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Subject : Physics
Class/Semester : XII / I

Basic Competency Learning Materials Alocation Week th

time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1.1 Mendeskripsikan gejala Gejala dan Ciri-ciri Gelombang 6 4 2

dan ciri-ciri gelombang Phenomenon and the
secara umum. characteristics of wave
Describe the phenomenon Gelombang mekanik dan
and characteristics of elektromagnetik
Mechanical wave and
electromagnetic wave
Gelombang transversal dan
Transversal and longitudinal wave
Gelombang datang, gelombang
Incident wave and reflected wave
Gelombang berjalan dan
gelombang diam
Travelling wave and stasionary
Gelombang diam (gel beridiri)
pantulan ujung tetap dan ujung
Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 1
Standing wave from fixed end and
free end
1.2 Mendeskripsikan gejala Gelombang Bunyi 10 2 4 4
dan ciri-ciri gelombang Sound wave
bunyi dan cahaya
Gelombang cahaya
Describe the phenomenon
and the characteristics of Light wave
sound wave and light
1.3 Menerapkan konsep dan Manfaat Gelombang Bunyi 4 4
prinsip gelombang bunyi (ultrasonic, infrasonic)
dan cahaya dalam Usage of sound wave (ultrasonic
teknologi and infrasonic
Apply the concept and Gelombang Cahaya (warna
principle of sound wave cahaya, penerapan interferensi
and light in technology dan difraksi cahaya dalam
teknologgi fotocopy dan lain-lain)
Light (color, applying the
interference and diffraction
concept in photocopy technology,
2.1 Memformulasikan gaya Listrik Statis 16 4 4 4 4
listrik, kuat medan listrik, Static electric
fluks, potensial listrik,
energi potensial listrik  Gaya elektrostatik
serta penerapannya pada  Elektric force
keping sejajar
 Medan listrik dan hukum Gauss
Formulate the electric force,
electric field, electric flux,  Electric field and Gauss Law
electric potential energy,
Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 2
and the application in  Potensial dan energi potensial
parallel plates. listrik
 Electric Potential, and electric
potential energy
 Kapasitor keping sejajar
 Capacitor (parallel plates)
 Rangkaian kapasitor
 Capacitor connection
Menerapkan induksi Induksi Magnetik 12 4 4 4
magnetik dan gaya Magnetic Induction
magnetik pada beberapa
produk teknologi  Percobaan Oersted
Apply the magnetic induction,  Oersted experiment
and magnetic force in several
 Hukum Ampere
of technological product
 Ampere law
 Medan magnet sekitar kawat
berarus (lurus, melingkar,
 Magnetic field surround of wire
carrying current (straight wire,
circle wire, solenoid)
 Gaya magnetik (gaya Lorentz)
 Magnetic force (Lorentz force)
Memformulasikan konsep Induksi Elektromagnetik dan Arus Bolak-Balik 18 4 4 4 4 2
induksi Faraday dan The electromagnetic induction and the
arus bolak-balik serta alternating current

Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 3
penerapannya  Induksi Faraday dan hukum Lenz
 The Farady’s induction’s law and the
Formulate the Faraday’s lenz’s law
induction concept and the
 Ggl dan arus induksi
alternating current and its
application  Electro magnetic field (EMF) and the
induction’s current
 Generator dan transformator
 Generator and transformator
 Arus dan tegangan bolak-balik
 The alternating current and the alternating
voltage (potential)
 Rangkaian RLC dan prinsip resonansi
 The Recistor-inductor-capacitor

Daily test / sumatif test 6 2 4

Time total 36 meetings 72

Bontang, Juli 2009

Physics Teacher

Dra. Yuliana Wardiana

NIP. 196403032000122001

Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 4
Subject : Physics
Class/Semester : XII / II

Basic Competency Learning Materials Allocation Week th

Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

3.1 Menganalisis secara kualitatif Radiasi benda hitam dan 8 4 4

gejala kuantum yang dualisme partikel-gelomang
mencakup hakikat dan sifat- cahaya
sifat radiasi benda hitam The Black body radiation, and
serta penerapannya dualism between particle and
Analyze the quantum light
phenomenon qualitatively with
include “hakikat” and the
characteristics of black body’s
radiation and the application of

3.2 Mendeskripsikan Teori atom Thomson, 8 4 4

perkembangan teori atom Rutherford, Niels Bohr dan
Mekanika Kuantum
Describe the development of
atomic theory Thompson’s atomic theory,
Rutherford theory, Neils
Bohr’s theory, and Quantum
3.3 Memformulasikan teori Relativitas waktu, panjang, 10 4 4 2
relativitas khusus untuk dan massa serta kesetaraan
Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 5
waktu, panjang, dan massa, massa dan energi
serta kesetaraan massa The relativities of time, length,
dengan energi yang mass, and the mass-energy
diterapkan dalam teknologi equivalence
Formulate the special relativity’s
theory for time, length, mass,
and the mass-energy
equivalence, to apply in the
4.1 Mengidentifikasi karakteristik Inti atom dan Radioaktivitas 8 2 4 2
inti atom dan radioaktivitas The atomic nucleus and the
Identify the characteristics of the radioactivity
atomic nucleus and its
 Konsep nuklida dan energi
ikat inti
 The nucleus concept, and
the nucleus binding energy
 Kesatabilan inti dan
 The nucleus stability, and
The decay
 Aktifitas radiasi
 The radiation of activity
 Waktu paro
 The half life
 Energi reaksi fusi dan fisi
 The reaction energy of
fusion and fission energy
Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 6
4.2 Mendeskripsikan Manfaat dan bahaya isotop 6 2 4
pemanfaatan radioaktif radioaktif dalam bidang:
dalam teknologi dan The benefit and hazard of
kehidupan sehari-hari radioactive isotope in industry
Describe the usage of
 Kesehatan dan kedokteran
radioactivity in technology and in
daily life  The health and Medical
 Pertanian
 Agriculture
 Industri, dan lain-lain
 Industry, etc

Daily test / UN 8 4 4

Time total 21 meetings 44

Bontang, Juli 2009
Physics Teacher

Dra. Yuliana Wardiana

NIP. 196403032000122001

Program Semester Mata Pelajaran Fisika SMAN 1 Bontang, Yuliana W 2009 Halaman 7

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