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Section A: Directed Writing (35 marks)

Time Suggested: 45 minutes

As the top achiever and head prefect of your graduating class, you have been asked to give a graduation speech on
behalf of the students in your year. Using the information below, write your speech.

Role of head prefect

 lead students
 help teachers run the school

Thank the principal and Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

 focused and knowledgeable expertise to provide solid finance and strategic direction

Thank the parents

 giving selflessly in a fellowship, fundraising and supportive roles
 set positive, motivating role models

Thank the teachers

 tirelessly preparing lessons
 guide and nurture students
 teachers’ motivation in the classroom, on the sports field

Thank the students

 show motivation and initiative
 work hard
 grasp opportunities

 hopes for future - advise younger students

When writing the speech, you should remember to:

 greet the audience

 state the purpose of your speech
 use all the notes given
 end your speech appropriately

Note: For your speech, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and up to 20 marks for the
quality of your writing.

Section B: Continuous Writing (50 marks)

Time Suggested: One hour
Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

1. Describe some activities you and your family indulge in as a pastime.

2. What are the ways to stay safe on the road?

3. E-shopping one day will overtake the conventional method of shopping. How far do you agree?

4. Write a story about a man who came home one day after a long day at work. End your story with: “…he
prayed to God and hoped the moment would last.”

5. Teenagers and gadgets are inseparable. Write about why teenagers are into gadgets these days and the
possible effects on them.

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