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Rising: Our Navigation

II. Sun-Mars Interpretation: How we Individualize

III. Aspects

IV. Career

V. Transits

I. Rising: Our Navigation

Rising in Astrology refers to our first house cusp, which we also refer to as the Ascendant. Our rising sign

usually refers to the sign that is placed into our first house but does not specify the certain degree to which our

Ascendant is placed. So, your rising sign is in scorpio, but ​your Ascendant is in the 24​° o​ f Scorpio​. The Rising

is often defined by many statements, but how I typically define our rising is that it refers to our navigation

system. The rising is the house that is most “us,” its how we conceptualize who we are and how others may

define us. We use the rising as our purpose statement---what we want to get out of the world, and we use this

very statement to navigate a society that may appear very ambiguous and complex. Scorpio rising is typically

aware of the nuances of society, some of which can be very unsettling. How Scorpio risings navigate the world

is by the simple trick of looking downward as means for their exploration. They relish in topics that may be

controversial or out of mainstream for others and being surrounded by unsettling information and situations

ultimately makes Scorpio Risings very pessimistic. They normally don’t engage people first, but once they do

they may want to know all about you and that’s done so that the Scorpio rising feels safe in its environment.

Typically, Scorpio risings want to know a great deal about everyone else without letting too much information

out about themselves. They can be elusive and even distant. They are self reliant and ultimately want to control

every single situation they pass through which is where lessons, mistakes and growth happen. As a scorpio

rising, sometimes you can’t always win the battles you choose and most likely it will be because of self
sabotage. The ultimate lesson I can possibly give to Scorpio risings is being open for your own good. You have

strong will power, especially with the heavy mars aspects that we will get into a bit but equally you struggle

with maintaining yourself and owning who you are. The Scorpio rising is likely to undergo several physical

changes through its lifetime mostly because its a sign concentrated on transformation and within the first house

that transformation can definitely be physically oriented. However, your perspectives will change, your sense of

reasoning will change, and so will your expectations.

II. Sun-Mars Interpretation: How we Individualize

The luminaries, sun and moon are quite essential for understanding the most authentic and truest part of

ourselves. The sun often represents our conscious expression while the moon represents our subconscious

expression. A commonly used example to differentiate the Sun and Moon is that the sun is our action while our

moon is our reaction. We can also say that the Sun is our soul while the Moon is our body. The Sun is the self

expression we bring outwardly and its where we want those expressions to be validated by having them

reflected back to us. Our moon is more situated with our internal expression related to emotions and how we

relate to other people. Remember, the moon is all about familiarity and lineages. This is where you feel most

safe, accepted and also vulnerable.

Our Mercury, Venus, and Mars are what we call “individual/personal planets.” These planets are the most

unique to us and we develop a better sense of our individuality through these planets as oppose to perhaps,

generational planets. These planets all represent something different: Mercury is our communication, learning

processes, creativity and touches in with our mental capacities and the healthy methods to sustain a moderate

capacity. Venus is where we feel socially fulfilled, either by popularity/having friends, relationships, pursuing

interests etc. Mars is our more aggressive tendencies, its where we find ourselves most passionate, brute and


Sun in Scorpio 28°​ (​ 1st House)

With your sun in Scorpio, your outward expressions are very scorpionic. You want to be seen for your truth,

particularly the way you live your life which to others may seem out of the norm or controversial. Scorpio suns

are generally strong willed and don’t gravitate toward the spotlight, although they may rise to the occasion and
crave control. This control isn’t because they want to be authoritative, but rather it comes from that natural

inclination for scorpio to grab power within a situation to protect themselves. However, with your Sun being

expressed in scorpio you may crave too much of a life experience, and be hungry of its vices. Power can be

tricky, it can easily turn into corruption. Now, with your Sun in Scorpio in the 1st house, you want people to

reflect back to you a sense of authenticity that you highly value. When people act a certain way to you that

doesn’t appear to be authentic you most likely will be perceptive enough to see right through the acts but it will

also make you insecure because you will end up thinking and thinking about what these people really “think” of

you. And that is actually very normal, especially when we are at a younger age and we deep down want that

validation from others especially with the Sun in the first house because we grow into our surroundings wanting

to be cared for and to have our identities and perspectives appreciated. When we are not appreciated for what we

desire to be appreciated for we do tend to act negatively or pursue a version of ourselves that less authentic.

Now, the lord of the 9th house (which is in leo) is in your 1st house (the Sun) and by using this technique we

develop another layer of analysis. With the lord of the ninth house in the first, this is telling me that truth,

exploration and education are very important concepts for you and within those concepts you want to show

powerful agency within them. As you move forward with your life you may develop an extensive educational

career and by that I mean you most likely will have a Master’s or Doctorate level of education. However, a

different perspective can also indicate trouble with conforming to the education system. With your mercury in

scorpio in the 12H, and lord of the ninth house expressed in the sign of Scorpio there does seem to be either a

subversion to traditional educational learning methods or passion for subjects that may seem unpopular or least

favored by others.

Moon in 16​° Aries (5th House)

Moon in Aries defines your emotional tendencies, capacities to relate to other people, and internal expressions

which respond to Mars. Therefore, your reaction can be very aggressive and usually confrontational, especially

when your talents and the hobbies that make you happy and pleasurable (5th house) are devalued. Since Aries is
such a premature sign, when expressed by the Moon it can make emotional maturity quite difficult. You react

right away instead of sitting with the emotion itself. When we react before we have time to actually process, we

may step over on a lot of toes, say things we don’t mean, and get ourselves into even bigger conflicts. Aries,

being Mars ruled, acts on its survival mechanisms a lot and it may have issues with healthily owning itself.

What I mean by this is Aries moon typically will overpower others, some say they do it more naturally, but the

issue with this is that dominance is not a healthy trait and it doesn’t conflate to being confident and “owning”

yourself. There needs to be a lot of conditioning with this placement and you may have to fill the role of being

your own parent. Check in with yourself. Now, with the moon in your fifth house you have a very creative

outlook and you find pleasures through actions related to creativity and even actions that correspond to physical

actions, such as sex. Your emotional landscape also operates on a very deep layer as the fifth house lord rules

the eighth. You hold onto secrets, particularly secrets related to the past that may be related to the family (lord of

the fifth in house of the family). Therefore, child rearing for you may not have been as developed, perhaps

parents were not always present (pisces in the 4th house). And therefore, you hold onto a lot of these

experiences and it effects the way you view the world and how you operate emotionally. I can not estimate the

time but perhaps when you were a teenager or just relatively young, you struggled with expressing your

emotions in a healthy way. Aries moon tend to denotes an over aggression expression but with your moon being

lord of the eighth house there could also be a pent up anger or pain that’s been repressed and filled with another

person’s pain. With this eighth house energy, we attract damaged people to look away from our own damage

and carry out methods to help another person when those methods can actually be used for ourselves. This

obviously is not a healthy way to relate to other people especially when the eighth house describes power

imbalances. You don’t want to put yourself in unwanted interpersonal relations and develop unhealthy

attachments. The attachment must come from an authentic place and that requires being honest with yourself,

first. Being aware of what’s been holding in the past and how you can push forward. Overall, I suggest being

honest with yourself through artistic ways and what motivates you. Allow that to be a pulse for which you can

tell your truth and most of all, your story.

Mercury in 22​°​ Scorpio (12th House)

Thinking processes, retrieval of information and creativity may all be found looking downward and deep within

rather than extending upward. Mercury in Scorpio means being perceptive especially with those around you and
also being compelled to investigate interior motives. Mercury in Scorpio prefers to gravitate toward knowledge

that is not so typical, particularly in subjects that are shunned or not seen as valid by society. For the mercury in

scorpio, knowledge is seen as power and to get this knowledge may not always be found through “traditional” or

“easy” ways, which is why this placement is known for its intricate investigation skills. However, mercury in

Scorpio is in the 12th house and conjunct to the ascendant, which we could also make the interpretation for

mercury in the 1st house. Given this, your ideas are quite central to you and knowledge is seen to be a driving

force as to how you interact with the world. Your mercury responds to Mars so you may be very rash as to how

you critique and converse with others; however, you can be very compelling. Now, since your Mercury is about

3ish degrees from being in the first house we interpret it to be in the dark part of the 1st house so ideas and

knowledge are important to you but your style of expressing them outward is not quite there. Again, knowledge

is power to you and you may want to keep your closets locked of what only you know that no one else does.

This also helps you feel secured.

Venus in 26​°​ Libra (11th House)

A dignified Venus ultimately means that problems regarding social adaptability and connection is not a major

obstacle for you. Venus in Libra ultimately thrives on relatability and accommodating to others. However, this

may be in contention with your martian energy that values authenticity. Venus in Libra is placed in the 11th

house so this indicates someone who is a well admired societal figure or more realistically, someone who is able

to garner a lot of attraction from various people. Now. this might raise relationship issues as Venus in the 11th is

not quite familiar with a personal love that is very intimate. You might value the idea of romance and more

specifically, the impersonal aspects of romance but when it comes to the initiation of one you tend to keep them

at a distance.

Mars in 3​°​ Aries (4th House)

A dignified Mars indicates that initiation, passion, and drive are prominent. Mars in Aries is very much a

warrior placement. They accept challenges and often show to conquer so to speak. You can be blunt, aggressive

and usually tap into survival mechanisms more so than calculative skills. This placement can also make your

fearless attitude appear attractive to others. A strong sexuality may also be apparent here because Mars
expressed in Aries is its most unabashed and raw. The issue that arises with this placement is an over exertion of

dominance. The mars placement in all of our charts indicate how we embody and own ourselves in the most

authentic and honest ways. However, we often try to “own” ourselves through domination. We find it easier to

find power over others rather than embodying that power for ourselves. Mars in Aries can make collaboration

difficult given that individualism and standing out is so strong here. Given that Mars is in the fourth house,

could indicate disruptions within the household. You may have witnessed violence of some sort whether

physical, verbal or emotional. Also, this could indicate violence that extends beyond just your immediate family

but through lineages.

III. Aspects

Mercury opposite Jupiter

When Mercury opposites Jupiter, we usually experience an inflation of our ego, a more likelihood to tell our

side of the story and disregard other people’s perspectives. We tend to experience revelations but we need to

handle them correct the way. We overexpress our ability to communicate while also undermining the details.

This creates miscommunication and spewing of incorrect information. Mercury opposite Jupiter also suffers

from taking criticism. Again, this aspect brings overconfidence and over expression of ego; however, it also

makes you inspired by learning and feeling powered by getting an education. What you need to remind yourself

is not everyone, and not even yourself is going to be correct or have all the answers. Remember, we learn by

experience and the act of learning is a process in itself. We aren’t born with the knowledge we seek.

Mercury conjunct Pluto

Mercury conjunct Pluto is a great aspect for going in deep and analyzing information from different angles,

usually from non traditional ways. People with this aspect are great at investigating and also may use

information as a weapon. The potential issue with this aspect is its lack of objectivity because you always go in

with a motive. This makes it difficult for exploring knowledge for its truth rather than manipulating it to fit your

narrative. However, this aspect does make you interested in non traditional subjects and toy around with


Moon square Neptune

Moon square Neptune makes its difficult for you to separate yourself from illusions or projections that you have

put into situations. This aspect tends to absorb energies and create an impersonal relation rather than an intimate

one. This creates a lot of issues regarding boundaries and holding onto a particular quality of someone that

creates a personality of them in your head rather than seeing them as an actual person. Therefore, you may have

a lot of difficulties in relationships, some of which ended pretty badly. The biggest obstacle with this aspect is

ultimately the embodiment and respect of boundaries. Neptune makes distinctions quite porous and very blurry

and with it squaring with your moon, emotionally you tend to disregard people’s capacities of how they can help

with your issues. On the flipside, you may overextend yourself too much to others and there is a worrisome of

that being taken advantage by other people. You need to embody how much you are willing to give to other

people and knowing your limits firmly.

Mars square Neptune conjunction Saturn and Uranus

Mars is quite inflicted here so aggression and ownership seem to be two themes you struggle with most. Mars

square to three outer planets which are conflicting tells me that you have issues with self confidence, physical

injuries and physical intimacy (sex). Mars square Neptune has a higher risk to unsafe sex, similarly with Mars

square Uranus. Mars square Neptune also has difficulty maintaining order and being firm with your decisions.

You have difficulty maintaining high ambitions and goals for yourself. With such an inflicted Mars you have

interests in various areas and so you can be at a crossroads. Mars square Neptune may also enter conflict,

neglecting the reality of the situation but overall, this aspect can make you passive and have a lot of

subconscious anxiety. There is stress also related to sex and going through the traditional practice of getting a

relationship. Mars square Uranus can also make you stressed out and ready to rumble. You tend to take risks

alot and sometimes with no hesitancy. Mars square Saturn also has troubling relationship with anger. Typically

you may restrict how you express your high passion attitudes or you may over express them too much. I notice

this aspect can be rather polarizing. You may have maintaining within structure and following authority. This

can be difficult with career and working your way upwards. You just want to get to the top but you need to learn

how to follow orders and accept that some cases you have to be in a state of complacency. On the flip side, not

allowing agency for yourself puts you in a rather miserable position. You feel as if you’re not given the space to

be the most authentic and raw you, so you develop disappointment about your work and how much you give

yourself to others. Your efforts are questioned and it becomes a lot more difficult to survive.

Mars sextile Jupiter

You value adventure and space. You are more inclined to taking risks, some of which can be selfish and you

have difficulty being dependable because this aspect is all about “me, me.” You want the full life experience and

this can undermine you respecting other people’s needs. This aspect although is largely beneficial. You have a

passion towards knowledge and being non-discriminate towards others.

Sun conjunction Mercury

Ideas are very core to your self-expression and quite formative to creativity. This aspect can be very egoistic as

Mercury expresses identity verbally while Sun expresses identity expressively. You are devoted to learning new

things and undertaking several hobbies.

IV. Career

Career wise your chart supports a long educational journey. I feel as if though your life will value from having a

degree above a Bachelor’s especially since I could see that as very self fulfilling for you and that would also

lead to increases with self esteem and confidence in other areas. Particularly, your chart supports a career within

psychology, especially with Mercury conjuncting to Pluto and Mercury opposite to Jupiter. You may also

benefit from philosophy studies or even medicine. Your midheaven is in Virgo and largely this means that you

want to have a career that gives back or completes a service in some ways. I can also see education, especially

with your Moon in the fifth and Venus in the eleventh. This means you work well with groups and particularly

with children. Your north node is in the fourth so this also tells me that your soul requires an intimate setting so

that can work well with a classroom or even having a practice to which you work from home. It may also

support that you work well within a professional-client work relationship. I can also see creative writing as well.

V. Transits

Sun is currently transiting through your tenth house so expect better news regarding career and acceptance. This

is a time where people start to take notice of you are your talents. Venus is soon to be transiting through your

12th house so the upcoming weeks may trigger some unpleasant feelings but it’s important to listen to your

subconscious this time. Pay more attention to your dreams and understand what they are trying to tell you. Self
confidence could take a plunge but if you are thinking about undergoing counselling now would be the time to

start making those arrangements. 12th house transits become easier when we have someone to help us that can

allow those experiences we’ve kept locked away to finally come to the surface and acknowledge them as part of

us. Mars is also soon going to transit your 3rd house so this is great for getting ideas going, getting your name

out there and also even rebranding and trying new things

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