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Charlon Denzel P.

Sansano August 12, 2019

BSMA 2-1

Assignment 1

1. Historical Evolution of Operations Management

Operations Management is the overall responsibility for the products’ design, and
how it is controlled and directed. The said management can be tracked back to the
18th century.


The Scottish philosopher, and known as the Father of Modern Economics,

Adam Smith, wrote the “The Wealth of Nations” on 1776 in which he introduced
the “Division of Labour”, promoting the efficiency of every worker if they will
be divided in the workplace.


Before this time came and during the Industrial Revolution,machinery let the
companies increased their outputs, the products but the inefficiency is still visible.
Frederick Winslow Taylor welcomed the development of the scientific approach
for the operations management, collecting data regarding production, analyzing it
for the improvements of operation. Moreover, Ford increased the efficiency in
production by creating the assembly line production and improved the supply
chain through JIT delivery.


Technology has been the world’s greatest idea that had been created during
the Second War and it actually help everyone and their workloads effective and

The quality of management system today is popular and evident. The
efficiency of the production had increased because of the modern age, being help
by the advanced technology.

2. Trends in Operations Today

With the help of continuously growing technology, there are 2 trends about
Operations day.

First. Mobile Accessibility. The creating and making of websites and mobile
application that could be helpful on reaching the target markets. The diminishing
manner of distance when a target market uses an application or site could be too
helpful for the operations of business.

Second. E-Commerce or electronic commerce uses the internet for the purpose of
selling the products, specially goods, to the buyer. It is what the modern people call
“Online Shopping.”


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