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​5 Budget-Friendly Tricks For A Luxurious

Interior Feel

We all desire to have a unique

interior for our home so that our
living space looks like a ​mansion
to the spectators. Our budget
often comes as the hindrance
towards achieving this goal. Are
you a kind of person who fits into
this category? No worries, you
are not alone. If you are looking
for a home with luxurious
decoration that goes easy on
your budget, ​interior designers
in Kottayam ​suggests you some
life hacks that help you out of the

Paint Colour to Choose

Choosing a paint colour from the lot is one of the hardest choices to make. Picking
either a crisp white or high pigment paint in a neutral tone will present a sense of
refinement and bring elegance to your interiors. Another ideal trick that works is adding
the colour black to the interior doors so that it will create a rich feel to the rooms. Make
sure to attach other black shaded accessories to the door for more sophistication.

​Pick the Right Pillow Size

Every one love throw pillows that act as a marvellous accessory to the sofas and
cushions. A bunch of small-sized pillows won’t have much impact on giving a luxurious
look nowadays. They aren’t too big to be of a beneficial item. So the trick you have to
know is to ignore the 12-18 inch pillows you get from the local home store and go for the
larger 22-inch pillow covers and pack them with 24-inch inserts. These overstuffed
pillows will offer a luxurious touch to your interiors.

Spend Wisely on Windows

There are endless window treatment choices you can opt for. Top​ ​Architects in Kerala
suggest spending reasonably on the best quality windows. Neglect buying sheer and
unlined curtains which are a common sign of poor quality. Instead of wasting your time
wandering around a local home store, devote your time on fetching it from a reputed
fabric store. Such a wise pick can help give a glamorous look & feel to your interiors
without even spending much penny on it.

Lighting has Lightning Effect

​Lightning has a luminous impact on the style of your interiors. Don’t forget to toss out

accessories like chandeliers, ceiling fans, fancy lights etc and replace them with the
lighting that has a glowing effect. To purchase it economically, you needn’t move in-out
at high-end lighting stores, instead, try to get it from second-hand stores for a
budget-friendly buy without compromising on giving the rich feel & look.

Customize Investment on

Furniture is where one of the

loftiest spends happen while
designing your interiors. It
accounts for putting the
heaviest investment in a room.
Investing in low-quality
furniture stuff can cost you not
only money but your status too. Shop from second-hand stores, consignment shops and
estate sales for standard furniture items of desired quality at a pocket-friendly budget.

​Our Final Words

​You can avail your much-awaited and affordable interior decoration techniques from
Suvarnarekhs Design Consultants. We are one of the​ top 10 architects in Kerala​ ​that
offers luxurious interior designing services for your new or existing home, keeping in
considerations the above tips and you without worrying about your financial conditions.

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