Terminator Salvation Guide PS3

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Terminator Salvation------------

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Entering conversation..................
Hello and welcome to my guide to killing robots. My name is HeroicNerd and I
am a fantastic robot killer. without giving too much away I would like to say
that at the very least victory and a whole set of trophy's can be acheived
without much difficulty. First of all...
5-Mission Profile
-L.A. 2016
-Thank Heaven
-New Aquaintances
-The Sights
-Into the Wild
-Every life is Sacred
-For the Resistance
T://STORY.OGA Accessing Story Files..................
I little history if you don't mind...
The resistance is losing the war. Every day more and more of us die. The
higher athority is telling us to throw our lives away assaulting the machines
in a desperate attempt to get back the glory we once had. The glory that skynet
took from us. But there is only one man who can lift this self inflicted curse.
John Connor. Nobody knows it yet but he has great potential. Great skill and
leadership the like of which nobody can compare. Our orders are to attack
Skynet HQ in the heart of L.A. The mission is suicide but then again everything
looks that way. The human race is losing hope. We need to get it back soon
before all is lost.
Now the major players...
JOHN CONNOR- Not yet the leader of the resistance we know he will become but a
skilled and experience soldier just the same. It is by his actions alone that
we can win this war and bring hope to the human race.
BLAIR WILLIAMS- Long time friend of John Connor. One of his few true critics
who is never shy of speaking her mind. An excellent asset and who is never away
from john.
BARNES- A tactical expert and demolitions specialist. Barnes runs with a crew
of scavengers who locate themselves in underground L.A. A brave soldier
destined to become one of Johns premier followers.
ANGIE SLATER- A supremely emotional memeber of the resistance. Her inability to
cope with her surroundings leads to serious problems though she is also a warm
loving individual. A good follower for John.
DAVID WESTON- Just a soldier in the resistance. Nothing special about this guy.
T://TIPS.OGA Accessing Training Files................
Going toe to toe with machines can result in only two outcomes. Total victory
or slow and humiliating defeat. Figting Robots arent difficult at all but they
do require a bit of strategy and skill to overcome. Heres a list of useful
techniques to keep you alive in the field...
===Cover is essential but not because it keeps you from harm. The true use for
cover is to hide you from the enemy. Everyone knows that bullets hurt but being
able to sneak around skynet into a highly favorable position that can end a
battle before it even gets started is the mark of a true strategist. Make no
mistake these spots are in every battlefield without exception.
===I assume you know what quickmove is. Its almost always available so why not
use it. Quickly moving from cover to cover while the enemies back is turned is
the mark of a true strategist.
===Quick and focused aim is essential when using vehicle turrets. Avoid spray
and pray otherwise you will be overcome with skynet forces and be destroyed. A
true professional can hit a Moto-T with an RPG from the back of a moving subway.
===Explosives are used or the tougher armored robots but they also kill smaller
robots in one hit. This may seem reliable but try not to be liberal with this
technique. Nobody in the resistance wants to be cornered by a T-600 with only a
light machine gun. An T-600s show up often.
===Never confront a machine at close range no matter what machine it is. Always
keep a minimum distance from them. if the apprach find new cover. If they
retreat find new cover. Machines are strong enough to punch through your cover
if they know where you are and every physical attack from a machine is strong
enough to kill a human in one stroke.
T://MACHINES.OGA Accessing Enemy Bluprints.........
Read and learn to kill in a way that nobody has learned to kill before. Robots
inhabit our world wether we like it or not. So lets kill them.
AKA spiderbot. Good armor out in front but, next to nothing in the back
paticularly around its battery which is where you should aim to kill it.

Flying mechanised rats. Not very dangerous even though they are quick moving.
Commonly referred to as wasps.

HIghly dangerous. Do not play when it comes to this model. Heavy weapons do
little damage. Explosives are absolutely neccessary. Sometimes its better to
run then to fight.

Moto Terminator
Psychotic killer robot inside of a motorcycle. Usually found on highways.
Theres not much you can do to avoid its twin machine guns except kill them

Skin Jobs
Something new that weve never seen before. They appear to be T-600's with
rubber skin. I dont know why they would want to emulate humans but, i do
beleive this to be the truth.

Hunter KIllers
Large aerial assault machines. Hunter killers are highly armored and highly
mobile. Rarely encountered though they may be its not impossible to overcome

T://WEAPONS.OGA Accessing Weapon Schematics...........
you ammo if your running low.
An endlessy useful weapon. Average ammo and fire rate however, ammo is sort of
scarce. This gun is effective against almost every machine you can encounter in
the field. It cuts through aerostats like butter. A highly recommended weapon.


The heavy machine gun. Highest fire rate of all and heavy damage but when the
clip is done good luck finding a new one.


Basically allows you to throw grenades across 100 yards. Pretty useful but
dosnt appear much.

Rockey propelled grenade. Supremely powerful and suprisingly common. Can
render just about any machine to scrap with one shot but, is difficult to aim
and rockets are scarce.

Basic grenades that explode on impact. Useful just as long as you have good
aim. It takes a bit of practice but it is completely necessary for any good

The same as a grenade but with a higher punch.

These are guns mounted in defense positions as well as on vehicles they come
in all shapes and sizes. Familiarity and ammo go out the window.

T://MISSIONPROFILE.OGA Accessing Mission Report...............

Before you are the chroniclings of John Connor during his journey to find and
rescue david Weston from skynet cenntral as we know it now in history. This
document will allow you to retrace his footsteps to the letter in hope that you
will learn something through your virtual ineraction with his history. We begin
with a losing battle John participated in. Records show that the attack took
place early morning in....

++++Chapter 1-L.A. 2016++++

Objective-Retreat to Evac Point

Records show that the battle was in every way a loss by humanity. What we see
here are the early stages of John Connor losing faith but gaining confidence
and experience. begin by crossin over the short wall to reach blair. Your
commaner will order a full retreat so pack into cover and use quick moving to
go from cover to cover and avoid the heavy turrets that guard the street. Enter
the building on the other side of the street and head on up to the second
floor. Move along to the next stairway heading down toward your crew. Your
commander informs you that HQ just ordered am emergency evacuation at a hotel
across the city. Furthur on your group will run into some wasps or flying

Basically a hovering Turret. They are little more than fodder. Just take cover
and shoot when they are stationary. The shotgun does a great job and will often
kill them in one hit.

Contune along the road following your teammates until you are prompted to look
at the hotel in the distance Now you need to follow your team into the
abandoned building to yor left. You will be attacked by wasps but your team
will do most of the work. Continue through this building into the lot and on
into the next building. An explosion will cover your exit and the game will
prompt you to look. A terminator will burst through the wall and kill your
These guys take a huge amount to kill. bullets are ineffective but explosives
work well. A few grenades or an RPG will usually do the trick. As far as
tactics go they really only walk and shoot.

Just run away from the thing right now since you dont have the means to kill
it. Run down the hallways and hit the door to exit.

objective complete

You will be prompted to look at the downed HK in front of you. Pass by it and
turn the corner to meet Ogrady your commander. Follow him to the others. Now
you will meet peters who will inform you that theres no chopperd coming. Your
escape wil be by trucks to the south. Suddenly your group spots an HK outside
the building

Objective-Defeat the HK

Enemy-Hunter Killer
Technically this could be called a huge version of a wasp. keep your distance
and only aim from behind cover or it will rip you to shreds. Also only use
RPG's and mounted weapons as these are the only things that will penetrate its

This battle isnt too difficult. Grab an RPG and fire rockets at it from behind
cover. there are two holes in the building from which you can see the machine
so shoot it when it peeks through. After its taken enough damage it will ram
the side of the building which will knock over the hotel sign. Run across it to
the next building.

Objective complete

A T-600 will kill coach at this point. The team dosnt do much to save him.
instead the go for the trucks at the top of the hotel garage. They ride down to
the street with just enough time to watch the hotel crumble behind them. With
an HK hot on their tail they head for the freeway.

Objective-Reach the Freeway

Aerostats are attacking your trucks and it is up to you to stop them. First
thing of note is the overheating bar that disables your gun if filled
completely. The supply of wasps are endless. The actual objective here is
simply survive till you get to the freeway. Survival is simply your ability to
kill wasps as efficiently as possible which takes practice especially on hard
mode. After a minute or so you will reach the freeway and the HK will swoop in
for an attack.

Objective-Destroy the HKs Damaged Engine

The engine will be highlighted in red. just unlead everything you have into it.
It will break and the HK will crash into the overpass dont think the battle is
over though. Just keep shooting it. When the next overpass comes it will kill
you if you dont shoot it enough.

Objective- Destroy the HKs Sensor Pods

Now there are two smaller objects underneath the HK that need to be destroyed.
Again when they are being hit they will be highlighted in red and again if they
are not destroyrd at a certain point you will die.After thats over the HK will
stop in front of the trucks to try and stop them but peters rams his truck
right into the other engine.

Objective-Destroy the HKs Plasma Guns

Same thing yet again here except with a slightly smaller target area. Dont
worry this is the last one.

Objective Complete

The HK is going down finally but, its trying to suicide bomb the tunnel luckily
our team makes it through unscathed. They stop their vehicles for a breather
when suddenly a T-600 tears open the top of their van and blasts them into
dust. The team escapes but it turns out the T-600 can drive.

Objective-Escape Machines

Aim at the van first since its really easy to destroy. The aerostats arent so
difficult after that. This segment only takes a minute then its over.

objective complete

Your truck exits the tunnel to find that the freeway is no longer in comission
so they decie to continue on foot via an underground passage.

++++Chapter 2-Thank Heaven++++

You start this chapter underground so make your way to the light and you will
emerge next to blair.

Objective- Find the New Evacuation Point

You need to follow Marks and Rogers all the way to the very grassy area thats
around the corner. Some wasps will jump you here. Rogers will go tell you to
scout ahead. Move into the street and the game will prompt you to look at Marks
as he is killed by a spider robot.

Enemy-T-7-T/ Spider Terminator

This enemy is very smart especially in hard mode. Their weak point is the
power cell located on their backs. The only way to kill them is to flank them
and shoot their power cell. Otherwise grenades and RPGs will work but I advise
you use these only as a last resort as they are neccessary for the larger
enemies. Either way every encounter with these machines has a perfect vantage
point to flank with. I advise you search these out and also never under any
circumstances apprach them haead on. The have a one hit kill tackle that is
difficult to avoid. Finally there is one slight malfunction in their design; if
you shoot them in their red eye they will shut down momentarily allowing you
opportunity to go for their power cell.
After the first spider is killed a second spider will show up but after that
the coast is clear so continue to follow Rogers across the street and through
the buildings. Watch out for your first batch of grenads which will be around
this area. Outside of this building is an ambush;two spider bots plus some
aerostats. This battle is actually very difficult to contend with. I suggest
using the grenades you just aquired to destroy to spider bots.After thats over
head through the alleyway up ahead.

Objective complete

You made it to the new evac point and the rest of the resistance which isnt
much. Your commander informs you that choppers are on their way to take your
entire squad back to resistance HQ and reassign orders but, Blair dosnt like
that plan at all. Suddenly wasps attack.,

Objective-Clear the Area of Machines Before the Chopper Arrives

There are a lot of wasps outside the building that you are in. Murphy your
commander starts ordering people around but its not important to listen just go
outside and take out the wasps. After the battle everyone goes inside and
connor receives a message from David Weston who is stuck behind skynet
boundaries and is requesting assistance. Connor Asks murphy to help them but
murphy denies him and continues to order people around again. Head to the
rooftop of the building and take a position destroying the wasps. Spiders will
ambush you from behind so be prepared for that. Also i your planning on using
the turret up here keep in mind that it offers no cover. After all the robots
are dead go through one of the holes that was made. It leads to the next
building over.

Objectives complete

Finally the Evac chopper arrives and everyone is trying to leave but Connor
refuses. Murphy gets angry but, Connor stays to save Weston. Blair decides to
stay behind with Connor against her better judgment and the chopper takes off
without them. Suddenly a Harvester appears and blows up the chopper. Run
straight toward the opening in the building in front of you. Follow this path
which will lead you underground. Using cover helps avoid the lasers. Once you
underground your safe. This is a huge turning point in Connors personal
history. This is the time in his life where he begins to self realize and
therefore decided to take more personal responsibilities.

++++Chapter 3-New Acquaintances++++

It seems that Connor and Blair have no choice but to high tail it over to
Skynet HQ to pick up Weston on foot. Head up the stairs and exit the sewer. As
soon as you see daylight you wil be prompted to looke at a chopper spinning out
of control. Dublin the pilot contacts you for help.

Objective-Find the Crash Site and Rescue the Survivors

Head down into the freeway underpass and prepare to fight 2 spiderbots. Flank
these ones by getting on the other side of the freeway pillars opposite Blair.
Move along the freeway but, look out for more T-70s as it is possible to sneak
up on these ones. As they walk around scanning things take position opposite
Blair who usually begins to fire at first sight effectively taking all their
attention. After about 5 walkers follow the path adjacent the freeway through
the building. Go into the street to find Dobkin. He seems to be having trouble
with some walkers. Go ahead and help him out with the proper application of
grenades. After the initial three you can expect three more on the far end of
the street after Angies introduction. These three can be dealt with by flanking
through the open convenience store to the right. After the battle move down the
street away from the crash site. Apparently Dobkin thinks our mission is a joke
but, who cares, after a short walk the group will be attacked by a T-600.

Objective-Retreat from the Machines

The T-600 will incidentally kill Deckard but, he was a jerk anyway. Run into
the store behind you and go to the back room. Dobkin will disappear until the
t-600 shows up at which point he will blow the roof open allowing you to
escape. The team will head across the street into the adjacent building.
Immediately run up the stairs and then as far down the balcony as you can go.
Dobkin will start making pipe bombs at the table. Collect them as he makes them
and use them to destroy the machines. Don�t use anything except for the pipe
bombs and only when they are close enough to hit. After all that�s over head
through the double doors for another serious fight. First a terminator will
barge in through the door but, it will hit the landmine so don�t worry. Then
Dobkin will blow open another door so go through there. The mine will fail to
kill the terminator but don�t worries the door will open most likely before you
die. In the next room Dobkin will make more pipe bombs to kill the terminators.
This room is simple and intense. Stick to Dobkins bombs once again. Oh no it
looks like Dobkins been hit. At least he died like a hero.

++++Chapter 4 The Sights++++

Angie is now a permanent part of your team seeing as how nobody else survived
the last chapter. Connor still plans on saving Weston though Blair and Angie
don�t seem to be very happy to hear it. Cross the field and pass through the
building into the street. You�ll meet a couple of walkers out here. Flank them
by sticking to the left side of the street by the van. After that head to the
end of the street and enter the computer building on your left. You�ll find
some robots in here but, you should be a pro at this by now. Look upstairs for
some grenades to help with the walkers.

Objective-Find Your Way to the Tower

The plan now is to get an eagle eye view of your surroundings by climbing the
tallest tower in the city. Exit the building and cross the street below to go
up the stairs to meet a new enemy.

Enemy-Skin Job
These are exactly the same as the T-600s just a later model that tries to
adopt with human skin. Treat them like a T-600. They actually don�t appear
anywhere else.

To take care of the Bozo�s try to take cover away from your partners and shoot
only when their attention isn�t focused on you. Watch for their punch attack
which can kill you even through cover. It seems like Angie wants answers about
skin jobs but Connor and Blair totally ignore her. Continue on through the
building and into the street here we find even more skynet. These ones require
that you use cover to get close then flank through the abandoned building to
the left. After they are dead Look UP! Congratulations! You�ve reached the
Tower! Now Our team decides to climb the tower but it seems to be falling
apart. Grab a rocket launcher from the floor and then head upstairs

Objective-Defeat the Hunter Killer

Don�t leave cover for this fight: at least not while the HK is out. The twin
laser cannons it carries will rip you to shreds in a matter of seconds. There
are three open sides to this building and a hallway on the fourth side. The HK
will peek into one of the 3 sides just like the hotel fight. The trick here is
always having to proper cover for the side he appears on. Blair will give you
auditory clues but, they honestly don�t help much at all. After a few rockets
the HK will fly to the roof so follow it. I suggest using the entrance ramp for
cover. Two more rockets should take it down. Afterward the team surveys the
city only to conclude that there are too many robots to go on foot so they
decide the subway is their best bet.

Objective-Reach Union Station

Continue forward down the street to meet up with skynet. The destroyed truck
to the right is actually a cleverly disguised flanking position. After that�s
done continue down the street which will curve around into more skynet. The
building to your right has a second floor you can use to flank. More skynet on
the street corner up ahead use the diesel to the right to flank. After that
flank the next wave using the abandoned building on the left side of the
street. After you kill these an HK will show up to drop off a few more then
just fly away for some reason. After that continue down the street and climb up
that big orange tube there. This will lead you to a room with some guns and a
turret. Take the guns but don�t waste the turret on the aerostats instead use
it on the T-70s that show up later. Afterwards go downstairs and make your way
around the giant crater in the road. Union station is up a bit further beyond

++++Chapter 5-Underground++++

Our team heads underground for safe passage but Weston seems a bt displeased
with our progress so far. Dont mind him hes just terrified of the manhunting
robots surrounding him. Anywho follow this tunnel and then down the stairs into
the subway terminal. Take note of all the guns placed here and continue on up
the stairs into the next tunnel. Angie starts talking monsters in the tunnels
but shes full of poop. Its not like were playing fallout 3 here. Anyway you
should find some train tracks which will run you straight into a human village.
Meet Warren the leader of the villiage hes kind of a butthead but he agrees to
give you supplies and tells you to go meet barnes.

Objective- Explore the camp and Find Barnes

You can walk around and listen to people talk about stuff but, they dont say
much. Barnes has a set up on the far side of the village. When you find him and
get the introductions out of the way he takes you back to warren. Suddenly an
alarm goes off. Oh no the machines found us. Warren orders Connor to head them

Objective-Hold the Machines off while the Survivalist Evacuate

Follow Barnes back into the subway terminal where he has explosives set to
blow. The objective her is to cover barnes while he fixes the charges.Remember
those guns? Now is the time to use them to full advantage. Be waryy of the
flanking areas on both sides of this room. Covering in these areas actually
leaves you more open than the cover in the center of the room.After all that is
dealt with and you make good your escape the survivalist are ready to evacuate.
Our team hops on their subway car to lend a hand.

Objective-Defend the Train

Here your using RPGs on a new enemy

Enemy-MOTO Terminator
Swift and Dangerous motorcycle terminators. Nothing to say about these since
they only appear in rails segments

Objective-Hold Back Skynet Assault

Theres some survivors on the platform that need to board the train. Use your
RPGs to cover them while they do. Dont worry this objective is so very easy.

Objective-Defend the Train

More Moto Terminators her. Its a bit difficult to hit the from the back of a
moving train espacially since your using rockets. Honestly the only thing that
can really help you here is practice. Watch yourself when the HK pops up from
the street. Tray to focus your sttention on the far deadlier Moto Terminators.

Objective-Escorts the Schoolbus to the Freeway

Butthead Warren decided to crash the train so now our team has to protect
warrens schoolbus as it makes its way out of the city. Warren also points out
our next objective the radio tower thats keeping connor from contacting Weston.
This segment is actualy afairly difficult one. For one reason or another the
schoolbus tends to attract bullets like a magnet. The only way to make it
through is to proactively kill the enemies before the bbus can make it to them.
A task that is easier said than done, memorize the robot positions and watch
your overheat meter. Also do not shoot the bus which will take massive damage
from you.

Objective-Escort the Schoolbus to Safety

Same deal as last time except now your against theswifter Moto terminators.
Whaterver you do dont fire rapidly in a panic. Moto terminators are great at
dodging your cannon so go slowly and youll be fine. Afterward warren offers to
take the team along with him but connor refuses. Instead connor decides to hike
up to the skynet radio jammer. Oh and Barnes decides to join our team! yay!

++++Chapter 6-Into the Wild++++

Objective-Find your way into the Skynet Compound

It looks like weve got a great team going here. Great chemistry among these
people. Walk up the road and look at the shadow in the apartment window.
Creepy. Enter the house but beware there is skynet in the backyard. Go to the
second floor of the house for some guns and a good vantage point to take out
the machines. Once their dealt with head to the road passed the garage.
Continue into the next house. Continue through the backyard until you hit more
spiderbots. Flank these through the house on the right. After that a wave of
skin jobs will appear. Remember that skin jobs are weaker than T-600s and can
be defeated with machinegun fire. After that move into the garage and up the
hill into the street. Go around the massive wildlife blockage and scavvenge the
weapons on the street corner. The grenade launcher wil help with the skin jobs
up ahead. This fight is difficult due mostly to the akward placement of cover.
All I can really say is take care of the aerostats first and then use the
grenage gun to against the skin jobs. A word of warning; shoot the skin jobs in
the head or collar for a one hit kill. After that continue down the road a
little passed the destroyed bus.

++++Chapter 7-Angie++++
Objective-Find the Compound Center

Its quiet here. A little too quiet. It seems our team is nervous about
shutting down the jammer. Angie seems to think its a trap but, more on that
later. For now head into the facility and go down the hallway. Then down the
stairs and out the door. Youll be back outside. Hit the door on the other side
of the courtyard and then up the stairs and your at the center of the compund.

Objective-Protect Barnes While he sets the Explosives

Its A Trap!! Duh. This segment is exactly like the subwway terminal. All the
enemies pour in from the door and usually go around the boilers to flank you.
This is especially true for the T-600s which are a pain in the butt. My best
advice her is to never go down the center of the room. Only go around the
boilers to flank T-7Ts and head off T-600s. BEWARE! Barnes can actuall die here
so keep an eye on him. Once Barnes is finished backtrack back to the courtyard.

Objective-Escape the Compound

Dont Just Run! This isnt that kind of escape. Our team has to plow through
quite a bit of skynet first. When you hit the courtyard youll notice a red
flame barrel which will explode if you shoot it. You cant exit the courtyard
the way ou came through the first time so curve around instead and go up the
stairs. There is a walkway to your left which you can use to get the drop on
the T-7Ts. Continue down the courtyard and into the warehouse where you will
find a lot of skynet waiting for you. The walkway on the left side of the room
offers great cover and theres a heavy machine gun on the bottom right hand side
of this room which you may need for this next fight. the next room is another
courtyard with a catwalk fro cover to the right. Head into the hallway and pick
up the RPG. This next room is a serious problem. I know it seems like theres a
time limit here but, dont worry you have all the time in the world. After all
the robots are finished make a run for the exit to finish the objective. OH
whats this? Angie sacrifices herself to save our team! How emotional. Anyway
outside the facility connor assures weston that hes on his way. Then he rewuest
air support from resistance HQ who denies because their pansies and because of
a few AA guns. Connor hacks a ground HK that he plans to use to storm eagle
rock and save weston but he need a computer. Lickily Warren had a change of
heart and came back to give us a computer and join our mission. Yay! Connor
bacame a leader and Warren Stopped being a Butthead.

Objective-Clear the first sight of all SKynet

Now your controlling the HK which is a huge shift in power. L1 & R1 fire
plasma guns and L@ and R2 fire chainguns. All you have to do here is kill
things and use plasma guns for the AA turrets.

Objective-Clear the Second Sight of AA Guns and Enemies

Same deal here except there are 3 AA guns and one of them is sort of hidden to
the far left

Objective-Clear the Third Sight of AA Guns and Enemies

Your getting really close now. This one aint too hard. Its possible to shut
down the aerial HK but I usually save that for last.

Objective-Clear the Fourth Sight of AA Guns and Enemies

This is the Hard one. DO NOT let your chain guns or you WILL die. All in all
this isnt too difficult since you are allowed chackpoints between objectives.
Now that thats over Warren gives us a few of his best guys and we set out to
save Weston.

++++Chapter 8-Every Life is Sacred++++

Objective-Find David Weston

Finally its time to do the impossible. Skynets canals offer plenty of enemies
but also plenty of walkways to be used for cover. After you done mopping up
skynet in this beginning area head on over to the walkway area to the north.
Hug the wall and make your way around to the higher ground and continue down
the catwalk when your done showing skynet whos boss. The catwalk will lead you
to the T-600 assembly line follow this around to the courtyard area you ahould
have more than enough explosives to take out the machines but remember in areas
like this with stacked cover you can slide forward but you cant slide backward
without losing cover. Enter the building at the end of the courtyard to meet up
with David Weston. What an emotional scene and the most akward hug in video
game history. Anywho Weston decided to join our team for the finale.

++++Chapter 9-For the Resistance++++

Objective-Find the Skynet control room

Your team has been split into two groups. barnes and Weston and then Connor
and Blair. Follow the Walkway around but stay on the higher ground to kill
skynet. Theres 5 T-600s which is rediculous but not impossible. when thats done
head to the other walkway which will curve around allowing our team to reunite.
Walk into the control room and connor will start to disable the turrets. The
process takes time so you need to fight off a load of T-600s while you wait.
They come one after another so its easy to dies here. One strategy is to take
cover in the control romm and let them focus on your teamates. which usually
works but will cut you off from the ammo. The only other legitimate way to do
it is to take cover, dig in, and unleash all the explosives you have. The last
T-600 will come through the contol room so be aware. After all that madness is
over Connnor will send out an EMP blast that will disable all the machines.
Feel free to walk right passed them.

Objective-Escape Skynet before Resistance Drops their Nukes

Dont worry about anything just run right passed the Terminators down the
stairs and straight to the chopper. The team makes it out just in time to see
the nukes drop. All the skynet in eagle rock has been extirminated and the
resistance has moved in to occupy it and turn it into a home. Finally the human
race has hope again. John Connnor Proved with the rescue of David Weston that
every life is sacred. Hes brought hope and faith and hes become the leader that
he was destined to be.


T://Closing.OGA Acessing Closing Statement........


Any questions or comments please forward to heroicnerd@yahoo.com

Dont be shy aboout the hate mail. Honestly it rolls off my chest pretty good so
go ahead and sling those arrows. Otherwise Id be happy to answer any questions
though the game I have to admit is pretty self explanatory.
Thanks for reading my first guide ever. Next up is Beowulf the game for PS3.

Author-Jeffery Castaneda AKA HeroicNerd

Date Created- 03/15/2012

I'll be back
Hasta La vista... Baby

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