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Rom 1

Greg Rom

English II Honors

Ms. Wilson

5 December 2019

Problem Solution Essay

Turn on the news right now, there will be a story about vaping most likely on. Whether

it’s healthier for you than cigarettes or can cause lung diseases later, nobody really knows the

effects of vaping yet. But there is an even worse problem that vaping causes besides causing

lung diseases. It is teens getting into vaping, and causing a new epidemic worldwide. Many

believe this issue is caused by “big tobacco” advertising these, slick and cool devices to

teenagers. The real issue is the unknown side effects to vaping, since vaping is relatively new.

But from what we know it causes damage to the lungs and brain. Teens vaping is a big issue

and we need to come up with solutions to stop this epidemic.

Vaping is a way to produce a vaporized, nicotine based liquid or “e-juice”. Through the

burning of the liquid, then inhaling it to give the user a head rush also called a “buzz”. But

“what the “big tobacco” companies don’t advertise is the amount of harmful chemicals used to

create these e-juices” (Gutfeld). Chemicals that can affect a child's body that isn’t fully

developed as it is. And the teens think it is “cool”, so more and more participate. As most know

nicotine is a very addictive drug and some scientists compare the addictivity of nicotine to

heroin. So there is a problem with “millions of kids addicted to vaping, and hundreds of teens

trying vaping for the first time daily” (Spector). But to find a solution we need to find the

source of the issue, “how are these teens getting their hands on these harmful nicotine
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products?”. And that's the question we need to solve so teens can’t get there hands on these

vaping materials, and continue or start vaping. A possible answer to where they are getting

them from is vape/nicotine shops themselves. ​ABC News ​did a study that over half of the vape

shops they went into didn’t ask for an I.D.. Meaning that teens could illegally buy vape

products from stores. Another answer could be that people older than 18 are buying the

products for the teens. ​Fox 5 News​ did a study that 16% of seniors in high school admit to

selling to minors in exchange for money. Now that we know how teenagers are getting vape

products in their hands, we have to find out how to fix it.

I have found that there are two ways to get vaping materials as a minor. But I also have

a solution to both those problems. One possible solution to the issue of minors being able to

buy vapes at the vape/nicotine shops themselves without I.D.. This issue has a simple solution

to it. The authorities need to crack down on these shops selling to underage teens. If the police

know that this is an issue than they need to start finding the stores who illegally sell vapes to

minors and put an end to it. Nowadays there is a lot of technology that could help finding the

vape shops who sell to teens under the age of 18. The problem with people older than 18

buying vapes for the underage users has a little bit of a more difficult solution. Many are

classmates or even friends of the person who is giving it to them. But it’s difficult cracking

down on this issue because it would mean pulling authorities away from higher profile drug

dealings like painkillers and marajana. To deal with a lot less profile drug dealing, even though

it sounds silly trying to investigate of age teens selling to minors. It still is an illegal drug deal,

and the police should put more effort into trying to stop this epidemic.
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In conclusion, I feel that vaping is a bad habit that teens have picked up on. With the

chemicals in the vaping products being very harmful. And beside the lung and brain damage,

most of the side effects of vaping is yet still to be discovered. So we need to start cracking

down on how teens are receiving these items. So I feel like the easiest solution would be to

start cracking down on vape/nicotine shops selling to minors. This is because it would most

likely be more effective then tracking down small dealings of teens. The impact of this would

be that this would limit teens getting ahold of vape products, and this would hopefully help

stop the epidemic.

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Works Cited

Spector, Nicole. ​E-Cigarettes: The Health Risks of Vaping.​ 17 Nov. 2017,


Gutfeld, Greg. ​Gutfeld on the Crackdown on Vaping​. 26 Sept. 2019,

Problem-Solution Essay Rubric

W.9-10.1 ​Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient
W.9-10.2​ Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately
through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
Standard What do I need to do?
2.a.​ ​Introduction​ - ​Introduce
a topic; organize complex ____Provide ​sufficient context​ to your problem that aids the reader in understanding
ideas, concepts, and (What is the problem?)
information to make ____Present a thesis that presents a ​clear​ opinion (Why is it a problem?)
connections and distinctions.
____Present a picture of what will happen should the problem go unresolved (Why
should I or anyone care?)
2.b.​ ​Exposition​ - ​Develop the
topic with well-chosen, ____Use ​well-chosen, relevant,​ ​and sufficient​ evidence (quotations from cited,
relevant, and sufficient facts,
extended definitions,
authoritative sources) appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic
concrete details, quotations, ____Provide ​clear​ and ​logical explanations that connect the evidence​ to the main idea
or other information and of the essay
examples appropriate to the ____Develop claims and counterclaims fairly
audience’s knowledge of the
2.c​. ​Organization​ - ​Use
appropriate and varied ____​Use transitions ​between ​paragraphs to link major sections of the text
transitions to link the major
sections of the text, create
____Use transitions ​within ​paragraphs to create unity and cohesion
cohesion, and ____Organize sentences and paragraphs in a focused, logical manner that promotes
clarify the relationships unity
among complex ideas and
Rom 5

2.d.​ ​Language​ - ​Use precise

language and ____Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of
domain-specific vocabulary
to manage the complexity of
the topic
the topic. ____Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone
2.e.​ ​Language​ - ​Establish and ____Avoid repetition, redundancy, and wordiness to create a ​concise and focused
maintain a formal style and argument
objective tone while
attending to the norms and
conventions of the discipline
in which they are writing.
2.f.​ ​Conclusion​ - ​Provide a
concluding statement or ____Summarize the main points ​using original language
section that follows from
and supports the
____Provides a concluding statement that evaluates the best solution to the selected
information problem
or explanation presented ____Articulate an ​extension ​that addresses the implications or significance
(e.g., articulating
implications or the
significance of the topic).
Final Draft Score:

MLA Style & Formatting Rubric

Requirements Your Score

MLA Style Heading and Page Numbers (1 pts.)

❏ The document has a heading including the author’s name, the teacher’s name, the
class and the date 1/1
❏ The document has page numbers in the top right of the page with the author’s last

Margins, Font, Spacing (1 pts.)

❏ The author uses 12-pt Times New Roman font 1/1
❏ The author uses double spacing throughout

In-Text Citations (1.5 pts.)

❏ The writer includes parenthetical citations after each quotation/paraphrase from an
outside source 1.25/1.5
❏ The citation includes the author’s last name​ (or article name) and page number (if
Rom 6

❏ The citation is punctuated correctly

Example 1: “This is a fake quotation” (Wilson 1).

Example 2: “This is a fake quotation” (“Article Name” 1).

Works Cited Page (1.5 pts.)

❏ The author includes a Works Cited Page
❏ Items in the Works Cited page are listed in alphabetical order 1/1.5
❏ The Works Cited page is formatted correctly: 12 pt Times New Roman,
double-spaced, left justification (DO NOT CENTER YOUR WORKS CITED PAGE)

Total MLA Score:


Final Problem Solution Scores

Requirement Points Earned Points Possible

Outline 5 5 points

Rough Draft 9.75 10 points

MLA Formatting 4.25 5 points

Final Draft 23 30 points

TOTAL SCORE 42 50 points

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