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Facultatea de Drept și Științe Administrative

Program de studiu - Administrație Publică

Anul I - ID

Referat la disciplina – Engleza

The Romanian Average Family

Student: Badragan Simona (Tolocan)

The Romanian Average Family

The Romanian average family lives in a apartment with a garden in

the north of Bukovina.
They own their which is situated in the west of a small Town. The
apartment has three rooms with one kitchen and one bathroom.
He works in the office of a company 40 hours a week and earns 500 €
per week.
He starts at 8.00 in the morning and finishes next day at 8.00 in the
morning . He goes to work by car which takes him 10 minutes. He dosn’t
particularly like his job, but there are chances of promotion.
She starts at 7.00 in the morning and finishes at 7.00 in the night. He
goes to work tramp it which takes 15 minutes. She works on shop of
bakery products, pastry and cookies and earns 250 € per week.
The most popular evening entertainment is watching TV which the
average person does for two and half hours a day. After that, the most
popular activity is visiting friends, going to shopping, to the cinema or a
restaurant or going to the pub. The most popular hobby is gardening and
the most popular sports are fishing, football and tennis.


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