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2018 1st International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security

Detection of Electricity Theft in Customer

Consumption using Outlier Detection Algorithms
Jaime Yeckle Bo Tang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mississippi State Unviersity Mississippi State Unviersity
Mississippi State, MS Mississippi State, MS

Abstract—Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is a core best knowledge, multiple outliers detection algorithms have
part of Smart-grid, which is responsible for collecting, measuring not been used. Our approach includes the use of seven outliers
and analyzing energy usage data of customers. The development detection algorithms to detect abnormal pattern consumption;
of this network has been possible thanks to the emergence of new
information and communication technologies. However, with the also, a preprocessing of the data using k-means clustering
arrival of these technologies, new problems have arisen in the algorithm is performed with the objective of reducing the
AMI. One of these challenges is the energy theft, which has number of measurement samples. The validation is performed
been a major concern in traditional power systems worldwide. by analyzing the electricity consumption of five customers,
To face these challenges, datasets of electricity consumptions are which include seven different types of electricity theft. After
analyzed to detect intruders. Traditional techniques to detect
intruders include the use of machine learning and data mining comprehensive experiments, a feasibility study is performed to
approaches. In this paper, we analyze the feasibility of applying analyze the use of these existing outliers detection algorithms
outliers detection algorithms for enhancing the security of AMI as an improvement to AMI security. The study will help
through of the detection of electricity theft. We explore the future researchers to apprehend and extend existing outliers
performances of various existing outlier detection algorithms on detection algorithms for building robust IDSs, which are used
a real dataset (consumer energy usage). The results show the
feasibility of use outliers algorithms in the security of AMI and in various components of AMI and other critical systems. The
also the effectiveness of the use of these methods in the electricity contributions of this research are as follows:
consumption datasets for theft detection. 1) We have conducted a set of experiments on a public data
Index Terms—Outliers detection, electricity theft detection, set using state-of-the-art outliers detection techniques
advanced metering infrastructure, smart grid
and compared their performances.
2) Seven types of electricity theft are generated to validate
I. I NTRODUCTION the outlier detection algorithms.
Smart-grid incorporates computer intelligence and sensors 3) We have performed a feasibility study of applying these
into the power system. This includes the use of smart meters outliers algorithms in the detection of electricity theft in
in the AMI subsystem. However, with the intelligence incor- AMI.
porated, new security concerns are raised. One of them is the
electricity theft that has been the long-standing issue to utilities
as it can cause billions of dollars worth in financial losses [1]. In recent years, the emergence of Smart-grid has motivated
The methods of stealing electricity include tampering meters research into a variety of intrusion detection techniques. One
[2] and connecting unregistered appliances to the power grid. approach is exploring Machine-Learning Methods (MLMs)
Many efforts are committed to addressing electricity theft [5] to detecting anomalies, such as neural networks, support
issues using a variety of approaches. Traditionally, pattern vector machines, K-nearest neighbor and Hidden Markov
recognition and data-mining techniques are used over histori- model. However, inaccurate models can lead to false alarms
cal electricity usage to detect electricity theft [3] [4]. and/or missed detections. Also, in the literature we find the
In this paper, we analyze the feasibility of applying out- outliers detection techniques which can be applied to detect
liers detection algorithms for enhancing the security of AMI malicious attempts to manipulate the data from most nominal
through the detection of electricity theft in a variety of types. cases. Outliers detection techniques can be categorized into
Our focus in this study is to detect normal and malicious four groups: statistical, distance based, clustering methods
customers based in the analysis of consumption patterns in the and density-based approaches. In statistical techniques [6]–
AMI subsystem. In the past, many classification algorithms [8], the data points are typically modeled using a stochastic
were used to train a classifier based on a sample database, distribution, and points are labeled as outliers depending
which is then utilized to find abnormal patterns, but, to our on their relationship with the distributional model. Distance
based methods [9]–[11] use solely the distance space to flag
outliers. The cluster-based methods [12], [13] detect outliers

978-1-5386-5762-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 135

DOI 10.1109/ICDIS.2018.00029
in the process of finding clusters. In density-based methods, density is estimated, the method considers the use of standard
an outlier is detected when its local density differs from its kernels and (1) the k-nearest neighbors (knn), (2) the reverse
neighborhood. Different density estimation methods can be nearest neighbors (rnn), and (3) the shared nearest neighbors
applied to measure the density. Local Outlier Factor [17] is (snn). The snn of a object ’p’ are those objects who share one
an outlierness score which use a nave density estimation. A or more nearest neighbors with ’p’.
modification to the density estimation with a variable kernel to Mutual k-nearest neighbor (MNN) [12]. This approach
yield a robust local density estimation is proposed in [18]. In studies the relationship between the connectivity of a mutual
[19] the authors use a classic kernel density estimation directly k-nearest-neighbor graph and the presence of clustering struc-
instead of experimenting with non-standard kernels. Kernel ture and outliers in the data. Each connected component is
also is used in [21] but there the authors include the k-nearest considered as a cluster if it contains more than one vector and
neighbors, reverse nearest neighbors and the shared nearest an outlier when the connected component contains only one
neighbors as an improvement in the density estimation. vector.
On the other hand, many approaches are proposed to detect Indegree Number(ODIN) [13]. ODIN is similar to MNN
energy theft using data mining and machine learning algo- but with the characteristic that a vector is defined as an outlier
rithms. For example, in [1], [14], the authors use historical if it participates in at most T neighborhoods in kNN graph,
consumption data along with SVM classifier to detect abnor- where threshold T is a control parameter. ODIN classifies a
mal behaviors. Also, the use of SVM and parallelization to vector as outlier on basis of its in degree number in the graph.
reduce the detection time is used in [15]. In [16], a neural
network model was incorporated to estimate SVM parameters B. K-means Clustering Algorithm
in order to detect energy theft attacks that result in zero usage In this work, we use k-means clustering to find hours with
reports. In this paper, we use outlier detection techniques similar pattern of consumption. In this form, we reduce the
(OD) in the detection of electricity theft in AMI system. To consumption readings (features) summed up the in-between
our best knowledge, OD techniques have not been applied to samples. K-means is a popular algorithm to clustering data
evaluate the performance in the detection of energy theft using through a certain number of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed
consumption data of smart meters in AMI system. a priori. The main idea is to define k-centers (one for each
cluster) and take each point and associate it to the nearest
center. In other words, the algorithm aims at minimizing an
A. Outliers Detection Algorithms objective function know as squared error function given by:
We implemented seven state-of-art traditional outliers de- Ci

tection algorithms which are described in this section. (|xi − vj |)2 (1)
Local Outlier Factor (LOF) [17]. This algorithm takes into i=1 j=1
account both the density of the given instance and the density
of the data instances in the k-nearest neighbor set of point. The where |xi − vj | is the Euclidean distance, Ci is the number
outliers are detected by comparing the local density of each of data points in it h cluster and C is the number of cluster
point to the local density of its neighbors. We must highlight centers. In addition to k-means, we use Silhouette plots to
that the output factor depends on the choice of k and also that detect the suitable number of consumption patterns (clusters)
the LOF computation performance is high. in one day. The silhouette value is a measure of how similar
Local Density Factor (LDF) [18]. This technique merges an object is to its own cluster (cohesion) compared to other
LOF concepts and kernel density estimation. To estimate the clusters (separation).
density, use non-standard kernels to yield a robust local density IV. E VALUATION
estimation. However, we must highlight, that LDF ignores the
theoretical foundations of kernel density estimation, which in A. Dataset
some cases is a disadvantage. We used the smart energy data from the Irish Smart Energy
Flexible Kernel Density Estimates (KDEOS) [19]. This Trial [22] in our tests. This data includes the electricity usage
method estimates the density using standard kernels and reports of Irish homes and businesses during 2009 and 2010.
applying the z -score transformation for score normalization. We select five customers who participated in the trial and had
The result is a combination of existing experience in kernel a smart meter installed in their homes. Each file (customer)
density estimation with the ideas of local and density-based contains 90 instances(days) by 24 components(meter measure-
outlier detection methods, preserving the strengths of both. ments).
Influenced Outlierness (INFLO) [20]. This technique pro-
poses a simple but effective measure on local outliers based on B. Synthetic malicious energy consumption
symmetric neighborhood relationships. The proposed measure In this research, we generated seven types of energy theft
considers the k-nearest neighbors and reverse neighbors of an based on the dataset of normal samples [23]. To implement
object when estimating its density distribution. these attacks, first, we obtained the normal patterns using the
Relative Density-based Outlier Score (RDOS) [21]. This historical consumption, and then we applied the following
method is a combination of KDEOS and INFLO. When the changes to create the seven types of electricity theft:

TABLE I C. Experiment Design
The methodology has two steps. In the first step, we
Features performed the preprocessing of the data; this process includes
original clustering
Customer-1 24 3 tasks such as (1) format and normalize the data from the raw
Customer-2 24 3 file (2) select a season period(90 days) with 24 meter readings
Customer-3 24 13 by day,(3) create a synthetic data set of malicious samples
Customer-4 24 9
Customer-5 24 3
which contains seven different types of electricity theft, and
(4) perform k-means in conjunction with Silhouette plots to
reduce the number of meter readings by day which sums up
the in-between samples. In the second part, we tested the
seven detection algorithms for the five customers. For every
customer we tested seven files, which correspond to seven
types of electricity theft, making 35 files processed in total.
We use the Area Under ROC Curve (AUC) as a metric
for measuring the performance of the algorithms. In addition,
we tuned the parameter values with the help of corresponding
literature. The process included a test to find the bests ’h’
values (kernel width) for the algorithms LDF, KDEOS, and

The results of applying the k-means clustering algorithm
over the five customer are shown in the Table I. We can see that
in the majority of the cases, the features were reduced to three
meter readings by day. In other words, this corresponds to
three patterns of consumption during one day: low(morning),
medium(afternoon) and high consumption(night). Customer-
Fig. 1. Example of the types of electricity theft generated (attacks) 3 and Customer-4 have more patterns of consumption in one
day. This would probably correspond to commercial customers
who have many patterns of consumption during the day.
• Type-1: Scaling down the amount of consumption by a
constant ratio, i.e. reduce the consumption every hour by A. AUC performance by seven Algorithms
the same constant As result of the k-means clustering, we have customers with
• Type-2: It generates an interruption in the transmission of different meter readings by day. In Fig. 2, RDOS, LDF and
usage reports by smart meters during a random duration INFLO obtain the best performance for customers with three
of the day features. For data sets with electricity theft type-4 to type-
• Type-3: Scaling down the amount of consumption with 7, the best results are over 90 percent AUC. Customer-3 and
a different random value for every hour Customer-4 are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. In both cases,
• Type-4: Scaling down the average consumption of the the better performances are obtained with KDEOS, INFLO,
day every hour for a random value LDF and RDOS. Also we observed that for electricity theft
• Type-5: This represents a constant consumption all day. 5,6,7 the AUC is over 75 percent while in the rest of the
The value of the constant is the average consumption for performance is lower. In addition, we can appreciate that
that day Customer-3 and Customer-4, in the majority of the methods,
• Type-6: Reverses the order of readings. In this way, the the AUC is lower than Customer 1, 2, 5 (low features). This
illegal customer pays less because the price of the hours leads us to conclude that the increase in the features affects
with high demand is more expensive than hours with low the performance of some algorithms. For example, the method
demand RDOS dramatically decreases its performance when it runs
• Type-7: Scaling down the amount of consumption. The dataset with high features.
consumption will be between zero and the minimum
value for that hour. B. Results by types of electricity theft
An example of the daily consumption of a customer with Table II shows the results over the full data sets, i.e. for
the seven types of synthetic electricity theft generated is shown the five customers with seven types of electricity thefts for
in Fig. 1. In this figure, the normal consumption is colored each one. We observed that the majority of algorithms obtain
with black; the rest of the colors correspond to the attacks good results for all types of electricity thefts (only the type-2
generated. obtains a low AUC). Table II also shows the best methods by

Fig. 2. AUC of customers 1,2,5 (3 features) Fig. 4. AUC of customer-4 (9 features)

Fig. 5. General Time taken by algorithms over all data set

Fig. 3. AUC of customer-3 (13 features) type, which shows that INFLO, RDOS, LDF have excellent
In Fig. 5, we can see the result for the average time over the
ve customer. MNN and KDEOS, obtain the best time while
TABLE II LDF and LOF are the worst performer. We must highlight that
D ETECTION LEVEL FOR TYPE OF ELECTRICITY THEFT (AUC) all methods output similar values for all type of the electricity
Theft-Type AUC Methods theft. Fig. 6 show the Standard deviation obtained over the full
1 0.81 INFLO, LDF, RDOS data set. RDOS and INFLO are the methods with the lowest
2 0.65 KDEOS, LDF, INFLO standard deviation.
3 0.91 RDOS, INFLO
5 0.95 RDOS, KDEOS
C. Effect of the clustering
6 0.95 RDOS, LDF Due to space limitations we show the results of features
reduction only for customer-2 in Fig. 7 and 8. In these figures,
we observed the effect on the AUC performance using 24-
features vs 3-features. The figures show that for the majority

Fig. 6. General Standard deviation over all data set Fig. 8. AUC with 3 features for customer 2

ODIN methods are the worst. In general, we can say that

the methods that combine the nearest neighbors, the use of
a kernel and symmetry between neighbors to estimate the
density, are excellent ways to detect electricity theft based on
the analysis of consumer consumption.
In this paper, we analyzed the feasibility of applying out-
liers detection algorithms for enhancing the security of AMI
through the detection of electricity theft in a variety of types.
Our focus in this study was to detect normal customers and
malicious customers based on the analysis of consumption pat-
terns in the AMI subsystem. We used seven outliers detection
algorithms to detect abnormal pattern consumption; also, a
preprocessing of the data using k-means clustering algorithm
was performed with the objective to reduce the numbers of
measurement samples by day over the data. The results showed
that when the numbers of metering reading are reduced (using
Fig. 7. AUC with 24 features for customer 2 clustering), the AUC performance is increased. In addition,
INFLO and RDOS show prominent results (AUC and STD) in
the detection of electricity theft. Finally, the best performance
of the top algorithms, the performance are increased when
was obtained with three features in comparison with nine and
reducing the metering reading from 24 to 3. In other words,
thirteen features.
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