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Spes Rewrite

Matthew Thornton
Ms. Lowe
English 2 honors

In Night by ​Elie Wiesel ​survival was key in the Concentration camps. Being
lowkey and helping other Jews in need was optional but to some it was mandatory. In
Night when Elie and his fellow Jews arrived at the camp, they were offered scraps of
bread to eat. Elie knew that when that bread hit the ground it was fair game and he had
no chance. “However, having survived, I needed to give some meaning to my survival.
Was it to protect that meaning.” That truly showed the reader that these men and
women would do the most to survive. In conclusion, staying on your p’s and q’s is a big
deal in the camps the characters live in. Staying alert caused many deaths but also
helped people survive and build bonds. In many ways Night shows that survival and
friendship is key when in a situation like the Jews and Elie.

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