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The forever-present element in the Romanian vernacular architecture, the pridvor or the porch, is

amplified in the Brancovan architecture, becoming the loggia, the important piece of the palace, a salon
open to the garden terraces, which by architectural detail and plantations constitute an extension of the
palace rooms.

The establishment of an efficient system of paved roads planted with trees for shade.

The Romans prized sensuality in garden design, a trait that has influenced the aesthetics of landscape to
this day.

During the early empire, the Roman nobility started to build their villas around larger courtyards, which
thus became private spaces of repose. In the extraordinary gardens and villas of Pompeii, we can clearly
see that of the art of hortus conclusus, the enclosed garden, had reached its peak.

In the gardens of Pompeii, the natural, bucolic aesthetic inherited from the early Romans had been
reduced and replaced by a formal geometry replete with abstract symbolism. Even though the gardens,
in all their exoticism and refinement, had never before harmonized so successfully with domestic
architecture, they nonetheless represent a foreign idea of nature, imported from the Orient.

Unlike examples in Roman times, the Renaissance garden was not primarily about lust, but rather about
the juxtaposition of primeval chaos with orderly gardens shaped by reason.

The longing for a simpler past, which led to a cult of idealized landscapes in the form of gardens rich in
symbolic meaning, is a direct inheritance from the Hellenistic period.

Perspective constituted a definite break from the centripetal order that had been established during the
Middle Ages, instead describing a dynamic that expanded outwards towards the infinite horizon. Within
this compelling cultural context, the Renaissance garden became an expression of the highest artistic,
scientific and philosophical meaning. Perspectival projection combined with mythological themes
constituted the core theme of the landscape narrative, with results that were precise, directive and

Water as an allegory of nature is a quintessential feature of this garden.

The Renaissance introduced the idea of the terraced garden with all-encompassing views, distantly
related to the ancient concept of the hanging gardens.

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