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Classical conditioning principle can be applied to the development of marketing strategies in the

following ways

Through classical conditioning a company attempts to provide their clients with services and
products that satisfies their needs and reward them to reignforce the chance of repeat purchase,
the reignforcement also disguised in marketing and emphasizing on the income a customer will
get from using a service or a product.

Applying classical conditioning buyers can be conditioned to form favorable impressions and
images of different brands through the associative process, the advertisers strive to associate their
products and services with emotions known to evoke positive reactions from customers, images
and perceptions since many products are promoted through image advertising.

Classical conditioning can also correlate the product with a good exciting state, Gerald gorn did a
study and used it to examine how background music influences preference of the product that is
clients are likely to choose a product presented against background music they like.

Classical conditioning is most efficient when emotion is occupied, advertising for low
involvement products usually attracts customers through effective means because nobody thinks
of buying a low involvement goods, sales promotion and advertising are the most forms of
classical conditioning in marketing.

Classical conditioning makes marketers to always try to maintain the quality of the products and
services steady so as to ensure that they are purchased.

Through Classical conditioning marketers practice shaping ,shaping involves the positive
reinforcement of consecutive approximations of the desired behavior that must be performed
before the desired response can be emitted, Shaping is also essential because It gives customers
the likelihood that they will make a particular preferred response.

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