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Sara Zavala

Mrs. Storer

English 3H

January 15, 2020

Semester 1 Reflection

I am most proud of my unit 1 AWP, I believe I was able to create an in-depth essay

regarding the subject of Puritans. Here is one of my best transitions, “The speaker wants the

audience to feel fear so he sets a macabre tone that makes one wonder, what might happen to the

congregation? In addition, Edwards makes use of imagery to make the audience feel as if it were

themselves burning in hell.” I believe that in these sentences I was able to elaborate a smooth

transition sentence. Here is what I believe my best extending remark in a conclusion “Although

humanity has made great progress today, people are still susceptible to fear. If someone were to

approach this subject with the same mentality today, he or she would unfortunately succeed.” My

extending remark was able to make the reader think further into the subject.

What I believe I can improve on is my interpretations, “He explains how God is doing a

favor to humanity by not letting sinners die.” I believe I can create a deeper interpretation or a

clearer one. Here is another example, “This quotation is from an opening passage in the sermon.

Throughout the quote Edwards makes use of the word “you”, the use of such word is for the

purpose of making the audience feel personally attacked.” These sentences are much cleaner and

neater, but I still believe I can improve.

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