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Head CT Scan axial slices, without contrast administration:

No evidence of hypodens nor hyperdens abnormal lesion in brain parenchyma
Cerebral sulcation and gyri are normal
Ventricle system and cistern are normal
No evidence of midline structure deviation
No evidence of abnormal calcification
Physiologic calcification was seen at both basal ganglia
Pons and cerebellum seem no abnormality
Both Orbits and mastoid air-cells are normal
Visualized maxillary, frontalis, ethmoidalis and sphenoidalis sinuses seem no abnormality
Nasopharynx are normal
Calvaria bones and bases cranii no fracture
SCALP soft tissue seen normal
Visualized cervical spine are normal (VC1 – VC …) no fracture

No evidence of intracranial hemorrhage
Axial sections, coronal and sagital reformatted with bone windows
Findings :
Intracranial haemorrhage : Nil
Brain parenchyme : there is no abnormal hypodense or hyperdense lesion in the brain parenchyme
No evidence of midline shift or mass effect
Basal ganglia, internal capsule, thalamus, and corpus callosum are seen normal
Sulci and cistern : seen normal, subdural space seen no abnormality
Ventricle system : normal,
Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain, cerebellum : normal
Falx and tentorium : normal
Internal auditory canal : normal
Sela tursica, parasellar region, are normal
Nasopharynx : normal
Orbits : Intraorbital structures, optic nerves, retrobulbar space seen normal
Paranasal sinuses : seen mucosal thockening at right maxillary sinus and air fluid evel at left maxillary sinus
Mastoids : normal
Bones : No abnormality at the calvaria bone
Visualised cervical spine : normal

Impression :
• No evidence of intracranial hemorrhage
• No bone fracture
• Bilateral maxillaries sinusitis

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