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EFE matrix

External Factor – Opportunities Importance Rating Weighted score

factor 0-1 1-4
1. Market is big and many potential segments 0.13 3 0.39
2. Increasing demand in other developing countries 0.17 4 0.68
3. People started smoking at earlier age 0.1 1 0.1
4. People get more stressed at work 0.1 1 0.1
External Factor – Threats Weight Rating Weighted score
1. New restrictions set by laws 0.15 2 0.3
2. Healthy way of lives preferred worldwide 0.1 1 0.1
3. Trend of fighting against PM’s products 0.1 1 0.1
4. Disadvantages measures taken soon like ban on 0.15 2 0.3
smoking in public places, campaigns,
5. Economic crisis?
6. Product substitution, government policies, strong
Total 2.07

Nếu tổng số điểm là 4 thì công ty đang phản ứng tốt với những cơ hội và nguy

Nếu tổng số điểm là 2,5 công ty đang phản ứng trung bình.

Nếu tổng số điểm là 1 thì công ty đang phản ứng yếu kém.

2. Three interest groups

Governments, they set up new law and can even ban Tabaco consumption as well as put some
limitation on the production.
Consumers: one day, people all realize about the bad effect of smoking and stop consuming
tobacco which can lead to the corruption of the whole business.
Public: the more campaign against smoking the more effect on people smoking.

3. Competitive scope of PMI

4. SPACE matrix
FS+ES= 4.95+(-4.9)=0.05

The company is in the aggressive strategy in the market.

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