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International University Sports Federation

International Association of Physical Education and Sport Universities

National University of Physical Education and Sports of Bucharest


VII International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists

"University Sport: Health and Prosperity of the Nation"

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the International University Sports Federation and the International

Association of Physical Education and Sport Universities we invite bachelor and master degree
students, postgraduates, doctoral candidates of your university (academy, institute) to take part
in the VII International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "University
sport: health and prosperity of the nation" which takes place on May 4-6, 2017 at the National
University of Physical Education and Sports of Bucharest.

Address: 140 Constantin Noica, 060057, Bucharest, Romania

Organizing committee: National University of Physical Education and Sports

Phone: + 40 21 316 41 07/231

Contact persons:
Stănescu Rareș – Head of Communication and International Relations Department
Stoicescu Marius – member of the organization committee.

 History, Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology;
 Sports and sports performance;
 Physical Education and Teacher Training;
 Healthcare and Kinetotherapy;
 Management And Marketing in Physical Education, Sports and Kinetotherapy;
 Varia.

Presentation form:
Plenary and section sessions, presentations and correspondence participation are supposed to
be held within section meetings.

 Presentation (PowerPoint) – 10 - 15 min

Conference languages:
- English
- Russian

Cost of participation and payment procedure:

Registration fee for the conference (for 1 person) is 80 euro.

The registration fee includes: accommodation (2 nights – 4 and 5 May), 6 meals, conference
proceedings, excursion program.
Fare and other overhead costs are at the expense of the sending organizations.

Registration fee for the conference (for 1 person) without accommodation and food is 40 euro.
The registration fee includes: conference proceedings, excursion program.

Registration fee for correspondence participation (for 1 person) is 40 euro.

The registration fee without participation includes: sending the electronic and printed version
of the conference proceedings to the author.

Payment forms:
 non-cash payment
CUI 4267192,
Sector 6, Bucureşti

 cash payment at the university’s cash desk in the day of registration.

The participation of students and young scientists of NUPES is 100 lei.

For visa related information’s click here.

Important dates:

 26 March 2017 – Submission of the application form (

 26 March 2017 –Submission of abstracts via e-mail:
 29 March 2017 - Notification of acceptance;
 9 April 2017 – Submission of complete papers;
 12 April 2017 - Notification of paper acceptance;
 4 - 6 May 2017 - Conference Date.
o 4 May – Arrival of the participants
o 5 May – Conference sessions
o 6 May – End of Conference and Departure

Requirements for the materials elaboration

Conference proceedings with assignment of the ISBN identifier will be published after the
conference. The articles must be carefully edited and contain original material. No more than 3
authors can participate in writing one article. The author is fully responsible for the content of
the materials. The papers are accepted only in electronic form with the following requirements:
 materials are accepted only in English;
 the abstract should not exceed 120 words and it is obligatory, as well as keywords.
 the papers should have at least 4 pages;
 text processing program: Microsoft Office Word 2007 or newer version;
 A4 format, Times New Roman font, text size 12, single spacing;
 margins: up, down, left, right – 2,5 cm;
 the text of article has to contain: introduction, purpose, tasks, research methods, results
of the research and their discussion, conclusions and list of references;
 the text can include figures and tables (for example – fig. 1, fig. 2, table 1);
 the title of the materials is executed as follows:


Popescu, M.
National University of Physical Education and Sports (NUPES)
Bucharest, Romania

We thank you for the interest shown to our invitation!

Welcome to National University of Physical Education and Sports!

Organizing Committee
Appendix 1

For participation in the VII International Scientific Conference of Students

and Young Scientists "University Sport: Health and prosperity of the nation"
4th - 6th May 2017 (NUPES, Bucharest)

Last Name:

First name:

Second name (if available):



Institution (full name):

Bachelor, Master Degree


Address with ZIP code:

Phone number with country code:

Mobile phone:

E-mail (obligatory):

Type of participation: oral presentation

correspondence participation
Accommodation (if necessary):

Theme of scientific article/paper


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