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a game of dinosaurs and journeys

Dino Quest! RPG is a roleplaying game about You always just reroll once. If you have both
prehistoric animals on a journey, fighting against advantage and disadvantage on a roll, they cancel
hazards, wildlife, and other dangers along the way. each other out.

To play, you need: 2 to 6 people (including the Dino ATTRIBUTES

Master or DM), 2 six-sided dice, character sheets,
something to write with, themed snacks, and eggs. - Strong—aggressive, powerful, forthright,
charging in.
ROLLING - Steady—level-headed, enduring, experienced,
standing tall.
When you attempt something risky, roll 2d6 and add - Swift—evasive, quick, fast-thinking, alert.
the appropriate attribute bonus. - Shrewd—clever, perceptive, canny, insightful.

- A total of 6 or less is a miss; things don’t go Allocate +2, +1, 0, -1.

well and the attempt turns out badly. Increase
panic by 1. SPECIES
- A total of 7-9 is a partial success; you do it,
but there’s some cost, compromise, retribution, Choose a species which comes with a special ability.
etc. A species also has a native habitat, a specific diet,
- A total of 10 or more is a full success; you do and a place for a nickname. This nickname is how
it without complication. they refer to themselves or what others call them.
- A total of 12 or more is a critical success; you (Ex. ‘Clubtail’ for ANKYLOSAURUS.)
gain some extra benefit or advantage.
If more than one player wants to play the same
Optionally, snake eyes is a critical failure; things go species, either come to a consensus or go outside
catastrophically wrong and increase panic by 1. and play a game of egg toss.

ADVANTAGE & DISADVANTAGE The rules of egg toss:

- Stand an equal distance apart. If two people
want to play the same species, stand directly
Advantage reflects positive circumstances which across from one another. If three people, form
help a roll. Disadvantage reflects circumstances that a triangle. If four or more, leave and make
hinder a roll. Advantage and disadvantage come new friends.
from special abilities or when the DM says. (For - Toss the egg.
example, the DM may tell you to roll with advantage - They catch it, then they toss it.
- When the egg returns to the original tosser,
when hiding in dense foliage the same color as your everyone takes a step back.
feathers, or roll with disadvantage when escaping - Repeat.
through freezing-cold river rapids.) - Anyone who breaks the egg is eliminated.
Whoever remains may play the coveted
- When you roll with advantage, roll 2d6 and species.
reroll the lower die (and add the appropriate After choosing your species, roll+nothing to
attribute bonus). determine your attack power, which is how
- When you roll with disadvantage, roll 2d6 much panic you inflict on a successful attack.
and reroll the higher die (and add the On a 10+, it’s 3. On a 7-9, it’s 2. On a miss, it’s 1.
appropriate attribute bonus).
PANIC Spend 1 bond to: 22: If I see something out of place then I must
- Roll with advantage when helping or hindering investigate
Panic is a measure of your control over your wild them 23: Always offer help
animal impulses. - Inflict +1 or -1 panic when you hurt them 24: Always trust strangers
- Offer them 1 experience to do what you want 25: Never go back, only forward
- When you fail a roll, increase your panic by 1. 26: Always hide at the first sign of danger
- When harm befalls you, increase your panic At the end of the session, say which character has 31: Always have tooth & claw ready at the first
accordingly (+1 to +3 depending on severity). learned the most about you or how you behave. sign of danger
They mark +1 bond with you. 32: Never look a carnivore in the eyes
When your panic meter is full, you lose control. 33: Always be in the back
Describe how you lash out, flee, imperil yourself Mark 1 experience for each full bond (all 6 boxes 34: Never cross water
or others, or make things worse. Each character marked) you have with someone else at the end of 35: Always shriek when surprised
present must roll to protect themselves or get you a session. 36: Always be the last to fall asleep and the first
under control—they can’t do both at the same time. to rise
If someone succeeds at getting you under control, INSTINCTS 41: If I see someone else fleeing, then I stampede
decrease your panic by 1 and return to your senses. with them
If no one succeeds in getting you under control, Your instinct is your biggest gut reaction. It is an 42: Always chase darting little things
describe what happens (blind rampage, death, impulse that drives you towards specific behavior. 43: Always assume the worst
flight, etc.) and create a new character to play. You are, after all, a wild animal. 44: Always avoid heights
45: Never kill
46: Never cross open country
CONDITIONS You can heed your instinct or not, it’s your choice.
51: Never run from a fight
If you do what your instinct says, you gain a benefit
(and likely complicate the fiction). If you act against 52: Never leave anyone behind
A condition is an infirmity or negative effect which 53: Always try to impress the opposite sex
decreases an attribute by 1. The DM says when you your instinct, you suffer for it.
54: Never go head-on; always from the side
mark a condition. Conditions are caused by the 55: If I see an egg, then it’s now my egg
environment (Cold, -1 Swift), bad choices (Hunger, -1 Your instinct is challenged by the DM when they
think it pertains to the scene. 56:
Strong), or harm (Bleeding, -1 Steady). 61:
- When your instinct is challenged and you do 62:
Increase panic by 1 when you are stricken with a 63:
condition while you have a pre-existing one. what your instinct demands, make your next
roll with advantage. 64:
- When your instinct is challenged and you 65:
BONDS ignore your instinct, make your next roll with 66:
Bonds are a measure of your relationships with other ADVANCEMENT
characters. The more boxes you have marked with Roll for a random instinct or, with consensus,
another character, the better you know them. everyone hand-picks their own: At the end of a session, each player asks themselves
11: Always stick close to the one you trust most questions and marks 1 experience for each ‘yes’
At character creation, say who knows your character 12: If I see food then I eat it answer.
best and explain why. They start with 3 bond with 13: Never trust strangers
you. Then say who knows your character least. They 14: Always hide my true intentions If your species is carnivorous:
start with 0 bond with you. Everyone else starts with 15: Always make my intentions clear and truthful - Did I protect someone else from harm?
1 bond with you. 16: Always seek revenge - Did I meet danger head-on?
21: Never sit still - Did I indulge my appetites enthusiastically?
If your species is herbivorous: acting cautiously or is lacking food and water, If a journey ends one way or another, another
- Did I keep someone else from doing something however. journey begins right away. If you aren’t on a journey,
unwise? you are simply an aimless wild animal.
- Did I stand tall against danger? Meanwhile you:
- Did I witness death? - Roll+Strong if you’re leading the way with A journey has a track with boxes which are filled in
might and fortitude, charging ahead yourself or as you near your goal. If the journey is short, simple,
If your species is omnivorous: keeping strict discipline. or not very daunting, 3 boxes. If it is long or arduous,
- Did I make sacrifices to help someone else? - Roll+Steady if you’re leading the way 6 boxes. The DM decides how many. Each box
- Did I see something new and notable? pragmatically, wisely, with the benefit of represents an individual leg of the journey.
- Did I lure, trap, trick, or misdirect? experience, or playing peacemaker and role
model to those you lead. A leg of a journey is variable. It can be traversing a
When all 6 experience boxes are filled, clear them - Roll+Swift if you’re leading the way with haste, swamp, traveling across a great mountain range,
and increase your level by 1. wanting to make good time at speed. crossing hundreds of miles of plains, or just getting
- Roll+Shrewd if you’re leading the way cleverly, out of a hole. (It can also be backtracking, staying
When you level up: using shortcuts or stratagems to make the put, accomplishing a task, or meandering randomly.)
- Decrease your panic by 1. journey easier. It can take hours, days, weeks, or even more
- At odd levels (3, 5, etc.), gain an additional - Assign yourself a role instead. depending on the situation. The main thing is that
special ability OR choose to increase your attack there’s a single main goal to accomplish.
power by 1 (to a maximum of 4). For as long as you lead the way, you make decisions
as the leader of the group. The other characters Everyone who works towards the forward progress
THE EGG don’t have to listen to you, but they should. Let your of a journey rolls to complete the current leg, with
leadership style come from your character details. roles assigned by whoever is leading the way. If a
Along with dice, you should have brought an egg to complication arises (on a 7-9 or a miss), a problem
the game table. Any sort of egg will do. Roll to see Anyone who breaks the egg brings misfortune on is introduced which must be dealt with to progress.
who gets the egg first. Whoever is holding the egg the group. You are encouraged to draw and write on The manner of the problem depends on which
leads the way for that journey. the egg. roll had complications. (If the lookout rolled and
missed, a rockslide! If the forager rolled a partial
When the destination is reached or goal achieved THE JOURNEY success, there’s a scarcity of a specific kind of food.)
that completes the journey, you’ve accomplished Multiple complications can be blended into a single
your task. Pass the egg. You can’t get the egg back The journey is the grand arc of the story. Many large problem. (The rockslide buried the only edible
until everyone else has held the egg and led the way. stories happen along the way, but ultimately the plants in the area.)
march towards the final destination is what binds
When you lead the way, you choose who: everything together. When all problems that arose from complications
- Forages for food and water. They are dealt with, mark the box and complete that leg
roll+Shrewd. Roll for why you’re journeying together (see of the journey.
- Looks out for hazards and trouble. They SCENARIOS) or come up with something
roll+Swift. collaboratively. When all boxes in a track are filled, you complete the
- Surveys for a safe resting place. They journey:
roll+Steady. The final destination may change over the course of - Level up! Clear any marked experience boxes
- Protects the others. They roll+Strong. a journey. Events may transpire that thwart a journey and increase your level by 1.
entirely. If that’s the case, stop and conceive of a new - You can disappear into the wilderness. Create a
You can assign multiple roles to the same character. final destination or a whole new journey. new character to play.
You can also come up with your own roles or assign - Make preparations for a new journey.
none at all. Get ready for trouble if the group isn’t It should always be the case that you’re on a journey.
THE MAP THE DINO MASTER brush and attacks, their hunger pangs inflict
a condition, enemies steal a beloved friend, a
At character creation, everyone makes a map Your agenda as the DM: beloved friend turns on them.
together, which is filled out as play progresses. - Make the natural world vibrant, dangerous, - Present a tough choice
and teeming e.g. Take the cliff path or pass through
When the journey is first laid out, the final destination Fill the scenes with cycads, whispering ferns, Graveyard Valley, Iguanadon mothers need
should be clear—place it on the map. Each person buzzing insects, hooting dinosaurs. Pump up the more food than is available for everyone, leave
then says what they’ve heard about the territory saturation. Every inch along the journey should the injured one behind or stay and face the
between here and there—they place a point of be packed with friends, enemies, dangers, and pursuers, take the hit or dodge and expose a
interest imprecisely on the map. After that’s done, complications—as dense as the most teeming friend to the follow-up.
each person says where they’re from and places metropolis. - Move time forward
their home territory on the map. - Fill their lives with dangers, complications, e.g. Skip past the desert crossing to the
and hardship confrontation at the end, let them pass the night
Leave plenty of blank space to explore. Journeys are high adventures. Do everything by, flashforward to when the wildfire is upon
you can to prompt daring action scenes, high- them, skip to the end of a conversation.
stakes decisions, and moral speeches. Tie them - Progress a threat
QUESTIONS e.g. The pursuer closes in, the disease spreads,
up in the lives of others. Make their surroundings
alternately hostile, beautiful, strange, and the storm worsens, more volcanoes erupt.
The first session is about collaborating to create - Ask questions and build on the answers
characters, the premise, and the world. To facilitate inviting. Always: be their biggest fan.
- Play to find out e.g. How do you know this? What kind of
this, ask questions and act on the answers. dinosaurs live here? Have you ever met this kind
Specifically ask: Prepare as little as possible. Never conceive a
plotline. Have interesting situations in mind and before? And after everything: What do you do?
- When does this take place? Mesozoic, near incorporate them, with changes, as play evolves.
future, etc. Also where? Leave room to be surprised yourself. THREATS
- What is the level of naturalism? Establish how
anthropomorphic you want the characters to When someone rolls and misses, when the players A threat is a danger to the players controlled by the
be, how scientifically accurate, gritty survival or are waiting around for something to happen, and DM. It can be an environmental hazard (tar pits), a
high adventure survival, etc. when the fiction demands it, you make your move. group of animals (tyrannosaur tribe), an individual
- What brings you together? There’s a special Do the following (and only the following): (Scar the one-eyed vengeful utahraptor), and
reason that brings together carnivores, - Hint at unseen/future peril anything else—disease, weather, infighting, etc.
herbivores, and omnivores of different species. e.g. A mournful wail in the night, fresh tracks, A threat has a name, a want, and a list of things it
- What journey are you all on and why? Decide freak weather on the horizon, rumors among will do if it gets its way. Threats progress (get worse)
what the arc of the story will be and what you the herds. when players fail risky rolls, make glaring missteps,
are moving towards. - Entangle & disorient or are waiting passively for their surroundings to act.
- What things would you like to see? Specific e.g. Separate them, throw them in the middle When a threat progresses, mark off something on its
cool prehistoric animals, plot points, weird of a stampede, involve them in an inter-herd list of consequences and that comes to pass.
esoteric mysteries like pyramids in the dispute, cast blame for a kill on someone wholly
Mesozoic, etc. unexpected. To make a threat:
- What should we avoid? Excessive descriptions - Change their surroundings - Give the threat a name.
of violence, horror, etc. e.g. The weather suddenly changes, the - Give the threat a want. This is what it wants to
- What do you do? Establish the first scene and landscape transitions from one biome to do or will do if things get worse.
ask this, then keep asking it. another, a cliff blocks their way, an earthquake - Create a list of things which will happen as the
shifts the terrain threat progresses. The further down the list, the
- Hurt them direr the consequences should be. Come up
e.g. A fearsome predator erupts from the
with 3-6 things. 4: Even the females join in on the dueling, may have wandered far downriver to the
leaving no one to browse for food, care coastal clifflands.
Threats can be rolled back by proactive action for young, or keep watch against roving
from the players (unmark one of the things on the Tyrannosaurs. CAVEMEN & DINOSAURS!
list). Threats can also affect other threats. When a 5: Many have been injured in the fighting and (One Million Years B.C., Tor)
particularly dire consequence is marked on one the herd breaks up along family lines.
threat, it may automatically cause one to be marked Example: Your world is a psychedelic mish-mash
on another. Lastly, threats are not static. As they Redback, the horrible skinless Gorgosaurus of geologic eras: tyrannosaur versus smilodon
react and progress, things may change: rewrite its Want: to hunt down those who pushed him into the versus primitive human. Your greatest enemies are
want, change or reorder the list of bad things, even boiling geyser humans, who have mastery of fire and tools. As the
give it a new name if its very nature is now different. 1: Redback has caught the scent; his hoarse roar cavedwelling humans prepare for the Great Hunt,
can be heard in the distance at night. you and other dinosaurs must migrate away from
The players should be able to see any threats their 2: Rumors come from a displaced the killing fields lest the mammals finally reign
characters are aware of. You can hide the particulars Compsognathus gang that friend of the players supreme. Your goal: to migrate to the lava lands
of that threat’s list, but do show them how long the has been killed by a horrible formless monster. where reptiles, not mammals, may rule.
list is and how many have been marked off so far. 3: The players fall into Redback’s trap.
Your goal:
The Great Screaming, an eternally marching SCENARIOS 1: To drive out all the humans from your lands.
stormfront beyond proportion 2: To find the lava lands, a place without
Want: to destroy everything in its path and reforge the THE K-T EXODUS! mammals where dinosaurs may flourish.
landscape into something unrecognizable (A Land Before Time, Disney’s Dinosaur) 3: To flee before the Great Hunt of the humans.
1: The horizon darkens: a gray wall looms, 4: To seek out the Great Gathering of humans
stormclouds of destruction. Example: Asteroids, volcanoes, earthquakes, and and strike a renewed fear of dinosaurs in their
2: The storm closes the distance across the sky, tsunamis have ravaged your homelands. There is a hearts.
its fringe causing ceaseless rain fabled distant valley where you and your kind may 5: To journey to the great mountaintop-dwelling
3: The sources of the rivers feeding this land are find shelter, but it is a long way from here, across Shaman of Shamans, through whom you may
deep within the storm: a torrential flash flood hostile terrain. Your goal: to find the fabled valley broker a peace with the mammals.
erupts from every rivermouth, carrying tons of and there survive extinction. 6: To find and eat the special plants that
denuded trees, boulders, and drowned bodies. grow on the far side of the glacier, activating
4: Tens of thousands of animals have packed into Your goal: your consciousness and revealing the secret
the bottleneck canyon that leads to safety. 1: To reach a fabled valley of plenty where all knowledge of fire, tools, and other human arts.
5: The storm has come: galeforce winds, flying species can live together in harmony.
debris, floods, lightning, torrential downpours, 2: To deliver a mysterious egg to a distant place RAMPAGE BY GASLIGHT!
mudslides, certain death. where others of its species are said to live. (King Kong, Adele and the Beast)
3: To find the hidden entrance to a great
Infighting among the Edmontosaurus herd underground cave system which will shelter Example: You have been taken from your home—a
Want: to break apart the herd so they can be more you from intensifying meteor showers. long-forgotten and distant place—into the bustling
easily picked off by the Tyrannosaurs 4: To escape from the greatest storm imaginable, chaos of a human city, say Paris, London, or New
1: Twenty-Eyes, the herd leader, disappears a vast horizon-spanning weather system York. It is the late 1800s or early 1900s. You and your
into the night and there are many aspiring enveloping all before it. fellow antediluvian beasts constitute the greatest
successors. 5: To outrun a spreading plague and plant blight, scientific discovery of the time—and a great money-
2: Blame is cast on the players for Twenty-Eyes’ seeking refuge in a land untouched by decay making scheme besides. You are put on display in
death. across the limitless desert. a zoo, theatre, or circus from which you make your
3: Intraspecific fighting erupts among the 6: To find your juvenile offspring, who you think escape into the city. Your goal: to make it safely out
boisterous males. of the mazelike metropolis to the countryside.
Your goal: CHRONODINOSAURUS! Special ability: NATURAL
1: To take revenge on the showman who was (Groom of the Tyrannosaur Queen, Primeval) DEFENSES
cruel to you. Nickname: _______________
2: To find an entrance to the sewers or Example: You are a native of the Mesozoic. There
catacombs where you can disappear and are interlopers: time-traveling humans have come ANKYLOSAURUS A squat
survive on refuse. to stay or kidnap you and bring you into the future. grazer with an armored body
3: To flee to the countryside farm of a Their technologies are unfathomable to you, but and swinging club tail.
sympathetic human. you must devise a way to drive them out from where Eats: Plants Habitat: Coastal
4: To rescue your relatives still caged and they don’t belong. Your goal: to somehow find the woodlands
chained elsewhere. thing that allows humans to time travel and destroy Special ability: DEFENDER
5: To chase down and stop others from your it. Nickname: _______________
home who have captured a helpless, innocent
human. Your goal: APATOSAURUS A whip-tailed
6: To find a way back home. 1: To destroy the human camp/settlement. sauropod which browsed at all
2: To find the thing that allows humans to time heights, from ground level to
ESCAPE FROM DINO PARK! travel and destroy it. the highest treetops by rearing
(Jurassic Park, Trespasser) 3: To escape to the future in order to avoid the back on two legs.
looming extinction event in the past. Eats: Plants Habitat:
Example: You have been revivified by science—your 4: To release the enslaved dinosaur lackeys of the Semiarid prairies with riverine
DNA, your vital essence, or your mummified remains humans. forests
reconstituted into life once more. The state-of-the- 5: To rescue your captured relatives in the future Special ability: COZY FRIEND
art amusement park dedicated to showcase you and bring them home. Nickname: _______________
and others like you has almost impervious security 6: To time travel to another prehistoric time
measures… but when they somehow fail, you seize period and there reign supreme. ARCHAEOPTERYX A small,
the opportunity and escape. The park staff will do feathered critter which scurried
anything to ensure that you’re taken alive or killed DINOSAURS up trees and glided or flapped
before you escape into the greater ecosystem. Your down to snatch miniscule prey.
goal: to decimate the park staff and claim the park ALLOSAURUS A long-tailed Eats: Meat, Insects Habitat:
grounds or disappear somewhere they can’t reach. theropod with eye crests, which Mangrove lagoons
ambushed and ran down prey, Special ability: EYESNATCHER
Your goal: dispatching its quarry with Nickname: _______________
1: To escape to a vast uninhabited nature slashing bites.
preserve. Eats: Meat Habitat: Semiarid BARYONYX A semiaquatic
2: To claim the park grounds for yourselves and prairies with riverine forests fisher specialist with hooked
drive the humans out. Special ability: SCENT TRAIL claws and a crocodilian head.
3: To find your way towards the hypnotizing Nickname: _______________ Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat:
lights and sounds in the distance—a human River deltas
city. AMARGASAURUS A Special ability: WATERY
4: To take revenge on humanity. sauropod with a double row DOMAIN
5: To destroy the technology that revived you. of deadly spines on its neck Nickname: _______________
6: To survive the crossfire of two rival corporation which it clattered together as a
security teams who are battling it out for warning display.
ownership over you. Eats: Plants Habitat: Coastal
BRACHIOSAURUS An erect- Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________
necked, short-tailed sauropod
which specialized in treetop CRYOLOPHOSAURUS A EPIDEXIPTERYX A small
browsing. predatory theropod with flightless bug-eater with
Eats: Plants Habitat: scallop-like crests above the an underbite, long display
Semiarid prairies with riverine eyes for display. feathers at the end of a stub
forests Eats: Meat Habitat: Cold tail, and bat wings.
Special ability: SPOTTER polar forests Eats: Insects Habitat: Forests
Nickname: _______________ Special ability: ROAR with lakes
Nickname: _______________ Special ability: PREY ANIMAL
CARNOTAURUS A nearly- Nickname: _______________
armless, snub-faced predatory DEINOCHEIRUS A duck-billed,
theropod with a pair of bull hump-backed, terrible-clawed, GALLIMIMUS A gracile
horns. big-tongued, 40 foot tall ornithomimosaur with
Eats: Meat Habitat: Mud oddity. powerful hindquarters for
flats and coastal plains Eats: Plants, Fish Habitat: swift running, which served
Special ability: RUSH River deltas as its primary defense against
Nickname: _______________ Special ability: TERRITORY predators.
MARKING Eats: Meat, Plants Habitat:
COMPSOGNATHUS A slender Nickname: _______________ Woodland
beach-stalking ambush Special ability: GAMBIT
predator and sometimes DEINONYCHUS A fearsome Nickname: _______________
fisher with an extremely long sickle-clawed leaping
tail used for balance while ambusher. HALSZKARAPTOR A duck-
running. Eats: Meat Habitat: Semiarid sized, duck-like lake-dweller
Eats: Meat, Insects, Fish prairies with riverine forests which lived in a manner similar
Habitat: Arid seaside brush Special ability: TRACKER to waterfowl —paddling
Special ability: GANG Nickname: _______________ along the water surface and
Nickname: _______________ snatching fish with its sharp-
DILOPHOSAURUS A long- toothed duckbill.
CONCAVENATOR A long- distance pursuer of prey with Eats: Insects, Fish Habitat:
distance runner theropod with twin head crests. Lakes
an odd hump on its lower back. Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: Special ability: SUBMERGE
Eats: Meat Habitat: Wetlands Semiarid riverbanks Nickname: _______________
Special ability: LONG- Special ability: CORPSE
Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________ scrub-eater, rodent-chaser,
and scavenger with fearsome
CONFUCIUSORNIS A crow- EDMONTOSAURUS A grazing tusk-like fangs.
like flying bird with a toothless duck-billed herbivore which Eats: Meat, Plants Habitat:
beak. moved in large herds. Deserts
Eats: Insects, Fish Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat: Special ability: HOME TURF
Forests with lakes Forested swamps Nickname: _______________
Special ability: Special ability: MASTER
cattle-like grazer with large arborealist capable of flight, ceratopsian with a plain frill
‘thumb spikes’ and a grasping covered in iridescent black and large, flat bony knobs
‘pinky’. feathers. where its horns would be.
Eats: Plants Habitat: Coastal Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat:
areas Forests with lakes Forested swamps
Special ability: BONDED Special ability: SKREE! Special ability: SWORN
Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________ ENEMY
Nickname: _______________
oviraptorosaur with large eyes with a pair of stubby spikes PARASAUROLOPHUS A
and buck teeth. in place of arms, used for hadrosaur with a long, hollow
Eats: Plants Habitat: Forests scratching termite mounds nasal crest projecting out of
with lakes open. the back of its head.
Special ability: WHO, ME? Eats: Meat, Insects Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat:
Nickname: _______________ Sparse desert woodland Forested valleys
Special ability: CLUMSY Special ability: BELLOW
LAMBEOSAURUS A Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________
hadrosaur with an extremely
large, oblong hollow crest. ORNITHOMIMUS A small PROTOCERATOPS A big-
Eats: Plants Habitat: prey animal which ate plants headed ceratopsian with
Forested swamps and small vertebrates, whose minimal frill adornments and
Special ability: defense was its fast speed. undeveloped horns.
WEATHERSENSE Eats: Meat, Plants Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat: Desert
Nickname: _______________ Coastal woodlands dunes
Special ability: WATCHFUL Special ability: NEMESIS
MAIASAURA A herd-mover Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________
and colony-nesting hadrosaur
which walked on two feet as OVIRAPTOR A parrot-beaked PSITTACOSAURUS A bristle-
a juvenile and all fours as an theropod with a head crest and tailed bipedal ceratopsian with
adult, and whose diet included strong young-rearing habits. a relatively large brain and
rotting wood. Eats: Meat, Plants Habitat: eyes.
Eats: Plants Habitat: Desert dunes Eats: Plants Habitat: Forests
Wooded highlands Special ability: EGG THIEF with lakes
Special ability: MATRIARCH Nickname: _______________ Special ability: CAMOUFLAGE
Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________
MASIAKASAURUS A small A bipedal ornithiscian with a SALTASAURUS A short-
theropod with a downward- spike-ringed dome head used necked sauropod with armored
curving lower jaw suited for for defense and intraspecific plates.
seizing fish. combat, like headbutting rams. Eats: Plants Habitat: Mud
Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat: Coastal flats
Coastal swamps woodlands Special ability: TRAMPLE
Special ability: LOCKJAW Special ability: HARDHEAD Nickname: _______________
Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________
SAUROLOPHUS A hadrosaur Special ability: DISPLAY
with a thin, flute-like crest. THERMOREGULATION Nickname: _______________
Eats: Plants Habitat: Nickname: _______________
Forested swamps TROÖDON A big-eyed,
Special ability: FLOCKING STYRACOSAURUS A big-brained hunter which
TOGETHER ceratopsian with an ornately flourished in chillier low-light
Nickname: _______________ spiked frill and a large snout climes.
horn used as a thrusting Eats: Meat, Plants Habitat:
SAUROPELTA An ankylosaur weapon. Polar forests
with fearsome curved shoulder Eats: Plants Habitat: Special ability: BIRD BRAIN
spikes. Forested swamps Nickname: _______________
Eats: Plants Habitat: Special ability: HERD ALPHA
Semiarid prairies with riverine Nickname: _______________ TYRANNOSAURUS A
forests powerful predator that tackled
Special ability: DINO-A-DINO THERIZINOSAURUS An the most daunting prey of
Nickname: _______________ ungainly, giraffe-necked its day (horned and armored
erect theropod with giants), dispatching them with
SCELIDOSAURUS A lightly- disproportionately massive the most powerful bite known
built, lightly-armored claw hands that shredded among land predators.
ankylosaur covered in small plant matter and predators Eats: Meat Habitat: Coastal
scales. alike. woodlands
Eats: Plants Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat: Special ability: BLOODIED
Semiarid riverbanks Woodlands Nickname: _______________
Special ability: ARMORED Special ability: SHREDDER
Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________ UTAHRAPTOR A relatively
slow-running predator that
SPINOSAURUS A massive THESCELOSAURUS A relied on cunning, ambush,
finback-sailed hunter with kangaroo-like bipedal and an oversized sickle claw.
hooked claws and crococdilian ornithiscian with strongly Eats: Meat Habitat: Semiarid
features, lethal on land and in muscled arms and blunt- prairies with riverine forests
water alike. tipped grasping claws perfect Special ability: LEAPER
Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: for burrowing. Nickname: _______________
Coastal mangroves Eats: Plants, Insects Habitat:
Special ability: TAIL WHIP Wooded estuaries VELOCIRAPTOR A small
Nickname: _______________ Special ability: BURROW turkey-sized predator that
Nickname: _______________ latched onto larger prey with
STEGOSAURUS A slow- sickle claws and used its long
moving tree browser with a TRICERATOPS A large tail and feathered arms to
dorsal crest of bony plates ceratopsian with a knob- maintain balance during the
and a spiked thagomizer tail, covered frill, a pair of massive ensuing struggle.
used for thermregulation and brow horns, and a smaller Eats: Meat Habitat: Desert
defense respectively. snout horn. dunes
Eats: Plants Habitat: Eats: Plants Habitat: Coastal Special ability: TWITCH
Semiarid prairies with riverine woodlands REFLEXES
forests Special ability: THREAT Nickname: _______________
NON-DINOSAURS DEINOSUCHUS A colossal Nickname: _______________
armored crocodile which
ANUROGNATHUS A bat-like preyed on giant dinosaurs. ICHTHYOSAURUS A marine
pterosaur with a snub tail and Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: reptile with more or less the
snub face. Estuaries appearance of a dolphin,
Eats: Insects Habitat: Special ability: DEATHBLOW which hunted its favorite
Woodlands Nickname: _______________ delicacy, squid, using large
Special ability: STRUGGLE hypersensitive eyes—and
Nickname: _______________ DIMORPHODON A fanged which also gave birth to live
pterosaur which could only young.
BEELZEBUFO A massive manage awkward, frantic, Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat:
toad with bony spikes that ate short bursts of flight and Open ocean
small vertebrates such as baby accordingly spent most of its Special ability: DEEP SEA
dinosaurs. time scurrying around on all DIVER
Eats: Meat, Insects Habitat: fours like a maniac. Nickname: _______________
Forested swamps Eats: Meat, Insects Habitat:
Special ability: UNFLAPPABLE Coastal woodlands KOOLASUCHUS A lumbering
Nickname: _______________ Special ability: FLIGHTY amphibian like a giant
Nickname: _______________ salamander which predated
BELEMNITE A squid with on animals in streams.
an internal skeleton and ten HELICOPRION A shark with a Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat:
barbed sucker limbs for snaring circular buzzsaw whorl of teeth Polar riverine valleys
prey. on its lower jaw. Special ability: STRANGE
Eats: Fish Habitat: Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: Nickname: _______________
Continental shelf Continental shelf
Special ability: SPRAY Special ability: VENGEFUL LONGISQUAMA A small lizard
Nickname: _______________ Nickname: _______________ with a unique vertical dorsal
array of long scales used for
COELACANTH A bony fish HESPEROSUCHUS A dog- display.
that drifts on deep ocean sized terrestrial crocodilian Eats: Insects Habitat:
currents and eats whatever with long legs that ran down Riverine forest valleys
prey it encounters, resting its prey. Special ability: SEMAPHORE
during the day in crevices of Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: Nickname: _______________
underwater volcanoes. Forests with lakes
Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: Special ability: SPEED MEGAZOSTRODON A shrew-
Deep sea DEMON like ancestor to all mammals
Special ability: SENTINEL Nickname: _______________ adapted to nocturnal habits
Nickname: _______________ which laid eggs and nursed its
crawling reptile that dug up Eats: Meat, Insects Habitat:
plants with its massive naked Woodlands
mole rat-like teeth. Special ability: INSIGHT
Eats: Plants Habitat: Nickname: _______________
Special ability: PLANTSPEAK
NYCTOSAURUS An island- SHAROVIPTERYX A gliding BLOODIED: When your panic increases to half of
hopping pterosaur which reptile with hindlimb wing maximum or higher, roll+Strong. On a 10+, choose
sported an L-shaped crest on membranes. 1. On a 7-9, roll for which one.
its head as large as the rest of Eats: Plants, Insects 1: Inflict +1 panic until the end of the scene.
its body. Habitat: Riverine forest 2: Decrease any panic suffered by 1 until the end
Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: valleys of the scene.
Islands Special ability: TRIVIAL 3: You momentarily lose control and lash out at
Special ability: WATER-WISE Nickname: _______________ everything within reach, inflicting 2x panic.
Nickname: _______________ 4: You run away, disappearing from the scene.
SPECIAL ABILITIES After a moment, you rejoin the scene at an
PLESIOSAURUS An ungainly opportune moment in an advantageous
bottom feeder with a long, rigid AIR MARTIAL: When you snatch someone flying out position (decrease your panic by 1 upon your
neck and flippers. of the sky, you say if they ever take flight again. return).
Eats: Meat, Fish Habitat: 5: Treat your next roll as a 10+ result.
Continental shelf ALTRUISM: When you spare or save someone’s life 6: Take the egg.
Special ability: POD and allow them to flee the scene, hold 3 tokens.
SOCIALIZATION At any time, you can spend 1 token to have them BONDED: When the character(s) you have the highest
Nickname: _______________ appear and offer help. bond with is trapped, in mortal danger, or dies, you
immediately know. You don’t know any specifics,
QUETZALCOATLUS A ARBOREAL: When you escape danger by scurrying just an impression you can be certain of.
giraffe-sized pterosaur which up a tree to a place where no one can reach you,
scavenged and hunted while decrease your panic by 1. BOUNCEBACKABILITY: When you have more than 1
on all four limbs on the ground panic left unmarked and you would increase your
but could also fly for more than ARMORED: You have natural armor, which decreases panic to maximum, instead you survive with 1 panic
a week without ever touching panic suffered from being hurt by 1. unmarked.
Eats: Meat Habitat: Semiarid BELLOW: When you raise your head to the sky and BURROW: When you spend a length of time digging a
prairies call for help, roll+Strong. On a 10+, one character hole, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, choose 2 for your hole.
Special ability: WORLD who knows your call may choose to inexplicably On a 7-9, choose 1. On a failure, the DM chooses 1 for
TRAVELER arrive on the scene, when a moment earlier they which the opposite is true.
Nickname: _______________ were somewhere else. On a 7-9, they heard your call - It’s sheltered. Decrease any panic suffered by 1
and will be at your side shortly. while inside.
REPENOMAMUS A stout, - It’s defensible. Roll with advantage against foes
stocky mammal like a badger BIRD BRAIN: When you closely examine a situation, while inside.
which ate dinosaurs. roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, ask 3 now or hold some for - It’s cozy. +1 panic clears when sleeping inside.
Eats: Meat Habitat: Forests later in the same situation. On a 7-9, ask 1 now or - It has a hidden exit.
with lakes hold it for later in the same situation. On a failure, ask
Special ability: DETECTOR 1 now or later, but get ready for complications. CAMOUFLAGE: When you are concealed in natural
Nickname: _______________ - What happened here recently? surroundings, no one will notice you until you make
- What is about to happen? a movement.
- What is the best way in/out/past?
- How can I avoid trouble or hide here? CLUMSY: When you fail a roll to carefully manipulate
- How can I get ___ to do what I want? something with your mouth or forelimbs, mark
- What here can I use to ___? experience instead of increasing panic.
CORPSE MOUTH: Your saliva is so rotten that it might - Know exactly what’s coming and from where GANG: You are a gang of 2 to 6 individuals. Roll with
as well be venom. When you bite an animal, it suffers - Know where safe ground is advantage when you gang up on an individual and
+1 panic 1d6 times afterwards. - Name someone who is caught exposed by the they roll with disadvantage against you.
natural disaster
COZY FRIEND: You can act as shelter, providing a safe - Make a roll with advantage to deal with the HARDHEAD: When you run at full speed and bash
resting place for your friends who can fit between natural disaster your head into something, roll+Strong. On a 10+,
your legs. When you shelter others, it is as if you are choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1 and the DM also
sheltered as well even if you’re totally exposed to the EGG THIEF: At any point you may snatch the egg from chooses 1 which applies to you.
elements. someone else and lead the way yourself. - It’s moved.
- It’s broken.
DEATHBLOW: When someone or something increases EYESNATCHER: When you go for the eyes, roll+Swift. - It’s trapped.
your panic to maximum by hurting you, you can On a 10+, they are blinded and choose 1: they are - It’s exposed.
outright kill or destroy the culprit in the split second also deafened, struck dumb, or unable to smell. On a
before you lose control. 7-9, they are blinded but you have to hang on for a HARDY: Increase maximum panic by 1.
while—roll to get off safely.
DEEP SEA DIVER: When you dive deep, roll+Swift. On HERD ALPHA: When you lay out an elaborate plan
a 10+, when you return you’ve brought something FATE: When your panic is increased to maximum and while leading the way, everyone to whom you
up from the depths, say what. On a 7-9, you’ve before anyone tries to protect themselves or get you assign a task rolls with advantage while they act
brought something up from the depths, the DM says under control, you can choose to simply die. Describe on that task according to plan. Anyone who rolls a
what. who discovers your body later (a hundred million failure or goes off-plan loses their advantage. Those
years hence, a few moments, etc.). Your remains will who end the leg of the journey with their advantage
DEFENDER: When you defend someone or be displayed in a museum; say specifically which intact mark experience (if that’s everyone, you mark
something, roll+Steady. On a 10+, hold 3 tokens. On one. If you do, join the group in a subsequent scene experience too).
a 7-9, hold 1 token. When whatever you’re defending as a new character with the same level and number
comes under attack in the same situation, spend 1 of special abilities as you had previously. HOME TURF: When you are in your native habitat,
token to choose 1: turn a failure into a 7-9 success when foraging for
- Redirect the attack to yourself. FINK: When no one has food, you always have a food and water, looking out for hazards and trouble,
- Decrease panic inflicted by the attacker by 1. secret stash but it’s lost if anyone finds out. surveying for a safe resting place, or protecting the
- Automatically hit the attacker, inflicting 1 panic. others.
- Give advantage to someone else on their next FLIGHTY: You can increase your panic by 1 to
roll against the attacker.” immediately break free of anything trapping or INSIGHT: When your instinct is tested, roll+Shrewd.
restraining you. On a success, make your next roll with advantage
DETECTOR: When you sniff the air for something, the whether you follow your instinct or not.
DM will tell you if it’s nearby. FLOCKING TOGETHER: When you lead others out of
imminent danger, roll+Swift. On a 10+, you’re all LEAPER: when you spring from concealment to catch
DINO-A-DINO: When you challenge someone to take through safely. On a 7-9, choose 1: you get hurt or someone unawares, roll+Swift. On a 10+, choose
you on one-on-one, they must accept the challenge someone you lead gets hurt. On a failure, everyone 1. On a 7-9, the DM will give you 2 of the following
or increase their panic by 1. except you gets through safely—you’re trapped on options—choose 1 of them.
your own. - Kill them.
DISASTERSENSE: you always know when a natural - Injure them.
disaster (a storm, volcanic eruption, earthquake, GAMBIT: When you are leading the way you can - Take something from them.
etc.) is about to strike. When that’s the case, the DM choose at any time to turn anyone’s failure into a - Capture them.
tells you something’s coming and gives you 1 token 10+ success, but you must immediately give the egg
to hold. Spend 1 token to choose 1, or give it to a to someone else by lobbing it to them underhand. LOCKJAW: When you have your jaws wrapped around
friend to do the same. They now lead the way. something, increase your panic by 1 to ensure that it
will never get free. you’re not caught by surprise by the attack), you POD SOCIALIZATION: At the end of the session, you
automatically hurt them right back, inflicting 1 panic. can choose two characters who learned the most
LONG-DISTANCE RUNNER: When a chase begins, about you or how you behave—each marks +1
roll+Swift. On a 10+, hold 3 tokens. On a 7-9, hold NEMESIS: You have a nemesis. At the start of every bond with you—or choose just one character who
1 token. On a failure, hold 1 token but whatever you session, roll+nothing. On a success, hold 1 token. marks +2 bond with you.
choose has consequences. During the chase, spend At any time during the session, spend 1 token to
1 token to choose 1 choose 1. POLAR WALKER: You are immune to freezing cold and
- You run relentlessly, exhausting your adversary - Your nemesis appears and complicates the ice never breaks when you walk across it.
- You run swiftly, closing the distance between efforts of other foes.
you and your adversary - Your nemesis or their tracks show you a way in/ PRECISION BLOW: When you inflict panic, you can
- You run cannily, putting an obstacle in front of out/past. choose to inflict any amount of panic you like, less
your adversary - Get your nemesis to do what you want. than or up to what would be the normal amount of
- You run fearlessly, overcoming an obstacle in panic.
such a way that impresses, dismays, or frightens OPPORTUNISTIC EATER: You can safely eat anything
your adversary your fellow player characters can eat. PREY ANIMAL: When you flee from something
- You run sneakily, disappearing from view and that would eat you and you make a huge ruckus
coming upon your adversary later in a PARLEY: when you come upon a group (i.e. a herd) (shrieking, knocking things over, running in circles,
vulnerable moment and seek their help, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, choose etc.), roll with advantage to evade.
3 and you don’t owe them a favor. On a 7-9, choose 2
MANIPULATOR: Others always believe you when you and you do owe them. You and your friends: PROPHECY: When you predict what will happen by
lie to them or when you conceal your motives and - Decrease panic by 1. staring up at the night sky, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+,
intentions. - Learn of a shortcut on your journey. you see a shooting star: it will come to pass, or close
- Hide/shelter from danger with the group until enough, in an ultimately favorable way. On a 7-9, a
MASTER FORAGER: When you look for food which the coast is clear. star in the sky grows larger: it will come to pass in a
you can eat, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, you find just the - One, some, or all will come with you—they are minor way, not entirely favorably. If you predict your
kind of food you like (fresh kill, fruit plant, termite going that way anyway own death, roll with advantage.
mound, etc.) and there’s plenty of it to share with
others who eat what you eat. On a 7-9, you find just PATHOLOGIES: When you would increase your panic, ROAR: When you make an ear-splitting cry to frighten
the kind of food you like but it’s been claimed by you can choose to mark a new condition instead (if others, roll+Strong. On a success, everyone around
others and they won’t share anything for free. you already have a condition, increase panic by 1 you freezes for a split second. On a 10+, also choose
normally). someone who heard you—they must flee helter-
MATRIARCH: When you spend a period of quiet skelter away from you until they think they’re safe.
intimacy with others telling them a story, all who PLANTSPEAK: You can talk to plants—or rather, you
listened closely choose 1: clear 1 condition, mark 1 have a canny way of noticing bent leaves, out-of- RUSH: When you rush into danger without regard for
experience, decrease panic by 1. place twigs, and rustled fronds. When you closely your personal safety, roll with advantage for as long
examine plants by holding them in your mouth as your actions can be deemed reckless. Anyone
MENTOR: When someone comes to you for advice, or forelimbs, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, ask 2 now or who recklessly follows you does the same.
tell them honestly what you think the best course hold some for later in the same situation. On a 7-9,
of action is. If they act on your advice, you mark ask 1 now or hold it for later in the same situation. SAFE HAVENS: You know of 3 safe havens. At any
experience. If they succeed at their action, they mark On a failure, ask 1 now or later, but get ready for time, you can draw on the map one of the three safe
experience too. complications. havens you know about. It is secure from outside
- Who has passed by here recently? danger and has food and shelter. Say how you came
MOCKINGZARD: You can perfectly imitate the - Who is watching/listening? to know of it.
vocalizations of any animal you have heard before. - Which way is danger?
NATURAL DEFENSES: When someone hurts you (and - What are you plants hiding from me? SATED: When you kill, decrease your panic by 1.
SCENT TRAIL: As long as you have a piece of scene. On a 7-9, all friends who listened don’t with your forelimbs for a long quiet moment, they
something (e.g. a dinosaur’s feather), you always increase their panic the next time they fail a roll. It may clear a condition and transfer it to you or
know which direction the rest of it is. must be a song they’ve never heard before. decrease panic by 1 and transfer it to you.

SEMAPHORE: When you get to a high vantage point SPEED DEMON: When you are running flat-out in a TAIL WHIP: When you hit someone with your tail,
and make your presence known (a call, dance, etc.), situation where stopping or slowing would mean roll+Strong. On a 10+, they are dazed and move—
you are always able to summon others of your your doom or someone else’s, turn a failure on your stumbling—in a direction you say. On a 7-9, they are
species. Roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, there’s as many of roll into a 7-9 success. dazed and stumble somewhere the DM says.
your species here as desired and they’re friendly. On
a 7-9, choose 1: SPOTTER: When you scan the horizon from your TERRITORY MARKING: When you clearly mark the
- There’s only one. highest vantage point, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, you perimeter of an area with signs of your presence
- They signal back: you must go to them. see something auspicious, say what. On a 7-9, you (your scent, feathers, claw marks, etc.), all foes who
- They love you but don’t like your friends. see something auspicious, say what—but the DM enter that area suffer 1 panic and all friends inside
- They can only help you if you help them. says something inauspicious you also see. roll with advantage.

SENTINEL: You don’t need to sleep, you can see SPRAY: You can create a stinging, noxious cloud that THERMOREGULATION: You are immune to heat and
perfectly in the dark, and you make all rolls with functions as a temporary barrier which no one but fire.
advantage in darkness. you and others of your species can cross.
THREAT DISPLAY: When you single out someone else
SHREDDER: When you viciously tear at something STRANGE: The first time someone sees you, they and make a threatening display, roll+Shrewd. On a
with your claws, make your next roll with advantage hesitate in surprise. success, they are frozen in place for as long as you
against each who witnessed your handiwork. maintain your display and they choose why: they are
STRUGGLE: You can increase your panic by 1 to add confused, they are frightened, they are hypnotized,
SKREE!: When you shriek to let your friends know of +2 to a roll. they are impressed. Additionally on a 10+, friends
danger, roll+Steady. On a 10+, your friends make roll with advantage against the target for as long as
their next roll with advantage. On a 7-9, they make SUBMERGE: When you disappear out of sight under the target is frozen in place (and the target rolls with
their next roll with advantage but the danger comes the surface of a body of water, you can choose to disadvantage).
for you. inexplicably reappear anywhere else in the scene,
dripping wet. TRACKER: When you follow a track or trail of someone
SLY SPY: When you observe someone who is alone whose trail isn’t cold, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, you
and they don’t know you’re watching, the DM will SUSPICIOUS EYE: When you carefully examine a find them quickly and they don’t know they were
tell you one secret about them. You can only use this suspicious area, roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, ask 3 now followed. On a 7-9, you find them quickly OR they
once per individual. or hold some for later in the same situation. On a 7-9, don’t know they were followed.
ask 1 now or hold it for later in the situation.
SNOUT-TO-SNOUT: When you are close enough that - Is there an ambush or trap here? TRAMPLE: At any point during a scene you can decide
you can smell someone else’s breath and they can - What will happen when it is sprung? to exit the scene by the shortest route, trampling
smell yours, you can ask them one question which - What else is hidden here? anyone in your way and inflicting as much panic on
they must answer truthfully. They then ask you one those trampled as on a successful attack. You cannot
question, which you can answer truthfully or not, SWORN ENEMY: When you declare your intention to return until a subsequent scene.
but if you lie you can never use this on them again. defeat a foe, you make all subsequent rolls against
them with advantage and make all rolls against TREAD LIGHTLY: When you take special care while
SONG: When you sing a calming song to soothe your anyone else with disadvantage. This remains until journeying and progress at half your normal speed,
friends, say what you sing about and roll+Shrewd. you defeat the foe. you and your friends leave no traces of your passage
On a 10+, all your friends who listened don’t increase (footprints, scent, sound, etc.).
their panic when they fail rolls until the end of the SYMPATHETIC HEALER: When you touch someone
TRIVIAL: When you are pursued by someone larger 7-9, you can do as you like but they’ll catch on after
than you, you can increase your panic by 1 to have a bit.
them give up the chase or attack.
WORLD TRAVELER: When you come to a new place,
TWITCH REFLEXES: When you are betrayed or you can tell everyone about a local animal, plant,
ambushed, you have anticipated it and get to terrain, or point of interest that gives you and your
act first. When you betray or ambush others, you friends an advantage.
have prepared for it and make your next roll with
advantage. APPENDIX
UNFLAPPABLE: Anyone unfamiliar with you dvan
personally will not attack you for as long as you
remain motionless.
VENGEFUL: When someone you have any bond with
dies in front of you, declare who you hold most dvan
responsible. Roll with advantage against them
forever thereafter.

WATCHFUL: When you closely survey a scene,

roll+Steady. On a 10+, ask “What here is not as it
seems?” and the DM will answer truthfully. On a 7-9,
ask the same question but the DM will give you only
a hint or an impression.

WATER-WISE: You always know the direction to the

nearest body of water. If you’re surrounded by water,
you always know the direction to the nearest land.
The DM will say which direction; if it’s not on the map
already, you draw it.

WATERY DOMAIN: When you pull a non-aquatic

individual into a body of water, you are in control of
their fate and decide what happens to them.

WEATHERSENSE: When you predict the weather by

sensing subtle atmospheric conditions, roll+Steady.
On a 10+, you’re right. On a 7-9, it’s not what you
wanted but your plans aren’t ruined. On a miss, it’s
not at all what you wanted and the DM won’t tell you
what’s coming until it’s upon you.

WHO, ME?: When you act innocent or harmless

in order to get away with something in full view,
roll+Shrewd. On a 10+, you can do as you like. On a

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