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■​1. What was your goal entering Quarter 1 and Junior Year?

Just to try to do my best and have a good school year. The main goal was to just give 
school my 100 percent focus  
■​2. Do you feel you successfully achieved those goals? Why or why not. 
Yes so far I really have been liking all my classes and seems to be going well just a 
couple grades I think can be better so I want to raise them  
■​3. What is your goal for Quarter 2? 
To try to get all my C’s higher and just try to improve all my grades   
■​4. What will you do to ensure you achieve your new goal? 
Do my homework and work hard and try to study 
■​5. What specific steps will you take to achieve this goal? 
Do my work more staying focused and really believe  
■​6. How confident do you feel entering Quarter 2? (rating 1-4) 
good because so far everything has been fine but there just some other things I need 
work on that can do better 

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