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1.Choose the correct form of the verb :
1.A:Do you want to come to Lisa’s house tonight?
B:Sorry,I will meet/am meeting Sam tonight.
2.A:That CD is just terrible!I hate it!
B:Ok,OK,I won’t play/am not playing it again,I promise!
3.I think it is raining/’s going to rain tomorrow.
4.Larry might/will be late,the traffic is awful.
5.I’ll have/’m having a cup of coffee.
6.Sara might not/won’t arrive early,but I’m not very sure.
7.He is going to buy/’ll buy that car,that’s his plan.
8.I’m leaving/’ll leave in ten minutes,it’s already planned.
9.She may not/may come too,it’s just possible.
10.We’ll do/’re going to do some shopping.


2.Fill in with one af these adjectives and the correct preposition:

ON,OF,WITH,IN.Then translate the sentences!

1.I’m very ------------- ---- my son,he’s so intelligent

2.She was -------------- ------ Fiona because she had been late for the rehearsal.

3.I didn’t know that you were so --------- ---- Peter.

4.Children are usually very --------------- ----- computer games.

5.Well,I’m tired,I’m just -------- …… school and homework!

3.Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech from the verb in brackets:
1.It’s a bit…………that Emma hasn’t arrived home yet.(WORRY)

2.This was an……………!(EXCITE)

3.He was………………to see her again so thin and sick.(SHOCK)

4.You gave us a ------------------just then.(FRIGHTEN)

5.He was very………….to meet the children at the party.(SURPRISE)

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