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Exams are very necessary in our life as well as in studies.

But present examination

system can't evaluate the true potential potential of students. The fear of failure
in exams made a wrong vision towards it in student's it in student's student's
towards it in student's it in student's student's mind.
Exams are beneficial but they are not everything. Students must enjoy the exams not
get afraid of it. Vir Das said," whether your results are amazing or not doesn't
doesn't prevent your personality from being amazing."
Exams can't measure measure one's creativity, teamwork, out of box thinking, sense
of humour, work ethic, community spirit, compassion, loyalty to others and much
more.Hence, 'Examinations are necessary to bring out what lies in our minds and
hearts and our skills in skills in and our skills in skills in answering all kinds
of questions.'
Knowledge Is Power Power but without action it's useless. We need to upgrade our
syllabus and teaching methods according to the New digital Era to bring our
examination system to a new level. Radhakrishnan said," if we are to suggest one
single reform in in University education, it should be that of examination."
Examination should be more of learning not memorizing.
Scholastic and non scholastic both aspects of education should be in continuous
evaluation evaluation education should be in continuous evaluation evaluation
continuous evaluation. Higher classes like like 10th and 12th must be more of
practical and real interaction rather than theory. Co-curricular activities,
sports, moral education education and social interaction must be done in parallel
to studies. At the end end exams should be like a festival but we have to make it
like this.

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