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Microprocessor and Assembly Language

Assignment No.4 Total: 100 Marks

Due Date: 31/12/2019

Question #1

Write a procedure that displays a word size array and find largest number in the same array
and displays it on the screen.

Question #2

Declare and define following 4x5 byte size array named SCORE. Each row represent single
student’s score in five tests.


db 34,22,40,35,23

db 45,27,40,23,46

db 37,45,22,37,43

db 13,31,27,16,19

a. Find the average of each student and display

b. Find the average of each test and display

Question #3

Design a basic digital Calculator up to 4 digits – Use procedure for input and output of
operands (both of these procedures are in book). Give user choice of the four operations


The format should be as follow:

Operand1: 1- 4 digits

Operand2: 1-4 digits

Operation: +, - , /, %,*


Question #4
Write a program to find a mini array of 3 elements in a bigger array of 10 elements. If you
found the mini array in the bigger array set BX register

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