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Formulatrix Study Case

“Collision Mechanism”

At first glance my Idea for this mechanism is based on my favorite device, a joystick. By
using gimbal mechanism and potentiometer, it will be easy to detect displacement of X & Y
axis meanwhile Z axis will be taken care by a simple switch. I even manage to find the
complete package of the mechanism and sensor, a multi directional switch from Alps

The problem is this switch have 17 mm width, so it can’t fit in the holding part. Then
again, after carefuly reading the Study Case, I’ve realized that what was asked for is a
mechanism that can translate X and Y displacement to Z axis. So my design for thi mechanism
is like the picture below:
The structure is connected to the stem, inside the holding part. When there is a displacement
in any X & Y axis, the structure will be compressed and translate the displacement to the Z

By making a detail drawing and geometry we can find how much displacement in Z
axis for 2mm displacement in X and Y axis.

As shown in the picture the dispclacement in the Z axis is 12,93mm – 10,5mm = 2,43 mm.

The sensor will be placed above of the mechanism is a simple mechanical switch so
whenever there is a displacement the switch will be pressed and sent signal to the robot to
stop and trace back it’s last step to break free from the collision.
That is for my desain, it’s very simple and it need more work and calculation. It’s all I
can think of for the given time, I have to admit the limitation this case give with 9mm space
available and 2mm displacement is very hard. I hope the design is good enough, thank you
for the opportunities.

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