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This work is dedicated to the field of medical

philosophy. This book will pose the impression of a

dogmatic approach rather than argumentative, for there

is no better way to present facts about this subject

without being restrained by the quicksand of theory. I

therefore take full responsibility for conveying these

philosophical testaments to you as a reader. The facts in

this book are true, and can be proven better by none

other than you. There's no better argumental proof of a

statement like first hand personal experience. This way,

you will gain the most out of this book, to implement

these teachings in practise. Don't be satisfied with

intellectually accepting the contents, consume it, like one

should with all true knowledge. Learn about yourself,

know thyself. I invite you to take your own steps inside

the gates of ancient human wisdom, to aid the return to

nature. My advice in abt learning situations as much in

life is to enter it with an open mind, not weighed by

prejudice. Nevertheless, you will find many helpful

methods to obtain, regain, health in this book, I urge you

to not firmly stick to only one idea or doctrine, it is to be

combined, mixed, scrambled, and thereto tailored for

you. The best outcome is if you as an individual, take

control over your own health and body, and remain an

independent entity much as possible. I duly hope the

simplicity in the manner this book is composed won't

undertone the importance of the impliktions. I could go

into explicit detail about my personal life and battles

which consequence, is this compendium. Such stories

will be for another time, I deem them unnecessary. Let

us henceforth focus on vitality strength and health, and

form a mental idea of illness and dis-ease as near

symptoms of which we shall address the underlying

cause and rectify, thereby yet returning to glorious

vitality and health. I say to you dear reader, try it, have

confidence and trust in yourself and your healing ability,

it is your birthright.


Leonardo da Vinci's vitruvian man is the standing

symbol of the renaissance, the human in the centre. In

the twenty first century, the neologism existentialism are

set aside, we focus on the health professions activities

and neglect a patient centered care. For decennia the

medical philosophical aspect has been segregated

between spirituality and materiality. Even when science

became the governing authority, this splitt in thinking

persists between reductionism and the human

psychology. We must therefore take human factor into

accountancy, and take responsibility. The medical

sciences are today based on darwenistical biologi,

democritean reductionism and the Von Helmholzas

thinking. Even in the twenty first century these views are

the cornerstone of the ruling medical authority. Now in

terms of reductionism, which lies in the word, reduction,

reduce the human frame into bits we can scientifically

understand, that means, measure, weighed, cut and

examined. We have therefore surpassed the heathanistic

practice, in other words the spiritual aspect of the

human, which is the other half of us, which is not to be

found with a scalpel, which cannot be weighed,

measured or examined. Sweeping it under the rug does

not make it disappear. This is what reductionism is

about. We are allowed to keep our religious and

philosophical opinions on a personal level, but it's

incompatible in today's science. Can you picture our

spectrum of two extremes. Spirituality and Science.

What science cannot explain does not exist, because it

falls beyond measurability. Biological occurrences are

reduced to interaction of the physical system. The mind

and human experience - reduced to neurologi and

neurochemistry and biological function. We are reduced

to a machine, a biological apparatus. This is the

cornerstone of medical science. This results in the

current healthcare system we have today with

specialities within any larger group or biological system.

I’ll summarize to emphasize my point. ​You have

endocrinology, pediatrics, radiology, neurology,

cardiology, dermatology, psychiatry, pathology,

gastroenterology, oncology, pulmonology, hematology,

gynaecology, neurology and so on. The holistic view is

ignored, a humanocentric view is pseudoscience. What

we are looking for cannot be measured, or found with a

scalpel, it cannot be anatomically, physiologically

geographically mapped within the darwnanistical frame.

Newton is looked upon as a reductionist, as having quite

the mechanical view of the world. He on the other hand

dedicated a large quantity of his life studying the humans

other half, a refined student of the ancient wisdom. If I

would call his work philosophical is arguable, there is no

doubt a clear existential overtone. It has tendencies for

the superhuman capabilities, which thoughts shall be

covered later. There was a time when the medical

sciences would follow the theological approach hand in

hand, that of which in terms of considering a man having

an immortal soul, having spirituality in consideration in

medical practice. In an Era of reductionism of the

human, reduced to flesh and blood, to one day be no

more than biological material, dust to dust, I think the

tendency to look to the East for answers becomes an

innate instinct, without losing intellectual integrity.The

reason for reductionism, that they choose to ignore or

remove important pages in the book of man, is because

the demokratical mechanical model did not compute

with the experimental data. Meaning that the math did

not correlate with the models for biology, medicine and

psychology. The links to stoicism and reductionist

science in terms of ego dystonic ideas comes att to high

a price. This results in treating new work as speculative

metaphysics. ​Niels Bohr has stated that if one is not

astonished by the conclusions of world of quantum

physics, one has not understood it. This implicits the

structure of the real world is very much counterintuitive,

and that we live in the golden mean between two

obscurities. Nature is stranger than we could imagine.

We are left with a world composed of functions, when

expressed in a wave mechanical formalisation, generates

a super positional logic which cannot coexist. This is

truly a world view which greatly surpasses the one of

Galileo. His world view in his time was just as absurd as

the one science now is just starting to understand. Why

should new discoveries surprise us. As all new

discoveries, in its first phase is ridiculed, secondly it will

be opposed, thirdly it will be accepted as self-evident or

obvious. ​When what needs to be changed has been

changed, mutatis mutandis, will this influence the

practise of medicine in the western world?​ In the

following chapters in this compendium, we will step by

step go through our human physiology and anatomy, and

delve into the human sciences, and the natural laws

retaining our corpus, yet again to return to the world of

epigenetics, quantum physics of medicine. We will

explore both our physical corpus and our metaphysical,

seeking to regain our holistical full bodied optics of the

human body of the homo sapien. Cur deus homo.


The law of our body, retains to the law of nature, which

will be the main subject through this compendium, Lex

Natura, the law of nature. We will find that in principle,

returning inasmuch as we possibly can to the roots of

nature, we will find what we seek, seek and you shall

find, ask and you shall be given. The truth is often

overlooked because of its obviousness, the arcane key to

health lies in observation of our bodies natural laws, and

follow them, both in acting and in thinking. A cardinal

law is “there can nay be health without correct

nutrition”, “nor can there be health without correct

assimilation”. Now that is established, we can move on

to the subject of our digestive system, which will be the

main area one should always direct one's attention in the

search for bodily malfunction. Generalised you will find

that the majority of disease have their origins here.

Therefore the center of attention for any medical

practitioner should always start there, always. This is

mainly for the aforementioned reasons mentioned

regarding assimilation, leading to a poor nutritional

regime, which results in weak blood, which starves each

and every cell you bestow. All this will be given a

thorough walk through in our corpus laboratum chapter.


In this chapter we will start our course of the human

body's anatomy and physiology as well as biological

function. To obtain some sense of order we will but of

course commence with our digestive system. We will

now direct our attention to your teeth. Yes, these marvels

the grand artitchect has graciously bestowed us so that

we may chew, bite and altogether masticate our food.

We know this too well, but, how many of you think we

do our part of that job correctly? Unfortunately we only

but half finish our job and leave it up for the rest of the

assembly line to deal with our negligence. If it was the

divine or genetic plan to swallow the food whole or in

chunks, I assure you, our physiology would look much

different. Next up on our list are the salivary glands, we

have six in total where four of them are localised under

our tongue and jaw, and two in our cheeks in front of our

ears, one on each side. Their duty is to produce, excrete,

generate saliva. When we chew our food to small

particles, the salive easilier gets to work on the

crackdown of starch and sugars. The tongue is hard at

work, avoiding being chewed att whilsts maneuvering

around the food in the mouth to be processed. As well as

being our prime critical food connoisseur, protecting us

from fowl food. Being the case that these fine

instruments ever too often are being discarded and non

utilized properly, by nature's law, you have a debt to

settle, which you will have to pay for down the line.

Nature forgives, ney forgets. Shortly after that the food

that has been however processed and filled with saliva;

passes down our throat to our stomach. The lower part of

our throat has an ability to perform a special

contractional movement which moves along the food

mas down to its next destination. Now, note that the

work of the salivary on the starch and sugars only has a

windows of operations between first contact and the

stomach region, after they hit ground floor, new

processes takes place. Thereby food that has not been

properly salivated will now start causing trouble for the

next in your metabolic production line. We are now at

the stomach, which is shaped much like a pear. From the

gullet on the upper left hand side, just below the heart

the food enters the stomach. To leave, it travels in the

lower right hand before entering the small intestine. Here

we are met with a new checkpoint, a gatekeeper, his

name is Pyloric, Pyloric Orifice. In ancient greece guards

at the main gate were called Pyloric officers, always on

the watch for malign forces. If there's any suspicious

activity in our stomach, for quite a few reasons like food

poisoning, gastritis, inflammation, ulcers, perhaps even

there's food there which just never gets the go signal to

continue down the line, will receive an immediate

ventricle ejection. You will notice that from a clear sky,

you will vomit whatever was in there. The food

undergoes exposure to a cocktail from our bodys

chemicals, this allows the food to become soluble

nourishment which renders it fit for absorptions of our

blood, which from there will course to all parts of our

body, repairing, building and strengthening our cells. An

essential chemical produced by the stomachs laboratory

is the gastric juice, which is a powerful solvent liquid

upon nitrogenous parts of the food, aswell acts on

glucose, which is produced by the starchy foods by the

saliva. Note, this chemical is stronger than battery acid,

therefore the stomach is coated in a mucous membrane.

It's also from this membrane the gastric office operates

and secretes from a network of fine minute

blood-vessels. The stomach will mimic the oral

mastication of the food mass by churning, twisting and

mixing it around so that also these juices is effectively

added to the compot. We have two scenarios, one, we

have done our job up top, so the food is rendered fitt for

further metabolic processes or, it's been half chewed and

properly insalivated, there will now become a problem.

We will now not be able to continue with any normal

form of digestion, what we have is fermentation.

Immediately, dispatch Pheidippides to convey the

message to Athens​. ​This fermenting, putrefying mass in

our stomach often becomes chronic and results in

conditions such as dyspepsia, dysbiosis, irritable bowel

syndrome, forget about helicobacter pylori being the

cause of these conditions. We now have a continuous

yeast pot, being fed each time we eat. This causes

impairments of the gastric functions, the surface of the

glands become thin, weak, soft, and clogged. In effect

we are facing a metabolic breakdown. In these events

this half digested mass will be let through by our pyloric

legionnaire, to continue on to the small intestine. The

acics emitted from the fermentation process results in a

gradual system poisoning, as well as imperfect

assimilation of the food. Ingeniously coiled and shelved

lies our tube-like canal, the small intestine. It’s length is

about twenty to thirty feet, and the inner walls are

arranged in shelf like transverse folds, to maintain a

conveyor like motion. This to maximise surface

absorption and secretion of more intestinal fluids from

the mucosal lining. A new compound is now being freed

by the chemists in the office of the bladder which

contains bilde. Bile saturates, a saturated substance is

that of which were the atoms are still linked by a single

bond, whereas when fully saturated there are no double

or triple bonds. We need two quarts bile per day to assist

the pancreatic juice in preparation of triglycerides or

fatty parts of the food, for absorptions and prevention of

putrefaction and decomposition. Our pancreas is an

elongated looking organ localized behind our stomach.

We need one and one half pints each day. Memorise the

liquid quantities mentioned, they will become of

relevance. The villi which covers our inner intestinal

tubes are the absorbing agents of nourishment that

transmits the system. They are packed densely along the

velvety lining of our small intestine assuring that the

food is converted into blood and thereby circulated

around our body. To summarise what we have been thru

on our first journey down the rabbit hole, we have,

mastication, the chewing, the teeth, tongue and lips

assisting, breaking down the food, rendering it fitt for

passage down to the metabolic laboratory, or chemical

furnace. Salivas key role in reacting with starch

transforming it into dextrin, then to glucose, rendering it

soluble. A chemical change made possible by pytaline

which is a ferment that changes the constitution of the

chemical substances which it has affinity.Conversion of

food into ready products to be assimilated and absorbed

are preformed in the stomach and small intestines. Here

the metabolic laboratory gets busy with the chemical

cooking, releasing fat from envelopes, dissolving of the

connective tissue in meat, breaking up, transforming into

albuminose, which then is capable of absorption and

assimilation. We then have a mixture of some salts, food

and sugar from transformed starch or glucose, aswell as

broken fat connective tissue, makeup a substance called

chyme, Leaving the stomach it enters the small intestine,

the chyme is resolved into three substances called

Peptone, from albuminous, Chyle from emulsification of

fats and Glucose from starch. Indigestible food is then

passed on to the colon, whereas peptone, chyle and

glucose is passed onto the blood. Water and other fluids

derived from the food intake are quickly re-absorbed by

endosmosis and carried away by the blood in the portal

vein to our hepato-liver. It is here ingested alcohol

becomes dehydrogenase, ADH which is catalyzed into a

poisonous compound called acetaldehyde with the help

of cytochrome P450. After the blood has been thru the

liver filtering system, the blood reaches our pulmonary

pump, our heart. In a later lesson Genus Vitae we will

venture through the circulatory system and I will explain

to you how the nutrients are carried by the blood to all of

our far reaching corners in the body, reaching each and

every tissue, organ, cell, which repairs and builds itself,

enabling growth and development. In our chapter on the

circulation we will explain how the blood carries the

nutriment derived from the digested food to all parts of

the body, giving to each tissue, cell, organ and part of

the material by which it builds up and repairs itself, thus

enabling the body to grow and develop. The kidneys are

located behind the intestines. They are bean shaped

organs, of which we have two. They have a duty of

purificating our blood, doing this by removing urea and

other waste products. The fluid secreted here are are

carried by ureters, which are two tubes leading to our

bladder. Before continuing we will take a little zoom out

of our metabolic venture and build ourselves a mental

metaphor of what we have just learned. By not doing our

job phase one of the digestive journey, we have learned

how the production workers down the line will have to

deal with the extra workload, and also what the

consequence of that is for us. We are left with a bad

blood quality and material to our cells, and of course

including our brain. No wonder we are constantly sick

when our immune system is on rations, and our system is

over accumulated and encumbered with toxins. It's

basically ignorant self harm.


In this lesson Genus Vita we will take you on a journey

on the fast track circulation of our blood coursing around

our system, transporting nutrients to all of our cell

tissues. As we left of our metabolic venture, we will now

take a closer look at the transportation of the nutrients

now in circulation. We will start with why its called the

circulatory system, well, its an enclosed system of fluids

pumped around tubes by our contracting heart. This

muscle makes sure nutrients and oxygen rich blood

makes it to every corner of our inner landscape, failure

to do so to some extent or area leads to hypoxia,

meaning no air or lack of oxygenation. The process is

duplectic, we have a to and fro, a ying and a yang, a two

way street, one arterial and one veneusial, one oxygen

rich and one oxygen poor, what it lacks in oxygen it

compensates because it is transporting the used oxygen

now known as carbon monoxide which is a waste

product of respiration which we will cover in our lesson

Pulmonalis X. We will now look at an important piece of

biological architectural ingenuity, the capillaries. I

regress, every part of us are inasmuch a marvelous

biological architectural ingenuity. Now, the capillaries

are about five to ten micrometers in diameter, so to put

that into a viable contekst for you, one capillaria is about

the size of one straw of fine hair. They consist of one

layer of endothelial cells, being this thin, allows the

nutrients we spoke of earlier able to diffuse across their

cellular membrane into surrounding tissue. As

mentioned, this is a two way road, they deliver their

cargo and on the return bring along the waste matter.

Well then, a little zoom out of the lense, the arteries

carry the rich,red, clean blood from the heart, fused with

life giving nutrients and vitality, travels from bigger to

smaller tubes, and even smaller, from the veins you

visibly see on your hands to the hair like capillaries

mentioned that supply our wonderful cells. We will in

due time give you an idea of our cellular life, these little

lives, in Cellulae Vitae X. The journey back to the heart

with the systems refuse starting in the capillaries is not

done via the arterial ducts, now we switch lanes, and

travel by the venousal system to the heart. All roads lead

to Rome, eventually. Another road one might picture as

one parallel to the main road not utilised by the general

public, there's a road that is only utilized by the

legionnaires and waste logistics department. This road is

called the lymphatic system, which closely resembles the

circulatory system of the blood, as well as the fluids it

contains. Here the lymphatic fluids course. These canals,

or aqueducts empty into larger veins, and the lymph acts

on the returning blood on the way to the heart, receiving

waste products which is there cleansed and made to

re-enter the blood. The lymph works inconspicuously,

and can readily be seen by the human eye, and has

therefore been overlooked in a greater extent within the

medical sciences. The end product after digestion after

leaving the small intestine meets with the lymph and gets

into the blood this way, whilst other products of the

digested food pass through the portal vein to the liver -

even though they use different routes, they meet again in

the circulating blood. These vital fluids are considerable

players in the whole of our body, which directly or

indirectly nourishes and gives life. Therefore, having

blood of poor quality, or a wear circulation, impairment

of some parts of the body promptly insumes, and disease

will be the result. The blood is what you make of it by

the food thy eat, and how thy eat it. Remember this. You

can by choice have the very best quality of blood, and in

generous amounts, by following nature's law of eating

proper food. On the other hand, you may have a very

low quality of blood coursing your system with

insufficient properties and quantities, this either by over

indulging the abnormal appetite, or as illustrated, by

imperfekt mastication and therefore assimilation. Life is

blood, you make the blood, can it be any clearer. Now,

let us pass on to the crematory of the lungs, and see what

is going to happen to that blue, impure venous blood,

which has come back from all parts of the body, laden

with impurities and waste matter. Let us commence with

the respiratory system.


Our organs in charge of our breathing consists of a pair

of lungs and the air passages leading to them called the

thrakea. In the pleural chamber of the thorax we have

each of our lungs divided by the heart, and the greater

tubes of air and blood vessels. In essence, each of our

lungs are free to maneuver in all directions, although at

the root of the lungs we have the bronchi, arteries and

veins connected with the lungs, heart and trachea. If you

were to imagine being able to squeeze one of your lungs

with your hand, you would discover its spongy

properties, feeling quite elastic. Covering them are the

pleural sac, which wall closely adheres to the lung. The

main property and functions is to allow friction between

the lungs and the walls whilst in the act of breathing.

When we breathe, we draw in air via the nose, engaging

the air passages consisting of the pharynx, larynx,

trachea and bronchial tubes. When we breathe, we utilize

our nostrils, here the air comes in contact with the

mucous membrane and thusly is warmed and rendered fit

to be admitted by our lungs. Here the air is divided into

each lung, subdivided into numerous bronchial tubes,

and in turn end in even finer subdivisions in the smaller

air spaces of the lungs called alveoli. The diaphragm is

used to draw air into the lungs, and works almost as

involuntary as the heart. Although we maintain a muscle

which tends to our will. There is created a vacuum which

draws air into the chest and lungs, and when relaxed

expels the air out again. Before we will look at the

oxygen exchange and otherwise lung function, I will first

conclude the case of the circulating blood. That life

giving blood that is being pumped by our heart through

the arteries into our capillaries and vitalises and

strengthen our body.When it returns after its first

payload it travels on the other route through the venous

system to the heart. It enters through the right auricle,

when fuilled, contraction follows, and forces the blood

to an opening in the right ventricle, from here it is sent to

the lungs, a smaller version of our larger circulatory

system is now in use. and thereto our lungs. Now to

continue on the story of our lungs - we left off without

inhalation of air, being heated as well as cleared for

further entry down the respiratory tract of the trachea,

into our bronchi and ultimately reaching our alveoli. The

alveoli like the capillaries have thin but strong walls, so

that combustion might take place, that means that the

blood releases carbonic acid gass which is one of the

waste products which have carried back for waste

management treatment in now, our lungs, our

crematorium. After our vital blood has been relieved of

its waste products it can now carry new life laden

purified oxygen molecules to the heart. When reaching

the left auricle it is then via contraction, the beating of

the heart, forced into the left ventricle, were another

contraction pushes it out into action in the mission to

supply our system with this treasure it now holds.

When we delve on the details of these fascinating

biological procedures, we often get lost in admiration

over the finite care and intelligence which nature has

bestowed us. The same principle as nutrition and its

coexistence and play with our metabolic system, same

rules apply here. Nature asks very little of us, but what is

asked must be done correctly for us to get maximum

benefit of it ourselves. Here is is not the food which we

neglect to properly process, but the air we breathe.

Without proper breathing, or a sufficient amount of air

reaching our lungs, the waste disposal of carbon

monoxide has a tougher time being purified. This result

in our cells suffering from the supply of nutrition,

leading to malnutrition. This should be categorised as a

symptom in of itself. The true meaning of Malaria,

derived from Mal- meaning bad, aria meaning air, hence

bad air. If I may, I will henceforth call this Malaria. It is

just as perilous as the parasite. The consequences of my

version of malaria is that the waste products which

should have been dispersed off are now continuing to

circulate our system, poisoning it and as a result disease

ensues. The blood of a case of malaria, or bad breathing,

is of dark color, because it lacks the rich redness that of

which pure arterial blood has. By now I think you

already have a sense of how the pendulum of nature's

law act. On one end you have correct breathing, this

leads to a blood composition and complexion which our

cells dearly need. Let's call this, well, Bien-aria, contrary

to Mal-aria. It might seem silly, but rather that so we get

a clearer picture of the importance of correct breathing.

Our conception of malaria manifests itself as a poor

blood complexion as a result of it not being purified by

the lungs in the regenerative process, it therefore returns

to the arteries incomplete, imperfectly cleansed,

insufficiently purified which it carried along on its

journey back to Rome. It is no speculation that these

waste products and impurities will manifest in either a

form of disease in the blood or a disease being the direct

result of an organ or tissue being malnourished. Malaria

leeds to malnourishment.

Now you might have a clearer picture of the importance

and actual functionality of breathing, the advantageous

effects of proper breathing is numerous, and nature will

reward you dearly. You will now be rid of the poisonous

carbon monoxide, which already here renders nature

capable to unobstructed continue her work properly.

Blood unites with the hemoglobin part of the blood,

which is what carries the oxygen molecules to its

delivery address, your friendly neighbour organs and

tissues, when new material is supplied strengthens and

invigorates every cell, organ and muscle.

Another aspect to take accountancy for is in our

metabolic process oxygenation of the good is an

important step only accomplished when the oxygen in

the blood can come in contact with the food in a form of

combustion. May I point out a correlation for causation,

when in fact weak lungs and poor digestion often go

hand in hand. Remember key conception in the prelude

of this book, Improper assimilation results in an

improper nourished body. Take our lungs into that

accountancy, for they too need nourishment. If by

improper breathing the lungs turn weak, and rendering

the body vulnerable for further weakening. In the

metabolic digestion process every single particle of food,

before it can nourish us has to be oxygenated first.

Therefore lack of oxygen means imperfect assimilation

of the nourishment and has an impact on our health. This

is a cardinal principle within the law of nature, breathing

is life. There is even more aspects to consider, as well as

the fact that the act of breathing, correctly that is, gives

our internal organs a much needed exercise. How most

of us breathe is often described as a shallow breathing,

were only the upper parts of the lung cells are being

activated and put into use, thereby the remainder of the

lungs great capacity is overlooked. Hence the

consequence under oxygenation. We have lost our

natural talent for breathing, and because of that we suffer

dearly today.


Now that we have been through the introduction to our

bodies and main principle functions as to ascertain the

food we consume with the air we breathe, and how this

becomes the very atoms and molecules of which we

consist of as a whole. We are under a continuous process

of catabolism and anabolism, breakdown and buildup,

facilitated as mentioned by our circulatory system and

blood. What can we do from an external point of view to

aid our own bodies in the production of ourselves as a

means of an end product. Should we revert our attention

to the plant family, more related to us then we could

imagine. What does a flower need to blossom. It needs

an adequate amount of fresh air, sun, not too much, not

too little, it needs nourishment, not too much, not too

little, and it needs water, not too much and not too little

and lastly, it needs good soil to grow in and spread its

roots. The answer to that predicament is simple, but even

how simple the principles for a good life are, how many

of us does not struggle with keeping up with good

health. Our bodies require the elements in order to

promote health. I will in separate sections discuss the

sun in the chapter Sol Invictus, the water in Aqua Vitae.

Now we will consider the nourishment and nutritional

factors. Here I introduce quote by Hippocrates, “let thy

food by thy medicine and thy medicine thy food”. I think

by now this quote makes even more sense now that we

have educated ourselves of our biological functions and

importance of food, which becomes the building blocks

for our cells, keeping them in health. Nutrition and

nourishment of our body should be seen as our first and

foremost duty. Keeping it in an equilibriumous balance

between new material with discarded used materia. Here

we are also presented with two extremes, starvation and

overeating. We should also here meet in the golden

middle path as described by Socrates. He himself was a

being of great endurance, and was said to go without

food or sleep for an extended time, living a spartanian

lifestyle. Voluntarily impoverished. Distinguishing

himself as a true teacher of science, not like his

adversaries charging high prices for their lessons.

Waddling the streets of Athens, conversing his thoughts

and questions, always holding a keen hand on the city's

pulse. ​ I​ n his Memorabilia, Xenophon, a student of

Socrates, shares a dialogue between Socrates and one of

Socrates’ disciples named Epigenes - Epigenetics, a later

topic. The dialogue of the importance of physical as well

as spiritual fitness. ​Also that happiness is obtainable

through human effort, which even at that time was

considered hubristic. In the end, his honesty and

reflections consequently resulting in the final cup of

hemlock. ​Conium maculatum, or hemlock, is a

poisonous plant, on the other hand, we have plant

properties which are greatly beneficial for us. We

identify these components as phytonutrients, which are

chemicals produced by plants. Plants use phytonutrients

to stay healthy. Some phytonutrients protect plants from

insect attacks, whil​e others protect against radiation from

UV rays.​ For us, they have antioxidants and anti

inflammatory properties that support a healthy body.

Thousands of various phytonutrients are to be found in

plants and foods which have an effect on our genetic

expressions, where these factors sends genetical signals,

up regulating or down regulating activity. Telomeres are

the ends of our chromosomes, the length of these are

significant and essential for good health, thereby

preserving and protecting the genetic book of life.

Counterintuitively, damaged telomeres renders our

genome vulnerable, and susceptible to defacement. This

in turn alters our essential physiological processes

associated with health. This will be covered more in

detail in the chapter on epigenetics. The principles of

nourishment are simple, yet can become the utters most

complex venture. The importance of a proper nutritional

regime cannot be understated. Ancient medical practice

is based on the principle of right amount of the correct

nutrients will lead to health, coined Orthomolecular

medicine by Linus Pauling. To go into greater detail on

the beneficiality of a proper nutritional regime would

due a separate compendium.We will now venture on to

the topic of water in aqua vitae.


Our corpus is as stated a marvelous biomechanical

architectural wonder, which mekanisms need water as a

machine needs oil. In this chapter we are on the second

element we need to thrive like the flower, Aqua. I named

this chapter Aqua vitae to perhaps inspire som thought

towards the fountain of youth, and even the holy grail.

Perhaps we have just complicated what previous medical

prophets have prospered, drink thy holy water. Water is

for us holy in the way it supports our entire being and

our functions. Its second most important after breathing,

which we can do much without after a couple of

minutes. We will feel nature tugging our sleeve when it

requires water, unfortunately, we have chosen to ignore

these curriers, dont killed the messenger. Now that we

already have the plant in mind to remind us of what

nature is all about, we will continue to do so in this

chapter. Now, picture a desert, and soon after a

vegetative jungle, what separates those two extremes.

Which one do you choose to be. It's a cardinal law for all

that lives, water. Is further clarification and

argumentation for this fact necessary. Do yourself a

favor and drink lots of water, lots and lots of it, more

than you would with your current conception be

comfortable with. We need to change our philosophy

around this subject. In this new artificial world we live

in, comes new norms and bad habits, which has moved

us further from these simple natural laws. One

consequence of modernised living is the habit of

drinking ice cold beverages, which in effect gives your

body a shock altogether, not only that but also puts out

your metabolic fire, meaning digestive impairment. Iced

water combined with a meal is not recommendable.

Naturally we drink cold water for the fear of

contaminated water from our faucets. We have also lost

our innate sense to listen to our messengers sent from

our hypothalamus, the thirst centre in our brain, which

uses the endocrine signaling system which utilises the

circulatory system to evoke a response in the user, you.

When this message finally goes through and you feel

thirsty, your body has already been waiting for far to

long and in great need of irrigation. It's a version of

Pheidippides, dying “before” conveying the important

message from the city of Marathon to Athens.

Some health experts have gone to another extreme to

argue that thirst is a sickness, and the use of it in larger

quantities has to be seen with caution. I won't even try to

argumente the folly in these teachings, there insignificant

has to be clear to anyone. The easiest way to learn how

we should act is to gaze upon nature, there is the act of

drinking of water all around us. From the lowest of

lifeforms to the greatest mammals, water is the primary

principle for health. Many suffer numerous

manifestations of disease as a result of insufficient

amount of water. Who would be so cruel as not to give

the horse and sufficient amount of water, or to neglect

watering their plants, they would either way be well

aware of the consequences if such was done. The plant

would die, so would the horse eventually. Humans need

water and in correct quantities.

Our fysiologi tells us that we are seventy present water,

and a significant part of this water is constantly being

absorbed by our organs and later discarded in a

continuous circle. For every ounce water used, must be

replaced to keep our body in homeostasis. This system

excrete water thru our pores in our skin, in what we

know as sweat and perspiration

Perspiration is the term applicated when water

continually evaporates from our skin. Experiments have

shown that if this process is inhibited, death may issue.

We do not have to go as far back as ancient rome to find

an example of this, but we will do so either way. In a

festival, a young boy was covered with gold paint to

look like Apollo, and died before they were able to

remove it. Natures function was prevented, and the body

was not able to fulfill its functions.

Sweat and perspiration are evidently filled with waste

products when chemically analysed. Without the correct

amount of fluids added to the system, these toxins will

remain, and intoxication and disease will pursue.

The bodies continuous exchange of old and new tissue,

excretion into waste and addition from nutrition. The

waste must be recycled and managed. We have the same

issue when dealing with nuclear waste, we keep storing

it, not knowing how to get rid of it.

This waste in our bodies, when accumulated is a hub for

bacteria and cultivation of invasive cultures not wanted

in our body. Summa sumarun, perspiration and sweat are

important homeostatic tools and functions that needs to

work in order for life to exist.

Our skin is our largest organ, helping to keep our body

temperature, så spread the body heat via evaporation.

Sweat helps to excrete waste products - the skin is in

essence a complementary organ to our kidneys. Without

water, the function would be greatly decreased.

We excrete approximately a gallon of water in twenty

four hours in perforation. Large quantities of water are

exhaled out via our lungs.Our urinary organs when they

fulfill their duties. All this to keep the biological

machine in modus operandi. Water is also essential as a

carrier of blood cells and nutrition to the body's various

parts. IN the return via the venausial tract, it carries

waste matter, and carries this to be disposed of in the

kidney, the skin pores and the lungs. Without a sufficient

amount of water, nature cannot complete its duties

correctly. A steady and correct water supply regime is

required, nonetheless to aid your vital circulation which

is pivotal in transportation of nutritious blood and waste

management. The consequence will be mal-blood, blood

of poor quality. Resulting in a anemical existence, and

overall unhealthy appearance. As the flower, so do we

require sufficient amounts of water supplied to our

system. If the irrigation is being limited, the sol, our skin

becomes dry, and every cell, tissue and organ will suffer.

Water is a universal solvent, which makes the system

able to assimilate and distribute nutrition from the food

and discarding waste. Therefore, Aqua Vitae, blood is

life, life blood, what would blood be without water, dust.

.Water is essential for the kidneys to manage urea, to

produce saliva, pancreatic juice, stomach acids and other

valuable system juices, without, digestion would be


There's an axiom that says all organisms live in water,

we know there can't be any life without it.

The leading authorities recommend two to five liters of

water daily for the average man and woman, to

compensate for the systematic loss. Our daily intake is

often an inadequate, nevertheless, we dont understand

why we experience the consequences, as being

dyspeptic, constipated, blood poor, nervous and in

general tired. The body is filled with all kinds of toxins

the body has not been able to excrete or manage

properly. Which in turn intoxicates our system. Being

nervous is a symptom of internal inflammation based on

the excess amounts of biological waste in circulation,

intoxicating us. We shant be afraid of consuming water,

preferably body temperature. With practice, a new

irrigation regime will do wonders for your health and



In this chapter we will venture into the life of our cells,

these most critical part of our journey to understand the

medical arts healing principles. Cellular biology is an

ever evolving science, just this year this book will also

be published, an american trio of scientists has explained

the most essential mechanism for life's adaptive process.

They have established the fundamentals of

understanding how oxygen affect our physiological

function and cellular metabolism. Rendering their

discoveries key conceptions to establish new strategies

to battle cancer, anemia and other diseases.

To better ourselves get an idea of these most complex

cellular processes we must yet again go further down the

rabbit hole into the small lives of the cell. One

fundamental principle that we have learned is that every

cell has memory, which in turn means that there is also a

group memory or mentality, and what are groups of

specialised cells called, well, it depends, let's take the

liver cells as an example. We can call this a organ-ic

memory or mentality.

This renders our cell communities far and large

independent souverens, or states under capitol hill. These

cells are as early renaissance people starting to gather a

sense of I, and the centralised mentality of the I, at least

just enough so that they may do their cellular jobs

correctly and follow the commands from the community

as a whole, not to mention mission control, or our

symphony leader, which we will talk about in the

chapter Congnitis X.

Examples of the individual intelligence of each cell, we

see they have a speciell adaptability for various work

tasks, their selective counteract for extracting from the

blood that amount of nourishment they need and to

discard what they don't need. The process of

metabolism and assimilation shows the cells mind, as an

individual and as a group mentality. When we cut

ourselves, the cells rush to the area that they are needed

via a system of communications, also a sign of this

intelligence. Our corpus consists of these tiny cells, not

only our soft tissue, also our muscles, and our bony

parts. These cells are formed after their special

individual duty they are made to perform. Some cells are

active workers, others on standby as our fire brigade,

ready to act when called upon. Some cells work in the

waste management, handling the logistics of transporting

and removing the systems waste.

It's not out of thin air that we can compare our cell life to

a well organised society, everyone doing their duty for

the common good.

Our red blood cells are tasked with transporting oxygen

from our lungs to our cells via the arteries and their

return through the venousal road they carry carbon

monoxide. This we have summarized earlier on.

Other cells are our legionnaires, protecting the system

from malign entities, like bakteria, viruses, parasites and

so on. These legionnaires are quite brutal in their way of

handling of invaders, they phagocyte their enemies

which means consuming them. If they fail in that they

rally up in larger numbers lead by a clever general, the T

helpers, the brains behind the operation, and start an all

out battle field of planning strategies and various

planned attacks at the intruders encampment. Some

battles they just don't win, I associate this promptly to

the story of asterix and obelix, the gallers who the

romans never were able to defeat.

The cells overall see to that our body is continuously

being regenerated, that every part of our body is repaired

and supplied with fresh supply of materials needed. In

this work some cells are stationary, others always on the


Each and every part of our bodies cell has an innate

knowledge about their life's work, and its own life and

needs. It takes what nourishment it needs from the

extracellular fluids, from the blood, and reproduces itself

in a process called Mitosis. It also seems to have

memory, in other terms, to manifest a mentality. Without

getting lost in details, we will continue.

In the case of our Liver-Hepato, has millions of hepato

cells that together create a community mentality, or in

this case, the city of hepato has its own rule, borders,

nationality, flag, culture. This is important to remember

when we talk about the medical arts. This means that the

liver in accordance to these laws of the liver following

an authoritarian rule, our mind. It's reseptable to

cognitive kontroll- as are each and every individual cell.

It is reseptable to instructions, but will it answer. If it's in

a good mood, and is not being disturbed by our intellect..

We can also have a negative effect our innate control

over our various organs.

If we send via our endocrinological system fear and

stress hormones like cortisol, it may demoralise this

community. These hormones are our organs and cells

only way of receiving information about our outside

world, and what is going on. Which makes this

information for them highly important even if we

intellectually would not perceive them as such.

If a cell community is demoralised, soon disorder in

their ranks will appear. Even sometimes they go on a full

out strike and revolt. This could also be a consequence

of having to work overtime, being displeased by their

working conditions, and even having to work of rations

or being malnourished. They act precisely as we would

under the same conditions. Even when they do return to

their duties, they do it half heartedly and if they choose

to. In order to get our little cells happy again we need

meet their union demands, better nourishment and

lessened work load. It's surprising how quickly they

return to discipline and order.

Exactly what our cells demand, and how to make them

return to order, we will take help from nature. I will

speak in short terms concerning our sun's power in Sol

Invictus X and the importance of sleep in Nocturno X.


Apollo, the God of archery, with a little hermeneutic

practise, being translated into the rays of the sun as

arrows. Apollo is also a God of music and dance,

signifying the rays wavelike musical frequency in which

they travel in a subatomic level. Apollos father Zeus also

got his powers from mother Gaia, Terra mater or mother

earth as we know her.

The sun, the source of life, a manifestation of the

hermetic principle order ab chao. The chaos being the

continuous combustion, a nuclear power plant at a

distance. We receive these musical wavelike arrows of

energy and vitality in a beautiful equalibrious amount,

just enough to sustain life and not much and not too

little. Not too much and not too little. We are yet again

met by the golden ratio, the wonderful balance life is.


The muse of astronomy Uriania will be my muse for this

part of cosmology.

I believe we all have a fundamental understanding

concerning our astrology, and also how little we know of

the observable universe even when we utilize our most

powerful telescopes. Lack of visuality, does not mean

non existence.

Billions upon billions of stars, much like our own sun,

and often even bigger, is counseling over their own

planetary system of orbiting planets also, much like our

own, being placed in a sweet spot, with not too much

and not too little solar energy.

These suns emits continuous amounts of energy out in

outer space.

We contain about forty present stardust, which comes

after a solar supernova, and the suns material is sent out

on an intergalactic journey.

Without the sun's rays or the sun itself life would not be

possible, life as we know it to be.

We are dependent on the suns vitalizing energi which

most of us are in lack.

In northern europe we have the perfect alibi for hiding

from the sun, even so, we have an innate fear of the sun

and overexposure. What I would like to emphasise is the

suns giving energi, and not in as much as the warmth

from the sun, of which first comes into play when the

rays traveled thru the interplanetary space in a cold non

resistant environment, suddenly comes in contact with

our atmosphere is heated up by the laws of resistance.

Therefore, I advocate the health benefits from the rays.

The law of nature also implies common sense.

Overexposure to heat, rather, overexposure of anything

is seldom beneficial. Remember, the golden middle road

between our two extremes. One extreme is hiding from

the sun completely, shutting it out of our lives, our

homes. I say, let the sun become a welcomed guest in

our home and you will find this will inspire an

atmosphere of healing, strength and vitality.

For those of you who practice gardening will have

noticed the benefits your flowers get from receiving the

early morning sun, contrary to a flower bed only

receiving the evening sun. How different are we from the

plant. Look to nature.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the earth we

stand on, the rays of the sun, when we start to think

differently about this we will eventually start to feel us

more intune with nature and the universe instead of

isolated from it with rubber shoes. We need not put all

our hopes for health into blind belief that any God will

grant us vitality, by now we are all aware of the D

vitamin producing abilities natural sunlight has on us, by

synthesizing cholesterol into the hormone as we know it,

being a key factor for optimal health. Take part in nature

and nature will partake in you.


Sleep. A public health problem in proportions which

even the most terrifying statistics can't truly mirror.

Sleep, now a chronic health condition in itself, generally

treated with externally supplied chemical substances. Of

all of nature's functions, sleep has to be among the most

crucial and what seems to be, and should be among the

simplest law to follow. We do not need to teach a child

how to sleep, or why it is important, the child is born

with this innate capability and knows just how much the

body is in need for its beauty sleep. Unfortunately, they

do what their parents do, they inherit, like their parents

before them, abnormal sleep patterns.

In our brave new artificial environment, good quality

sleep renders a grand ambition, for some to ambitious to

even dream of. We can however get well on the path

back to terra mater, mother earth, to lex natura. Of all the

weird habits we have acquired on our path away from

nature, is the sleep pattern, for when we go to bed and

when we wake up. When we go to bed too late, we

mourn in loss nature given window for recuperation and


We know well of the pineal gland for its

endocrinological function of secreting melatonin, and

being light sensitive, which abrupts its natural function

whilst we use our smartphones and screens, the problem

here being the light emitted from these devices excites

our gland to withhold its precious sleeping pill

melatonin. It will receive orders from our mission

control that the body actually does need to sleep, so you

will feel the dosage will over the hours increase in hopes

of gaining sleep.

I will like to call the problem we face for sleep

arrhythmia, because we are in lack of the sleep rhythm.

Does that sound familiar, rhythm, it's a natural law. Live

your life according to rhythm in practically everything

you do, you will feel an enhanced quality of life in

rhythm and balance with nature. Now, suffering from

sleep arrhythmia over a prolonged time will have its

natural consequences. I say, over a prolonged time, there

is no problem in you as a human needing to postpone

your sleep over a couple of days, only receiving minute

amounts of sleep, for simplicity sake, let's take the

example of the huntsman, or any other natural instinct or

duty we must perform to survive. Your body is also

tougher than you think, but what it cannot do, is being

unbalanced on not only one string of the violin, but

several at once, well, that's a breakdown. If sleep is out

of tune, for a prolonged time, we have disressonance,

and disease and disharmony will occur in the grand

symphony of life.

I will not set up any parameters for rules concerning

sleep like your mother telling you when you must go to

sleep and get out of bed and tidy your room, no, I will

give you some advice, following the same accord as the

previous chapter on our respiratory system, thereto the

importance of correct breathing. These essential

principles come into play when we consider quality of

sleep. See to that your bed chamber is well ventilated.

The second is easier said than done, relax every muscle

in your body, think about removing all tension from each

and every nerve. Cultivate a feeling of relaxed and a

calm mind, tell your chattering mind to give it a rest.

Some people tell me when they try and meditate, all they

do is fall asleep, I say, bravo, use this for your sleep

arrhythmia, meditate into deep sleep. Be in the now, and

you will sleep just as good as a baby. If you have ever

observed children, the most astonishing trait is that they

are constantly in the now. Why do you think they are

happy all the time. No troubles, or thoughts, or


Breathe with rhythm, breathe with your puls, imagine

you are dancing the waltz, one to three, one, two, three,

breathe in and breathe out on a new one, two, three.

After some practice you will get a better grip on those

principles. By the way, use rhythm breathing as often as

you can. Make it a living and breathing habit.

If we all were to crack this gordian knot, we would all

rejoice in an improved quality of life

Peace in the world. A homosapiens att peace. Our next

evolutionary stage.

I will not say that these very fundamental advice will

suffice for people who suffer from sleep deprivation,

although, I advocate following the advice hearetoo,

finetune your inharmonious strings of your fine bodily

instrument, until sleep will just fall into place in

accordance to the harmonious counterstrings effects.

It's not about owning the perfect thousand dollar

mattress. Socrates among other stoics of ancient greece

would practice like the orriental Zen masters sleeping on

hard rock, being comfortable were they lay, having good

quality sleep. It's not the key to good sleep, but it's a

story full of principle. It's all in your mind. Find peace in

mind and you will sleep well, anywhere, at any time.

We humans live in a world unlike it has seen before, we

can't blame our bodies for not being up to the task and be

fine with the majority of the world's population is to

succumb to disease and illness.

We must battle this inharmony with harmony within the

human frame.


In this chapter we will start the subject of our mentality.

We know how our outlook on life itself can change

dependent on our thoughts alone. Nothing has to change

in your external environment, if you mentally have a

good thought you go beyond the conditioning around

you. The general mental attitude will then of course have

an impact on one's health. It is your mental attitude

which alludes a situation fear-full or stress-full. In the

following chapters we will investigate this fenomena

within the quantum world leading to our own genetics.

How thought has the power to change our biological

structure. Now in terms of mental attitude, should we

draw up our variables together, what are the two

extremes. A positive mental attitude and a negative

mental attitude. Common sense will elude the answer as

follows. Positive mental attitude, as being bright, happy,

cheerful will reflect in a well functioning physical body.

Negative mental states as fear, hate, worry, jealousy,

anger produce physical dissonance and inharmony, and

thus manifest as dis-ease. These follow some of the same

principles as Pawlows dogs, or the fact that seeing a

picture of food will produce appetite and activate our

salivary glands. Or a recollection of a memory or

experience might render us nauseous.

Here we see the coherence between our mental attitudes

and our physical body and therefore functions.

Negative thoughts, the antagonist, has an affect on our

circulation, as a natural consequence, deprives our cells

of nourishment. Even nourishment might be lacking

because one is in a negative emotional state and renders

low appetite. Which results in the blood being of a lower

quality, carrying less of the vital cell food.

Positive thoughts will act as a welcomed protagonist,

increasing circulation and appetite. I will in this

statement remind the readers of my fair warning

regarding dogmatism in the prelude of this book. This

statement stands and is the truth. The body is receptive

to mental attitudes or beliefs. Therefore I will not delve

upon this subject more than needed right now, there will

be an undertoning of this subject in the next chapters.

We will now move on to our Cognitive functions.


An introduction to our brain. Let's start with out

NeoCortex, it's often thought of the seat of our

consciousness. If projects our tri dimensional reality. It's

about forty percent of our entire brain. I like to call it our

symphony leader, especially now that i've leaned upon

the thought of the violin as a metaphor as us, as a fine

instrument, were the strings reflect various parts of us,

needing to be in harmony. This symphony leader

orchestrates action, fokus, invention, spekulation,

attention, control over emotion, the centre for overall

Fitness, consciousness. What many would describe as

what defines us as homosapies, although dolphins share

our neo cortex.

To be a little geographical, and categorical, the backside

of our brain lies the occipital lobe. Oculus, meaning

sight in latin. Here lies the specific area that registers

certain emotions, and motor functions along with long

term memory. As well as our ability to diversify what is

self and not. This area of our brain gathers new

information, experiences, important in learning.

Now if we revert our mental picture of the brain and its

geographical importance concerning our various lobes

and their general functions, we will now zoom in the

lense and look at our neurons.

As you read this, and you concentrate on this

information, being it new information or your are

actually learning something new, your neurons are

firing, making new connections. When a neuron fires, it

wiers. Within neuroscience its estimated that one hour

concentration on a subject will double the amount of

synapses. This interaction is what renders our

intellectual or cognitive database in our neocortex.

Next step will be to adapt the knowledge, applicating it,

initiating, personalising what we have learned. This will

lead to a new kind of behaviour, and create new

intentions, which calls for cooperation or symbiosis

between our mind and body. When we organise new

synaptic network we will connect all our senses to the

sensory input through feedback to the brain.

The second brain, the limbic brain, controlling our

involuntary actions, like our heartbeat and part

respiration although we can assert our will to it. also

being called the chemical brain, I like to call it our

laboratorium. It's here our chemists produce our

hormones. These hormones come into play in connecting

your mind with your body. Your body responds to these

chemicals so that it can get up to speed with what the

mind has learned or know. Living a life with a new

philosophy or outlook will render a new feedback from

the environment around you. This opens the possibility

to change your genetic future. All thanks to your limbic

brain sending these new signals.

These chemicals we revise by felt experience will act as

emotional unique emotional signatures, that can

modulate our body- when we recreate this signal or

specific signature, you will neurochemically condition

your body and mind to work as one. This will become a

reflective process. We do this more or less involuntarily

already. What I want to investigate is doing this


The third brain, the cerebellum is responsible for

developing explicit memories

Within neurogenesis which translates to the creation of

new neurons, which was not long ago was thought of as

not possible. We were just born with the amount of

neurons we ever will have. Well, that is not the case

anymore. We actually create new neurons when we

create new synaptic connections. We create new synaptic

connections when we learn new skills or in concentrated

learning. The reason why science has held the notions of

our neurons being finite, is on the basis of rat

experiments, the key here is that they were placed in an

anemic, stagnant environment. Therefore they were not

getting any new sensory input, hence no neurogenesis.

We can also live our lives without neurogenesis if we

every day have the same thoughts, same routines and not

feeding our brain. Within neurocircuitry,

neurochemistry, your hormones even your genetic

expression is on the same level as your thoughts, how

you act and feel. As mentioned, I want to change this,

and we can. Let's look at our spectrum again shall we.

One end we have no new thoughts, the same feelings and

routines, on the other end we have creativity, new

thoughts, new intentions, new emotions. You will in turn

change your genetic expression, your neurocircuitry,

neurochemistry and your hormonal signaling. This by

the power of thought alone. Sola fide.

The second conception with resonance, rhythm, order,

synchronization, for humans who live off their stress

hormones, in a constant survival situation, the feeling of

an incoming threat at any moment, creating the tunnel

sight effect out of life. It's the focus, we need to identify

what's threatening us. It's the primitive response as we

have all heard, the fight or flight. In this mode we will

always try to control, predict the outcome, under the

influence of the chemicals from our limbical laboratorie,

shifting our attention from the first foreseeable meeting

to the next. Neurologically we are looking for the known

around us. We activate individual synaptic links, and the

result is a dissonance, a lightning storm, an autoimmune

brain, working against itself.

The stress hormone cortisol triggers increased heart

activity because the body in that situation needs more

blood to the extremities in order to either fight or flight.

Now even the heart works in des resonance, and the

heart is sending inconsistent messages to the brain, and

the body is now fighting for the survival of homeostasis,

but moving towards dis-ease.

How do we create Ordo Ab Chao. We can relax our

nerves with medication, meditation, therapy, red wine,

yes, all tools to relieve the immediate pain or symptoms.

Is there a way we can improve our cognitive function to

get beyond all this all together, so we might see the

world with a different outlook, a world in balance and

resonance with the one within ourselves. Were the once

subdivided neurons now can resonate and cooperate,

synchronize and function in a more holistic manner so

we can feel more whole.

We will look into heart brain resonance, so that we may

liberate more energy to the brain, which will result in a

higher level of clarity and consciousness. Heart- brain

connection is possible without the intervention of any

external factors such as diet, physical activity,

medication and so on.

To get to that stage, to create the proper soil for change,

we need to get beyond ourselves, meaning the memory

of ourselves, our personality, our personal reality, how

you currently think, act, and what is known: we will

have to look on our body and mind quite objectively.

You will learn to understand that you are more than the

violin.In the sciences of quantum physics, neuroscience

and epigenetics, you will learn that they all point in the

same direction for possibilities. Nothing will be left to



In this chapter, the book of life, we will look at

our genetic makeup, and delve into the world of

our genetics. Moreover the field of epigenetics.

Epi derived from latin means on top, hence,

epi-genetics. I will always do my best to explain.

As always, we need a little base biology

fundamentals in place before we can continue.

Now think of your body as a protein producing

machine, and yes, machine, its very

reductionistical of me, but we will get to the

metaphysical aspects soon enough. For now, yes,

we are machines. Our muscles cells produce a

protein called actin and myosin, our skin cells

produce collagen and elastin, our digestive

system produces enzymes, the immune system -

immunoglobulins or antibodies, our eye cells

produce creatine and every cell besides red blood

cells produce proteins. Proteins are responsible

for the function and structure of your body, they

are an expression of life. Before the cells start

making a protein, a gene in the nucleus, the

control center of the cells, must be regulated or

stimulated. Genes are a library, where the books

are proteins. There are sections of that library

which is usually off limits, it contains books of

disease. A myth we need to talk about first is one

that has to this day had an effect on our view of

genes. After the human genome project, it was

thought that genes cause disease and it was their

fault that we were getting sick. Now statistically,

one present could be linked to genetically

predispositioned disease like sigdel cell anemia,

type one diabetes, huntington's disease and so on,

there's a nitienine present remainder which are

environmentally dispositioned. In order for a cell

to make a protein a gene must be regulated, if we

understand genes in itself does not cause disease

and that proteins expression derives from the

genes that are being regulated, then what is it that

up or down regulating. It's now we have the

science of Epi-genetics. We all have an internal

order, which in a sense is greater than the world

around us. Because the intern cellulare milieu is

still the outer for the cells. Our reactions to our

surroundings and how we interpret, observe and

respond emotionally sends regulating signals.

Which either up regulates, which will in turn

produce healthy proteins. Or down regulate, on

the basis of strong emotional signals, which will

give a neurological and chemical impact on our

gene expression. This conception of epigenetics

means a shift in our mentality, that we are

predetermined, stagnative beings, unable to

change our genes, or to produce new neurons. In

the next chapter, the placebo effect will put an

emphasis on our human capabilities.


We will now look att placebo effect, which is without a

doubt a manifestation of the human the reductionists are

battling with. The placebo effect is the main competitor

to medication. What is placebo, the word derives from

latin meaning to please. All through antiquity, there have

been cases and reports of instantaneous healing acts or

otherwise supernatural affects, often then associated with

a place, symbol, or ritual, by faith alone, sola fide.Today,

these occourancies are well documented, we label them

for placebo effect and get on with our lives. How is it

possible then to administer a sugar pill or to perform a

pseudo surgery and the patient feels a significant change

for the better. It's a speculative branch within the human

innate capabilities for self healing, having its own


During the second world war, when a field surgeons

would run out of morphine, he injected sodium chloride,

salt water. The effect on the soldiers were astonishing,

their pain was dramatically reduced. In short, the

research of placebo commenced.

Today, no scientific research is done without a double or

triple blind placebo, for each new medication is

measured contra a placebo, to document its effects on the

participants. In a double blind study, the participants did

not know if the drug they are receiving is the placebo or

chemical. In a trippleblind, nor the participant or the

doctor or researcher knows why gets what. In the process

of reducing us to flesh and blood, to mechanical

biological beings, something is left out of the scientific

equation, our mind, and its effect on our body.

The mechanical solution to human ailment is to be found

outside of us, externally, rather than internally. The case

of medication, and how it affects us can be linked to

simple details, as whether the doctor who prescribes us it

is enthusiastic about it or not.

The second element to consider is our own expectations,

when we learn what this new effective active new

substance can do for us, it becomes a symbol of hope, of

possibility. Even before we actually ingest this new

medication, we have accepted that this will have a

positive outcome on our health. We become optimistic,

we can already picture the change, a better health, this

combined with a clear intention, mixed with gratitude,

and inspiration, you are already well on your way of

changing your own biology.

The third is the actual information that you have

received about it. You could have been explained that

this will change your serotonin receptors, and modify

your neurotransmission which will result in…. it doesn't

really matter what is being said, you are already

affirming that this sounds promising, and finally

something that will change your situation. This is linked

to our sub consciousness selecting your future with a

clear intention combined with elevated emotion. As we

already know is the way the body and min communicate

and create resonance. So that what we understand

intellectually, or cognitively is understood by our body.

Now just as well as you can maximise a biological

response for the better, there's another outcome as well,

called the Nocebo effect. This is contrary to placebo,

meaning that you not only don't feel any effect, even

worse, you only experience the side effects that of which

the drug would cause. This begs the question, do we

need an external substance to move into a new state of

being. Parkinson's disease is defined as a result of

dopamine deficiency.

This results in a impaired neurological communication,

which results in spasm and paralysis. When placebo

treatment was tried, the immediate symptoms

disappeared. Our own laboratorium were producing its


This was proven by looking at our receptor sites, which

we can think of as parkinspaces. Radioactive ink was

injected, if then our body truly was producing its our

compounding dopamine, the results would be that the

ink would not find any space to park, there would

already be dopamine there. It shows that two hundred

times more dopamine was produced based on the power

of thought alone. These parkinson's patients when

returning home, to their environment had an immediate

relapse. They were again around all the known.

We must then learn to be greater than our environment.

What these patients experienced was an effect of an

involuntary action of our subconscious abilities. We will

now do this with a voluntary intention. Every individual,

if there is a correct amount of the right decision,

amplitude, and firm intention can become immune to the

environmental conditioning. This intention will have to

surpass the hardwiring of our brains.

We are talking about determination, will power, when

you really decide to do something, and you can feel on

your body that that message has been received, you have

in fact sent a signal that the body is now responding to a

new mind, and have the power to change your biological

destiny. Sola Fide


Memento Mori - remember death, an ancient practice of

reflection on the subject of our mortality. Socrates said

that the correct practice of the philosophy is to remember

death and living with it. We must get beyond the notion

that our physical life is all there is. That has a limiting

effect on our body. Do not fear death nor what comes

thereafter. Leave behind you the notion that when your

physical body dies you will also cease to exist. You are

endless and limitless, in this life and the next. Look at

life for what it is, and look at death for what it is and not

with fear. It is just as natural as life. The church has

preached about the life after, paradise. Yet we cling to

this life and as if it was the only thing there is. We

tremor of the thought of death. We must cultivate a

feeling of consciousness of eternal life. We even tend to

ignore that death exists. Understanding death is also

understanding that you are here for a reason, and in this

time you are given a physical body as an instrument. The

body should therefore be tended to with utmost care. All

measures should be taken to prolong life and enhance the

quality of life. We must live now, and extract out all the

joy we possibly can. Following the simple laws of

nature. Even so, not worry too much about our health. I

know this sounds contradictory, but we worry too much.

Live every moment. Dont worry to much about the past

nor the present. You are in eternity now much more then

you ever will be, so why not take advantage of that. Now

is life. Now never fails you.


Nullius in verba

In this little compendium, I advocate nature's laws, in

accordance to its principles of fire our metabolism, air -

respiration, earth - nutrition, water - aqua vita. If you

follow some of these principles and nature laws, health

with come to you, and with certainty will the hippocratic

oath, do no harm, will be obliged.

Remember not to fool thyself, if you from this day or

already started your healing journey, remember its your

path, and you are the master. No teacher will make you

learn, no doctor will make you healthy, no personal

trainer will make you fitt. It is all on you. It's time to take

back control of our health. Unlocking our true potential.

We must search within our human frame for health.

Thereby challenge the sola scriptura that dominates

today's health service to welcome the healthcare of

tomorrow with a tailored humanocentric optic.

In a ​Argumentum a fortiori

“Crito we owe a rooster to Asclepius, pay it and don't forget”


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