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As you know in this time it’s so important that all people must speak a second language because
if you visit or want to communicate whit other persons from other countries sometimes you will
need to speak an international language: English. Then this language in our country It is a new
requirement that you must meet if you aspire to a better job. So, exist many reasons for improving
o learn this idiom and its better if you learn since you’re a child.

Recently, in our country the number of school that are bilinguals has been increases for many
reason, the main reason maybe is that today the parents prefer to invest in the education of their
children because children have the ability to learn and understand faster as well as to take
advantage of the large amount of information available through various means, since their minds
are more flexible and they quickly grasp languages.

I had the opportunities saw the children of my copartners and its amazing heard to speak so
quickly and clear, super natural and see how they don´t look any afraid when they speak English!
So, really the children understand the idiom and change the chip to Spanish with nothing problem.

My panthers explained to me the advantages they see in their children and they told me that if
one can grow up learning a foreign language, it represents a great advantage, since children
have a greater capacity for absorption and understanding, which allows them to be more fluent
so it is important to take advantage of that early childhood to present the study of English, since
they can better assimilate and also develop socialization skills and are more interested in other
cultures and maximum brain capacity is used.

So, for me it is clear that learning a different language is better when you study at an early age,
so my dream is to give my children the opportunity to learn English in a bilingual school so they
have better opportunities as adults, because in the world in which we develop, the demands
grow every day and it is easier if you have the skills to face what the world asks of you.

I also hope that bilingual education will be more accessible in the future so that other people
also have the opportunity that many may not have had since they were young and that future
parents see the importance of this to improve the quality of life in our country.

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