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MD, 34 Y.

O, F, G9P8, 8010

Vaginal bleeding (2x D and C)

History of profuse vaginal TransVaginal UTZ

bleeding during 5th month High vascular heterogenous mass
pregnancy and 4 months CHORIOCARCINOMA within post myometrium
PTA, underwent D&C Theca lutein cyst, left
Had recurrence of bleeding Multiple uniocular cyst, left ovary
and ceased for 2 weeks Hematogenous Route

Brain Lungs Cough

Implantation of syncitiotrophoblast
and cytotrophoblast
4x4x4 Left frontal cortical
hemorrhage with
surrounding edema minimal Disruption of Blood Brain Barrier
spillage into the third Elevated WBC
ventricles up to the 4th Decreased RBC
ventricle Decreased Hgb, Hct
Disruption of Blood Vessels Elevated Neutro
Decreased Lympho
Decreased Eosinophils
Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Left Temporoparietal hematoma

Right sided hemiparesis,
Anisocoria, decreased aphasia, projectile
sensorium, stupurous, (+) vomiting, shallow naso-
Uncal Herniation Increase Blood volume
flexion movement of UE, labial folds, right; weak
no eye opening, (+) and ICP; Tissue Ischemia gag reflex, weak shoulder
shoulder shrug, (+) shrug, right; tongue
abdominal breathing, (+) Brainstem deviation to the right)
Corneals, (+) gag reflex Compression
Motor and Sensory
Comatose Disturbance (preferential
gaze to the left, weak gag
No motor response, reflex)
passage of coffee ground
material per NGT, Cardiopulmonary
tachycardic, febrile arrest


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