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(MAY – AUGUST 2019)

1. Describe a friend or a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal.

You should say:
- What this person is
- What this person encourage you to do
- What this person have help
And explain why this encouragement help you to achieve the goal
Part 3
• Is it important for teenagers to have goals?
• What do you think would encourage young children to learn more?
• How should we encourage children?
• How could we make children interested in things that they don’t have interest?
2. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future. You should
- what sport it is
- When and where would you do it
- What preparations and equipment you would need
and explain why you would like to try this sport
Part 3
• Can you suggest why many people like to be in (or, go to) a places near
• Why do think transport on water was developed?
3. Describe a singer that you like. You should say:
- Who he/she is
- Where and when you heard him/her sing for the first time
- What types of song she/he sings
and explain why you like his/her music
Part 3
• Why do some people seem to be better at singing than others?
• Do you think there are benefits from being able to sing well?
• Do you think people need to learn how to sing (or is it a natural skill)?



• Do you think everyone (or anyone) can be trained to become a singer?

• Do you think women are better singers than men?
• What advice would you give someone if they wanted to learn to sing?
• What do you think is the most important quality that a singer needs to have?
• Do you think having a good voice can help a person get a girlfriend or
• Can you suggest why some old songs are still popular today?
• Do you think everyone (or anyone) can learn to play a musical instrument?
• Do you think it is a good idea to teach music to children in schools?
• How do you think the music industry will evolve (change, develop) in the
4. Describe a quiz program or game show on TV you like. You should say:
- What it is
- How you know it
- What it is like
- Why you like it
Part 3
• Do people in your country like to watch TV?
• Why do some people like to watch TV on their computer?
• Are there any differences between the games children's games and adults'
5. Describe a time that you got up early in the morning
- when it happened
- why you got up early
- who you were with
and explain how you felt about getting up early.
==> Sample Answers
Part 3
• What effect would sleeping late have on one’s life?
• What do you think are the benefits of getting up early?
• What kinds of jobs require people to get up early?
• Do you think old people find it easier to get up early than young people?
• What time do people usually get to bed (in your country)?
• What do you think are the benefits of having a nap in the middle of the day?



6. Describe a time that you invited family or friends to have dinner at home
or in a restaurant
who organized this meal
where you had it
what you talked about during the meal
what you ate and drank and explain why you had this meal with your friends.
==> Sample Answers
Part 3
• Do people in your country prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?
• What would you say are the benefits and drawbacks of eating in a restaurant?
• What do people usually cook for special festivals?
• More and more people are having (or, getting) their meals delivered, so would
people cook at home?
7. Describe a piece of information that you think is not correct. You should
• what information
• where you heard/read this information
• when you heard/read it
• and explain why you think it is incorrect.
Part 3
• What kind of job need giving information?
• How can someone tell if the information they receive is right or wrong?
• Would you say people trust the information that is found online?
8.Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions. You should say:
• who this person is
• how you know this person
• what interesting ideas/opinions he or she has
• and explain you think why his/her ideas are interesting.
Part 3
• At what age do you think (young) people begin to have their own ideas?
• When do children start to have their own ideas?
• Who do you think has more influence on children's ideas, their parents or their



• Can you suggest why children, as they grow older, have more and more
disagreements with their parents about ideas?
9. Describe a historical building you have visited. You should say:
• where it was
• what it looked like
• what you learned there
• and explain why you visited this historical building
Part 3
• Are there any historical buildings in your hometown?
• Do people in your country often visit historical buildings?
• Do children like to go to that kind of place?
• Do you think people who damage historical relics should be put in prison?
• Would people in your country agree to using government funds to preserve
historical buildings?
10. Describe a prize you would like to win/ Describe an award you would like to
receive. You should say:
• what prize (or award) it is (or, would be)
• how you know about (or learned about) this prize/award
• what you would need to do to get it (or, how you would win it)
• and explain why you would like to win this prize (or, receive this award)
Part 3
• Is it good to have competition?
• Do you think it's good to award prizes in school and/university?
• Do you think companies should give their employees prizes?
11. Describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well. You
should say:
• who this person is
• what language(s) they know
• what he/she uses this language (or, these languages) for
• and explain why you think they (he/she) learned it well.
Part 3
• Do you think if it’s possible to learn a language perfectly?
• Is learning a new language important?
• What benefits for one's career does knowledge of foreign languages bring?



• Who do you think learns a language faster, children or adults?

• Do you think that English will become the most commonly used language in
the world?
• Do you think foreigners will be learning your language in the future?
12. Describe a time when you used the internet to solve a problem. You should
• what problem it was
• when you did this
• how long it took you
• and explain why you used the internet to solve this problem.
Part 3
• What influence does the internet have on people (individually), and the
• Do you think libraries will disappear one day?
• What do people use the internet for?
• Would you say many people waste time "surfing the internet"?
• How do you think people will be using the internet in 10 years (time)?
13. Describe a time you received a call from someone you don't know. You
should say:
• when it was
• where you were
• when you received it
• what the call was about
• and explain how you felt (after) when you received this call.
Describe a time you heard someone you didn’t know talking on the phone in a
public place. You should say:
• when and where it was:
• what the person was about;
• what you were doing at that time;
• and explain how you felt about it.
Part 3
• Do you think it's good to talk loudly on a bus?



• In your opinion, would it be a good idea to have laws prohibiting speaking

loudly in public?
14. Describe a famous person (still living), not from your country, who you
would like to meet. You should say:
• where this person comes from
• how you first learned about him or her
• why / how this person is famous
• and explain why you would like to meet this person
Part 3
• How do people become famous?
• Do you think there are any drawbacks from being famous?
15. Describe a person who helps others in his spare time. You should say:
• who he or she is;
• what he or she always does to help others;
• why he or she always helps others;
• and explain how you feel about this person.

16. Describe a park or garden you visited and liked. You should say:
• where it was;
• what it looked like;
• what you did there;
• and explain why you liked it there.

17. Describe a time the vehicle you were travelling in broke down. You should
• where you were going;
• who you were with;
• how long it took to fix the vehicle;
• and explain how you felt about it.

18. Describe something special you brought back home from a holiday. You
should say:
• what it was;



• when and where you bought it;

• why you bought it;
• and explain how you felt about it.

19. Describe a piece of clothing you often wear. You should say:
• what it looks like;
• how often you wear it;
• where you got it;
• and explain why you like it.

20. Describe a time you gave advice to others. You should say:
• who you gave the advice to;
• what advice you gave;
• why this person needed your advice;
• and explain how useful the advice was.

21. Describe something a child did that made you laugh. You should say:
• who the child was;
• how old he or she was;
• what he or she did;
• and explain why it made you laugh.

22. Describe a practical skill you learnt. You should say:

• what the skill was;
• who you learnt it from;
• how you learnt it;
• and explain how useful it was.

23. Describe an impressive advertisement you remember well. You should

• when and where you saw it;
• what was advertised;
• what the contents of the advertisements were;



• and explain why you remember it well.

24. Describe a time you visited a place with friends. You should say:
• where you went;
• what you did there;
• who you were with;
• and explain why it was a memorable experience.

25. Describe an unusual vacation you had. You should say:

• when and where you went;
• who you went with;
• what you did there;
• and explain why it was unusual.

26. Describe a regular thing you do every day. You should say:
• what you do;
• when and where you do it;
• how long you spend doing it;
• and explain why you always do this thing.

27. Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome. You should
• who this person is;
• when and where you first met;
• what personality he or she has;
• and explain why you think this person is beautiful or handsome.

28. Describe someone you would like to work or study with. You should say:
• who this person is;
• what you would like to work on with this person;
• whether you've worked together before;
• and explain why you would like to work with this person.



29. Describe an intelligent person you know. You should say:

• who the person is;
• how old this person is;
• what he does;
• and explain why you think he or she is intelligent.

30. Describe an interesting old person you met. You should say:
• who this person was;
• how you met this person;
• what you did or talked about;
• and explain why you think this person was interesting.

31. Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up.
You should say:
• who the person was;
• how you got to know this person;
• what impressed you most about this person;
• and explain why you wanted to be like this person.

32. Describe a new public facility, such as a road, a park, or a shopping center,
which improves your local area. You should say:
• what facility it is;
• where it is located;
• who uses this public facility;
• and explain how it improves your local area.

33. Describe a perfect house you saw. You should say:

• when and where you saw it;
• what it looked like;
• what special features it had;
• and explain why you liked it.

34. Describe a kind of food people eat on special occasions. You should say:



• what it is;
• how it is cooked
• why people eat it;
• and explain how you feel about this kind of food.

35. Describe something you bought but don't use very often. You should say:
• what it is;
• when and where you bought it;
• why you bought it;
• and explain why you don't use it very often.

36. Describe a time you found something someone lost. You should say:
• what it was;
• when and where you found it;
• what you did after you found it;
• and explain how you felt about finding it.

37. Describe a friend s success that you were proud of. You should say:
• what he or she did;
• why he or she did this;
• what difficulties he or she had to overcome;
• and explain why you were proud of his or her success.

38. Describe a time you received bad service at a shop or a restaurant. You
should say:
• what goods or services you bought;
• who you were with
• when you were served;
• and explain how you felt about the service.

39. Describe an outdoor sport you would like to try for the first time. You
should say:



• what sport it is;

• how you got to know it;
• whether it is difficult to do;
• and explain why you would like to try it.

40. Describe an activity you do to stay healthy. You should say:

• what you do;
• when you started doing it;
• how much time you spend doing it;
• and explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.

41. Describe a period of time in the history of your country that you want to
know more about. You should say:
• when it was;
• what happened during that period of time;
• who played an important role in this period of time;
• and explain why you want to know more about the time period

42. Describe a subject you didn't like before but have interest now. You should
• what it is;
• when you studied the subject;
• why you didn't like it before;
• and explain why you have interest in it now.

43. Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school. You should say:
• when it was;
• what you did;
• how long the free time lasted;
• and explain how you felt about it.

44. Describe something you want to do but don’t have time for. You should



• what it is;
• why you would like to do it;
• how easy or difficult it is to do it;
• and explain why you don’t time for it.

45. Describe a job your grandparent did. You should say:

• what job it was;
• when and where your grandparent did the job;
• how long he or she did the job;
• and explain how you think about this job.

46. Describe something you do that helps your work or study. You should say:
• what it is;
• how you do it;
• when and where you usually do it;
• and explain how it helps your work or study.

47. Describe a party you enjoyed. You should say:

• when and where it took place:
• who held the party;
• what people did at the party;
• and explain why you enjoyed it.

48. Describe a piece of good news you recently heard on TV or the Internet.
You should say:
• what the news was about;
• when you got this news;
• where you got this news from;
• and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.

49. Describe an important decision you made with the help of others. You
should say:
• what it was about;



• who helped you make this decision;

• what happened after the decision was made;
• and explain how you felt about the decision.

50. Describe a time you changed your plan. You should say:
• what the plan was;
• why you changed it;
• what you did instead;
• and explain how you felt about changing the plan.

51. Describe a good law in your country. You should say:

• what the law is;
• how you first learned about it;
• who the law affects;
• and explain why you think this is a good law.

52. Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home. You
should say:
• where it would be;
• how you would like to go there;
• what you would do there;
• and explain why you would like to go there.

53. Describe a game that you played in your childhood. You should say:
• What the game was
• When you played it
• Who you played it with
• How you felt about the game

54. Describe a time you taught a young person how to do a thing. You should
• what you taught;
• who you taught it to;



• why you taught it to this person;

• and explain how you felt about it.

55. Describe an important plant in your country. You should say:

• What it is
• Where you see it
• What it looks like
• Why it is important

56. Describe a situation that others didn't tell you the whole truth. You should
• what the situation was;
• who was involved;
• why they didn't tell you the whole truth;
• and explain how you felt when you found out you were not told the whole


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