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Giordano 1

Anthony Giordano

Ms. Wilson

English II Honors

December 12, 2019

Final Draft

The average amount of sleep teens should be getting is at least 9 hours of sleep a night.

About 90 percent of high school teens worldwide are sleep deprived (Gregoire). With not a lot of

sleep on a daily basis, kids are greatly affected by it. They will normally have a rocky start with

their day as they might be late to get up and not have much for breakfast or not be ready to leave

on time and end up late to school. If they drive they might have trouble focusing on the road and

you’ll have a much higher chance that you will miss a light or drag against the curb and get in an

accident, all because you went to bed late. They can also lose focus or doze off in the classroom

while the teacher is talking or if they’re taking notes. This affects everybody because if

someone’s driving you will have to watch out for the person driving on the lines that didn’t get

much sleep, or if someone hangs out with the person on a daily basis, they might get annoyed if

the person has to keep making sure the person doesn't walk into something or if you have to

repeat what they said if the person is having a conversation with him. It is important that this is

addressed because if someone can’t control themselves when their tired, then it can affect

everyone around them. Someone could be in an accident or doing a bigger load of work if a peer

is sleep deprived.
Giordano 2

Some specific problems with the topic is that the main reasons that kids don’t get much

sleep is because of school work and preparation for class. Some teachers are tougher than others

and demand more work to be done at home. Some people have a life where they are in clubs or

do sports after school and want to take their mind off from school and want to hang out with

friends and enjoy life. Not to do more work that they already did in class and that they most

likely not keep when the units over. On top of that school starts very early and teens already lose

some sleep due to their body clocks being pushed forward by 1-2 which can lose some sleep as

“​Puberty hormones shift the teenager’s body clock forward by about one or two hours, making

them sleepier one to two hours later. Yet, while the teenager falls asleep later, early school starts

​ his proves that some of these problems

don’t allow them to sleep in”(​Teenagers and sleep)​. T

aren’t even in our control but sometimes you have to adjust to the changes. Sometimes people

have disorders preventing them from a good night's sleep as “Some drugs used to treat disorders

such as epilepsy or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can cause

insomnia”(​Teenagers and sleep)​. ​This is another example of a situation not in they’re control but

they’re forced to deal with it.

Some solutions to resolve this problem involve getting more sleep on the weekends and

going to bed earlier on Sunday. “Allow your child to sleep in on the weekends. Encourage an
Giordano 3

early night every Sunday. A late night on Sunday followed by an early Monday morning will

make your child drowsy for the start of the school week.”(​Teenagers and sleep)​.​ This can

​ ome other solutions that could happen

really help you catch up on sleep for the upcoming week.​ S

are if possible try to plan everything earlier or try not to plan stuff last minute. Some pros of each

solution are you can almost always get a good sleep on the weekend as long as you don’t have

something planned early in the morning. The cons of the solutions are that sometimes you just

can’t control what time everything you do is going to be so you just have to work with not as

much sleep.

In Conclusion teens aren’t getting enough sleep due to too much homework and after

school activities. The best solution for this is catch up on your sleep on the weekends or try to

plan what you want to do ahead of time and earlier. Most of the time you can’t control your

schedule after school if you don’t want to stay at home all the time.You might not even be in

control of the situation some of the time. However, it's much easier to get extra sleep on the

weekends if you don’t have something planned early in the morning and there are going to be

times where you can arrange your schedule or plan something earlier.
Works Cited
Giordano 4

"In-Depth": Generation sleep deprived: How lack of sleep is hurting Canadian teens By:
Television), Jan 28, 2019

Lack of sleep is harming teens. By: REBECCA BAKER, Advertiser, The (Adelaide), 01/27/2019

“Teenagers and sleep”: Better Health Channel, (Victoria State Government), May 2018

Problem-Solution Essay Rubric

W.9-10.1 ​Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient
W.9-10.2​ Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately
through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
Standard What do I need to do?
2.a.​ ​Introduction​ - ​Introduce
a topic; organize complex ____Provide ​sufficient context​ to your problem that aids the reader in understanding
ideas, concepts, and (What is the problem?)
information to make ____Present a thesis that presents a ​clear​ opinion (Why is it a problem?)
connections and distinctions.
____Present a picture of what will happen should the problem go unresolved (Why
should I or anyone care?)
2.b.​ ​Exposition​ - ​Develop the
topic with well-chosen, ____Use ​well-chosen, relevant,​ ​and sufficient​ evidence (quotations from cited,
relevant, and sufficient facts,
extended definitions,
authoritative sources) appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic
concrete details, quotations, ____​Provide ​clear​ and ​logical explanations that connect the evidence​ to the main idea
or other information and of the essay
examples appropriate to the ____Develop claims and counterclaims fairly
audience’s knowledge of the
2.c​. ​Organization​ - ​Use
appropriate and varied ____Use transitions ​between ​paragraphs to link major sections of the text
transitions to link the major
____Use transitions ​within ​paragraphs to create unity and cohesion
sections of the text, create ____Organize sentences and paragraphs in a focused, logical manner that promotes unity
cohesion, and
clarify the relationships
among complex ideas and
2.d.​ ​Language​ - ​Use precise
language and domain-specific ____Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of
vocabulary to manage the
complexity of the topic.
the topic
2.e.​ ​Language​ - ​Establish and ____Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone
maintain a formal style and ____​Avoid repetition, redundancy, and wordiness to create a ​concise and focused
objective tone while argument
attending to the norms and
conventions of the discipline
in which they are writing.
2.f.​ ​Conclusion​ - ​Provide a
concluding statement or ____Summarize the main points ​using original language
section that follows from and
supports the information
____Provides a concluding statement that evaluates the best solution to the selected
or explanation presented problem
(e.g., articulating implications ____Articulate an ​extension ​that addresses the implications or significance
or the significance of the
Final Draft Score:

MLA Style & Formatting Rubric

Requirements Your Score

MLA Style Heading and Page Numbers (1 pts.)

❏ The document has a heading including the author’s name, the teacher’s name, the
class and the date 1/1
❏ The document has page numbers in the top right of the page with the author’s last

Margins, Font, Spacing (1 pts.)

❏ The author uses 12-pt Times New Roman font 1/1
❏ The author uses double spacing throughout

In-Text Citations (1.5 pts.)

❏ The writer includes parenthetical citations after each quotation/paraphrase from an
outside source 1/1.5
❏ The citation includes the author’s last name (or article name) and page number (if any)
❏ The citation is punctuated correctly

Example 1: “This is a fake quotation” (Wilson 1).

Example 2: “This is a fake quotation” (“Article Name” 1).

Works Cited Page (1.5 pts.)

❏ The author includes a Works Cited Page
❏ Items in the Works Cited page are listed in alphabetical order 1.5/1.5
❏ The Works Cited page is formatted correctly: 12 pt Times New Roman,
double-spaced, left justification (DO NOT CENTER YOUR WORKS CITED PAGE)

Total MLA Score:


Final Problem Solution Scores

Requirement Points Earned Points Possible

Outline 5 5 points

Rough Draft 9.75 10 points

MLA Formatting 4.5 5 points

Final Draft 24 30 points

TOTAL SCORE 43.25 50 points

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