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REPUBLIC OF "TRE PHILIPPINES Department of Edueation, Culture and Sports Meralvo Drive, Pasig, Metro Manila 21 April 1993, DECS Onder No. 24.5, 1993, GUIDELINES ON TUITION AND GTHER SCHOOL FEES IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1993-1994 TO: Bureau Directors, Repicual Directors, School Superintendents Heads of Private Scivols, Colleges and Usiversities 1. DECLARATION OF POLICY. It is declared policy of the State in conformity with the svandate of the Constitotion, to premate and enhance the quality of education at all Levels snd to take sppropriate steps io make such education aevessitie 0 aff, The state also recognizes vie invaluable contributions of the private institations 2s well as their complementary role with public schools in the ‘or the above purposes, the State shall provide resource generation mechanisms ‘nd institute deregulation techniques for schoo} financing. 2, GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PROVISIONS. _ In pursuance of Section 42 of Batas ambansa 232 otherwise known as the Education Act of 1982, which states that each private schoo sual determine is rate of tuition and other school fees or chatges, che following guidelines covering ‘uition and/or other fees in all levels including the pre-school and vocational/technicat schools are hereby promulgated for school year 1993-1994, 2.1 SCHOO}. FEES FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, INCLUDING PRE- SCHOOLS, Each clememzry school, including pre-schools, may determine its own tuition and other schoo! fee rates, and are not covered by consultation and other requirements set forth under Para, 3.2, belo - 2.2. SCHOOL FEES FOR SECONDARY SCROOLS, Ezch secondary school shall determine its own tuition and other school fee rates, subject to the provisions set forth in Section 3.2. below, as wel! as the following conditions: (8) Where the sition and other schoe! fees are less than PI,900.00 per year during the school year 1992-93, any bigh school may increase up to & maximum of 90.010 without the need of consultation, However, should the school increase its fees by more than P290.00 for the ceming school year, a schoo! may determine its ‘own tuition fee rates, subject however to consulstion () Where the isition and oiher schoo! fees are P4,900.00 or more, the amount of increase for the coming school year shall be determined by the school after consul tation. 2.3. SCHOOL FEES FOR TERTIARY SCHOOLS, or university, including vocation! and technical schools, other school fees, subject to the conditions con Each tertiary school, college determine its own wition and G)_ Whore the semesteat per unit tition rate is P8000 or less for the schoo! year 1992-93, de shoot way increase up to a maximums of P12.00 per unit without ‘he nee of eonaultations. However, should the setiood incresse is auition fees by more that P¥2.00 pet unit for SY 1993-94. the school may determine its own tuition fee increave, subject to consultations, (@} Where the semestral per unit tition cate is more than P80.00 for the schoot year 1992.93, the schuoi shall deiermine fts own tuition fee rate, subject to consuita- tions, 3. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED. Al private schools, colleges and universities in- creasing their tuition and/or vther sctool fees for the school year 1993.94, shall submit, not ater than June 15, 1993 the following documents tor purposes of compliance with this Order: 3.1. Letter of advice to the appropriate DECS Regional Office, signed by the schoot hhead, indicating, among otters the sehoot's intention t0 comply with tie provisions of RA No. 672 for the fordkeoming SY 1993-94, where applicable; 3.2. A certification unter oath signed dy the school head that the following require- ments of RA No. 6726 bave boon coupled with, namely, that: (8) Appropriate consultations for the forthcoming SY 1993-96 have been conducted by the sebival administration (1) with da ized parcats wed teachers assdclailous and ficalty assoetations, oF th the absence of suck organ- amicus, with cespect to secondary schools, and @) with students governments or counts, alusn and facelty associations, or their equivalents in the absence of such organizations, with respect to tertiary institutions; ab). Suveuty percent (70%) of the amount subsidized sHloted for tuition fee or of the (nitiou fer inerexse in SY 1992-93 went to the payment of salaries, wages, allowances sand other beaefits of teaching and non-teaching personnel except adminis- trators who are prinvipal stockholders of the school, including suck increases as may Ihave been provided for in collective bargaining ygceements existing or in force at the time when R.A. 0728 was upproved and made effective; (©). At edst ewenty pervent (20%) went to the improvement or moderaization of buildings, euoipment, Hibravies, laboratories, gymnasia and simitar facilities and to the paynient of oiler vosis of operations; amd, (@)_ Bull or half cation waivers, oF their equivaienss, tor five percent (S%) of incotiing fleslmen iad been grant, or full of half tuition for all torary students in SY 1992-93 had heer provided, in eases of schools charging more than 80.00 per nit. 3.3. Schedule of tition and other schoo! fees for S¥ 1992-93, together with the corresponding school fees for SY 1993-98, indicating in both peso and percentage terms the increases. 4. CONSULTATION, ‘hr ny proposed inerease where the school shall be allowed to

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