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Ana Neal

Dr. Cassel

Eng 1201

5 December 2019

Ten Facts List

1. A majority of Americans ( 73% ) would like for abortion to stay safe and legal.

2. These laws that are now being introduced are dangerous and will cause injuries and


3. It is already difficult for some to receive needed abortions in the United States.

4. If laws like these are put into effect, laws like the ones in Georgia could affect women

who miscarry.

5. The goal of many of the recently passed abortion laws is to overturn the Supreme court

case Roe v. Wade

6. A majority of abortions happen in early pregnancy and in “ late-term”

7. Most abortions occur before the fetus is considered medically viable

8. Some states are using “heartbeat bills” as a guideline to restrict abortions

9. Countries that have total abortion bans punish doctors and women who participate in

abortions with jail time.

10. According to the CDC, the abortion rate has declined between 2005 and 2015.

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