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Types by location What are the types and causes :-Pneumonia

?of pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection in one or-

both lungs. It can be caused by
-Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP- :- By germ bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Bacterial
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) pneumonia is the most common type
Bacterial pneumonia: The most .in adults
common cause of bacterial Pneumonia causes inflammation in-
Types by how they are acquired the air sacs in your lungs, which are
pneumonia is Streptococcus
called alveoli. The alveoli fill with fluid
pneumoniae. Chlamydophila .or pus, making it difficult to breathe
Aspiration pneumonia: This type of
pneumonia and Legionella
pneumonia occurs when you inhale ?What are the symptoms of pneumonia
bacteria into your lungs from food,
drink, or saliva.
Viral pneumonia: Respiratory viruses
are often the cause of pneumonia,
Ventilator-associated pneumonia
(VAP): When people who are using a
ventilator get pneumonia, it’s called
pneumonia: Mycoplasma organisms
are not viruses or bacteria, but they
have traits common to both. 
Mycoplasmas generally cause mild
cases of pneumonia,

Fungal pneumonia: Fungi from soil

or bird droppings can cause
pneumonia in people who inhale large
amounts of the organisms.

4 3 2
?How is pneumonia diagnosed
Is pneumonia contagious?
Blood  C T scan
sample CT scan

Most kinds of pneumonia are 
Pulse Bronch
o-scopy contagious.
Who is at risk of pneumonia?
?How is pneumonia treated
‫إعداد ممرضات مستشفى النقاهة‬
.Intravenous antibiotics infants from birth to age 2 years,
and individuals ages 65 years or
Respiratory therapy older

Oxygen therapy people who have had a stroke,

have problems swallowing, or are
Can pneumonia be prevented?

If you smoke, try to quit. Smoking

people with weakened immune
makes you more susceptible to
respiratory infections, especially
pneumonia. who smoke, misuse certain types
of illicit drugs, or drink excessive
Wash your hands regularly with
amounts of alcohol
soap and water.
people with certain chronic
Cover your coughs and sneezes,
medical conditions such as 
and dispose of used tissues
asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes,
or heart failure

Maintain a healthy
6 lifestyle 5

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