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Point of view/ Viewpoint:

The novel of “To kill a Mockingbird” is a recommendable story since it can give readers
the benefit of life lessons that are relatable to different experiences of readers.
Reason 1: Based on the text
The experiences of the main protagonist (Scout Finch) illustrated throughout the progress
of the story can be related to the experiences of some readers and the same time, the
experiences delivered meaningfully, in-depth values fit for readers to learn.
Fact 1: Atticus taught Scout Finch, his daughter, that responding to violence with more
violence never achieves anything after Scout Finch got into a fight with her classmate, who
uttered derogatory remarks about Atticus defending Negroes.
Fact 2: Scout was discouraged to return to school because she disliked her new teacher.
Her teacher was feeling overwhelmed since it was her first day at a new school and took it
out on Scout. Atticus told Scout that she would never understand a person unless she
considers understanding their point of view.
Reason 2: Connect to real life
The series of events of the story was based on a history of racism and discrimination
between people of different races and colors such as racist remarks and, injustices
experienced by the black community under supremacy of the white community in the
country of America.
Fact 1: The Negroes in the Atticus’ neighborhood were constantly insulted by being
called “niggers”, a very insulting remark, throughout various conversations and dialogues
in the novel.
Fact 2: The Negroes were deprived of social justice in courts such as in the case of Tom
Robinson after an alleged rape. Despite the inaccuracies of the victim’s statements, Tom
Robinson was declared guilty of the charged.
To kill a mockingbird is a novel meant to bring history back to life and to bring out the
truth about racism. Despite the racist content of the novel, the story offered various life
lessons worth learning such as to teach value of understanding one’s point of view and
the underlying factors for the causation of his behavior, to be resilient and patient, and to
understand that everyone is a mirror of each other, and that regardless of race or social
class, we are one and the same in the eyes of the Supreme Creeator.

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