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AIS Thailand

Project status In Discussion

Document by Rohan Gaitonde

Business Archita Jasani

Product Rohan Gaitonde

About the Partner

AIS is a Mobile service provider in Thailand. They want to partner with Eros Now for providing Carrier Billing.

Flow Proposed

AIS was pushing for In App flow (they refer to it as BOB) as that is the only integration with which they work. However since our In App option
were not to be ready by 2019 end we had proposed the below 2 options which AIS had agreed

Phase 1: The AIS billing options shall be provided through our WAP based user flow. Once the payment is successful, user name and password
generated shall be applicable on all platforms. Attaching user flow for the same.

Phase 2: Once our new payment system is ready we shall do an In App (BOB) type integration.

Service flow to be based on topic 2.3 in the file “OTT-AIS_TechnicalFlow_30Aug2019.docx”


Phase 1 can go ahead with Techzone type of flow

Phase 2 can follow a Du/Etisalat model where Techzone handles the backend and there is a InApp option for AIS payment

***To decide if we go ahead with Phase 1 and 2 or only 1 of the 2

Technical Documentation

Attaching the entire zip of technical documents shared by AIS

Related APIs to be used

1. PackageTrigCP (AIS_PackageTrig_Developer_Guide_V1.0.0.pdf)
2. AccountTrigCP (AIS AccountTrig Developer Guide v.1.0.0.pdf)
3. reserveAndChargeVolume (AIS DirectCharging SDK Developer Guide v.1.0.1.docx)
4. GenerateThirdPartyOTP, LoginThirdPartyOTP (AIS LoginThridParty SDK Developer Guide v.1.0.0.docx)

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