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As the given paragraph stated, Bienvenido Lumbera is a poet, librettist and

scholar. He introduced tagalog literature, what is now known as Bagay Poetry, a

landmark aesthetics tendency that has helped change the vernacular poetic
tradition. He is also the author of many works and wrote stories and essays, that
inspired the other Filipinos to wake up because of the deep message in his works
and contributed to the rise of the Philippine literature . The impacts of the literary
pieces of Bienvenido Lumbera were so proficient and has a big contribution to
literature. He has been chosen as 2006 National Artist for Literature. His literary
pieces has a significant impact on the Philippine culture for he has contributed to
the strengthening of what is Filipino in Filipino culture. Lumbera also directly
contributed to the further development of an Filipino culture by creating poetry
and drama reflecting the continuing Filipino quest.

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