate from the space ship. They were hundred thousand ft. from earth.
The space shuttle started to land on Mars.

They were told that it was the exact same location where the Apollo 3 landed but they couldn't see the
space craft debris there.

Shelly and the team started to move out. They see no other living creature from there except for
themselves. Max, her subordinate put the American flag to the surface as he was uneasy to manage to
put it. The gravity there is weaker than of Earth. The other crew members was jumping all over noticing
that they weigh less in Mars. Shelly stepped back to the space shuttle to take a rest while her crew left

After 2 days, they started to begin the mission. They took two space rovers to roam in the surface of
Mars to see anything strange. It took for almost five minutes until they see a strange marking on the
surface. The golden ratio was inscribed on the surface. Shelly couldn't believe herself that such marking
was of nature. She thinks that something might be under it so she decided to dig it up.
They went back to base to get the equipment they will be using. They dig on it for almost three hours but
hasn't come up with anything yet. They decided to rest first.

The next day, the team comes back to the place.

"I know there is something strange here," Shelly said.

"But we started digging for three hours yesterday but found nothing."

Shelly as the leader commenced the operation. The heavy driller starts as they continue what they've
done yesterday.

The driller seems to have hit on something. It was gray which they thought of as a metal.

"Look! There's something there," Roland shouted.

Curious about what this was, they started to dig on a large area. They have noticed that there is a metal
covering just ten feet below the surface. The metal-like structure seemed to be a covering to the inside.

"There must be something inside this," a crew member said.

They tried to put a whole in this strange metal covering but they failed. They went back to their base to
rest first. They had to eat first then come back.

They went back straight ahead to find something in the hole. There seems nothing to be strange in there
but as they walked near, they see the metal covering flipped open. Few meters near the hole, a tube
with sensors started to come out. Shocked, they moved back slowly. A drone started to come out next as
the tube sensors lowered. It started to move towards them. They couldn't move in shock as the drone
scans their faces.

After it scans them, the drone comes back to the hole. After a minute, someone leaped from the hole.
His physical features was of same with humans.

Shelly and the crew were shocked why this guy was on the inside of Mars.

NASA started to lose connection to the team before they see this man coming out from the hole.
"You're already big Shelly," the guy said.

Shelly and her team were confused why this guy knows her name.

"Who are you?" Shelly asked as her mind was in a complete state of nervousness.

"Don't you remember me?" he asked. "I am your dad, Basil. I have been here after our spacecraft was
destroyed and they started to help us out.

The other Apollo 3 crew members went out from the hole. Shelly and the team can't believe what they
were witnessing.

Shelly doesn't believe him at first but after a minute, she run to her father to hug him. She couldn't
believe that she will be able to hold him again after been proclaimed dead in Earth.

"Wait! You just said that someone helped you?" asked by her crew member.

Basil instructed them to come inside the hole to meet those guys who helped them. They were hesitant
at first but followed after. They went inside the hole and they were completely shocked with the far
advanced technology in there. Not only the technological advancement caught their attention but the
human-like creatures. The only difference was their skin color was green and had metal on their body as
of a cyborg. It was completely different from the small creatures projected on Earth to be alien species.

"They are the Isigirians," Basil said.

Chapter 4: The Threat of War

There are actually eight different intellectual life form in our galaxy. And two other comes from the
nearby galaxy, Andromeda. These intellectual forms are called races.
We humans weren't aware that these races existed since they hid themselves from us with the aid of
their advanced technology. They cooexisted in peace and harmony before long ago until the
Morinthians stole the strongest weapon held by the Isigirians, the Aranthium.

"What is this weapon you are talking about?" asked Shelly.

Kafro, the leader of the Isigirians moved in and joined the conversation.

"I'll tell them about it."

Kafro started describing this destructive weapon as they sat down on the corner.

Fifty years ago, the galaxy was put in danger as an old star was about to explode as it wandered in our
galaxy. It was 500,000 light years from our solar system but it still had enough energy to destroy the
whole galaxy. All things in the galaxy would vanquish and eventually turn to rocks and gas. We had our
energy sensors which can sense the energy a celestial body possess. This dying star had almost the same
energy with all bodies in the galaxy combined. The explosion of the star would release this energy and
will be radiated in wide circumference. The star exploded and the radiation traveled but was absorbed
by a planet. This planet after absorbing all radiation turned into small pieces of rocks and was covered by
chilling ice as it traveled on the cold and dense part of the galaxy. This ice cover was able to hold the
radiation inside the rock. We got a single piece of this rock as the other pieces was absorbed by a
blackhole. We got hold with this rock over a decade until the Morinthians stole it from us. They want to
use this rock to destroy other races including both of our races leaving them the only one race over the

Shelly got moved hearing about the plan of the Morinthians. She thinks how possibly the galaxy will end
with this plan in which many will suffer.

"You said the rock hold all energy and if its icy cover is removed it will release the radiation which just
means that they will also suffer from this," Shelly said.

"That's the point," Kafro said. "We have been warning them about it but they don't listen."
Kafro and Basil went to point out the tube consisting of rocks they saw earlier.

"We are studying these rocks," Basil said. "The reason I stayed here to study about these rocks which we
recreated from those rock pieces of the dying star which absorbed the radiation. But these rocks aren't
as strong as those original rocks. It can absorb some of the radiation but not all. We have been studying
on what to combine with these rocks to recreate the exact ability of absorption the original rocks had."

Shelly wonders to bring a piece of rock to Earth to study on what element can be used to combine it with
to produce a strong combination.

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning. Our mission was to last for a month," she insisted.

Shelly and her team decided to go back to Earth. They head back to their base to prepare for their leave.

Morning the following day, Shelly with her crew say goodbye to Basil and the Isigirians. As they were
entering the Earth's atmosphere, the rock glowed up which caught their attention. They didn't know as
to what why the aranthium shone bright. They landed back on NASA's ground and was surrounded by
media and people around the world who came to witness such event in history.

The team was questioned by the media but they decided to be silent and head back to the NASA's
premises. Inside with no media to cover, they we're interviewed. They tell about their exploration, about
Basil and the different races aside from humans. Shelly's mom was also there. She run and hugged her
daughter tightly as she cried from all her worries.

"Mom, I have something to tell you," she said embracing the tight hug from her mom. "Dad is alive. He
has been there with the inhabitants of Mars trying to experiment on something to prevent the demise of
our galaxy."

Tears flowed from her mother's eyes as she again hugged her daughter in joy.
Shelly brought the rock she took with her from Mars to study on it. The rock still glows so she covered it
with clothing to prevent other people from noticing it. She went straight back to her room to rest from
the long journey.

Chapter 5: The Aranthium's Power

Shelly decided to stay back home to experiment about the aranthium. She doesn't want NASA to know
about it. She borrowed some equipments which she will be using on her experiment. She brought her
crew to her house to help her with it. She knows that the rock was glowing strangely because it reacts on
something found on Earth but not in Mars.

They tried every single day and used every element present to combine with the rock but was
unsucessful. They realized that they might be needing the help of NASA now and with all the great
scientists over the world. Shelly and the crew, NASA personnel with scientists and astronomers gathered
on one place which has been strictly prohibited for use before. They used all efforts, all equipments they
had, and all their time to find the perfect combination with the rock to provide an absorption
mechanism to protect the whole galaxy.

Two years of research and experiments passed but they were still unsuccessful. Basil and Isigirians also
struggle to find the element which will make the experiment complete.

Kugra, the leader of the Morinthians started to feel something was wrong. The Isigirians as well as the
other races were quiet at the time. He knew that they were up to something to stop them.

Kugra sent his own son to spy on the Isigirians. He wants to know what they were planning so they could
have the handicap on the war.

"Learn what they're planning and come back safe Ravex," Kugra said before sending his son to the

Ravex walked into a dark room and went inside. As he steps in, lights came out. A black, sphere machine
started to spin and after a minute, it created a wormhole into the Milky Way. Ravex stepped in the
machine and started to vanish. Few seconds passed and he is inside the Isigirian's hollow base. He
sneaked over the premises and started to see Basil and Kafro talking while putting a rock piece into a
cylinder container.

Ravex started overheard their conversation and learned what they were planning.

He went into an empty room and dropped a capsule on his hand. The hologram of Kugra showed up and
Ravex started to tell what he heard.

"They're planning to recreate the rock to absorb all the radiation from the explosion of the aranthium,"
Ravex said to his father.

But before Ravex was able to create a wormhole to come back, he was caught by the Isigirians and was
imprisoned. They interrogated Basil but didn't get any answers from him. They decided to use the
capsule Ravex used to talk with Kugra.

"This is madness, Kugra. You must not remove the icy cover of the aranthium because it will release
radiation which will also be the start of your demise," Kafro said.

But before Kugra can answer, Ravex was shot by a laser beam by the Isigirian who wants to avenge his
family against Kugra.

Kugra saw how his son died in the hands of the Isigirians which made him mad. He rushed to go to the
room which the aranthium was kept. He's got mad already and started thinking abruptly. Now all he
wants is to avenge his assassinated son. His Morinthian companions tried to stop him after hearing what
Kafro said to what the aranthium can do.

"Let go of me," Kugra said as he exclaimed angrily.

Kugra pushed them all away and took a hold of the aranthium. With great power, he smashed it into the
ground without reconsidering the dangers of his action which made the icy cover of the aranthium
break. A very bright light struck their eyes and right after they all were turned to dust. Kugra disappeared
in thin air as the radiation started to move away from the focus destroying every material it passes.
Chapter 6: Galaxy's Demise

The radiation started to vibrate moving in a fast motion. After just an hour, half of the galaxy has already
been dissolved into gas and dust. The energy sensors detected this very strong energy about to hit them
in a few minutes. Everyone, after seeing how the energy sensors reacted to the strong radiation which
also happened 50 years ago were moved into great panic. Basil and Kafro stayed relax as noise and
mumbling filled the room with the scared Isigirians. Basil and Kafro continued to do their work ignoring
all the mumblings of the other Isigirians. They were on the last option with the very last element found
on Mars to use. But it was still unsuccessful.

"This might be the end, my friend," Basil said losing all hope with their last option unsucessful.

They both accepted their destiny already. They both sat down and drank sake which Basil had been
keeping since he first arrived there.

The radiation spread throughout the galaxy in a constant speed and has already wiped out four races on
its sight.

The experiment team on Earth also has been unsucessful still. They tried all elements present but still

The galaxy has only few minutes left before it is completely destroyed.

She remembered the day she was recruited into joining the space agency. That was the day when she
was called for counseling because she disrepected her professor. That very moment, she remembers the
question his professor asked her.

'What is the reason why Mars doesn't have its atmosphere?'

She remembers completely her exact answer to that question which changes everyone's perspective on

'It is a distinction between Earth and Mars, the magnetic field.'

This bright thought to her. She tought of why the rock suddenly glowed when they entered the
atmosphere and it was actually of it reacting to Earth's magnetic field. It was all now clear to her. She
went very happy to know she already figured out the way to save the universe.

"Why haven't I think of this," she silently whisper to herself. "All we need to do is to remove the cover
from the rock so that it will be able to react with our planet's magnetic field to make an absorption
shield which can directly stretch out to the whole galaxy."

They were all rejoicing until they noticed the blue sky slowly turning red. Shelly rushed to the rock to
smash it to the ground to remove the icy cover but before she was able to, they see a very bright light
and next after they were all turned into dust as the radiation moved through the solar system destroying
everything it passes. Everything turned dark as the whole galaxy was removed from the universe.

"Why do they need to die, grandma?" asked Shelly's granddaughters.

Shelly smirked as she tells them to sleep already.

"I will tell you a happy story tomorrow. Now go to sleep."

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