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MUSIC: 휘파람★Girl's Day

and i'm home

⋆title: and i'm home
⋆pairing: jonghyun/key, slight mentions of ontae
⋆rating: pg-13
⋆lenght: 2k
⋆summary: jonghyun has a nice day

Jonghyun hears the faint buzz of the alarm, his mind slowly waking up, and he buries his face
a little deeper in his pillow trying to block the noise. He rolls a little on the bed and his arm
clashes with smooth skin. He lifts his hand and touches the back of the body next to his, the
warmness reminding him of something.

“Baby,” Jonghyun’s voice comes out groggy as he shakes Kibum’s shoulder next to him. But
he doesn’t respond, in fact doesn’t even move to protest, so Jonghyun shakes a little harder,
“baby,” he repeats a little louder.

To that, Kibum groans and scoots away from Jonghyun’s hand, making the elder grin.

“Baby, get up, it’s time to get up,” Jonghyun says, kneeling on the bed.

The coldness of the room hits his naked skin, so he takes a hold of one of the many blankets
on top of them and covers his head, along with his shoulders.

“You told me to wake you up, come on,” Jonghyun says, grabbing Kibum’s shoulder soflty to
turn him around.

Once Kibum’s lying on his back Jonghyun pins him with his knees. He smiles as Kibum stirs,
grabbing his face and leaning down to peck his mouth lightly. Kibum just groans louder and
tries to roll around, only to realize Jonghyun’s body on top of his has him immobilized.

“Get the fuck off,” he says, voice also deep and tired, and Jonghyun wishes they hadn’t
stayed up so late watching 24 and making out so Kibum could’ve gotten proper hours of

“Baby,” Jonghyun says, voice dripping honey, “you’re going to be late for work,” he murmurs
planting kisses on Kibum’s cheek, trying to make the morning a tad lighter. “You have an
important meeting today,” Jonghyun singsongs, making Kibum open his eyes slowly.

“I’m gonna push you off, this is fucking uncomfortable,” Kibum says, making Jonghyun laugh.

“Such a morning person, my lovely boyfriend,” Jonghyun says and swings a leg off Kibum
and then hops off the bed, stepping in Kibum’s slippers.

He walks into the kitchen and sets up the coffee maker just how Kibum likes it, throws a
couple of slices of bread on the pan, and starts slicing strawberries. He gets occupied on
serving juice, setting up the table, and listening to the faint sound of the shower running,
then the hair-dryer, and then Kibum’s steps around their bedroom.
Jonghyun sits down on the table and waits a couple more of minutes for Kibum to walk in.

“You’re wearing my slippers,” Kibum says, eyeing the table.

Jonghyun gets up from the chair and walks towards Kibum, circling his waist and locking
their eyes.

“Good morning angel,” he whispers and kisses Kibum’s nose lightly, who suppresses a grin
and buries his face on Jonghyun’s neck.

“Breakfast smells nice,” Kibum murmurs, his breath hitting Jonghyun’s neck as he smiles.

“It’s just bread and fruit.”


“Come on,” he says and they break their hug to sit down.

They chew silently as they have every morning for the last couple of years, Kibum’s fingers
toying around with Jonghyun’s on the table as he pops slices of strawberry into his mouth.

Kibum looks at the microwave’s clock and stands up. He walks to the living room and gathers
his stuff for work, doodles, pens, markers, fabrics. Jonghyun isn’t seeing him, but after years
of being together he knows Kibum’s morning routine perfectly, and is utterly fond of it. He
hears the shuffling of papers on a desk, the clicks of Kibum’s suitcase, steps, and then

Jonghyun grins and stands up, leaning on the frame of the kitchen’s door.

“What are you waiting for?” Jonghyun says in Korean, the words rolling easily on his tongue,
and Kibum smiles.

“Come give me a goodbye kiss, douche.”

Jonghyun smiles and slides his feet on the linoleum, as if there was a huge and tiring
distance between them, Kibum’s black slippers still on his feet. He holds onto Kibum’s waist
tight and spins him around laughing, while Kibum shouts at him a mixture of “how old are
you?” and “you’re getting wrinkles on my shirt”.

Jonghyun lets go and pushes Kibum against the door. He tilts his head the slightest and
kisses him, the taste of strawberries still on their mouths. Kibum tousles with Jonghyun’s hair,
and the elder just settles for rubbing circles with his thumbs on Kibum’s hipbones, knowing
that if he motioned to touch Kibum’s hair the younger would most likely break the kiss.

“I love you,” Jonghyun mutters, their foreheads touching and their lips inches apart.

Kibum just hums, the corners of his mouth rising.

“Have a good day at work. You’re getting this new client, I know it.”

“I don’t need your reassurance,” Kibum says, grabbing his coat and opening the door.

“You do and you know it.”

Kibum just laughs, “I love you,” he says, stepping out and looking back at Jonghyun.

“I love you too,” Jonghyun says, and with that, Kibum closes the door.
In the silence of the doorstep Jonghyun grins.

“It’s like you two are still in college,” Minho says, moving boxes around just like Jonghyun.

“What does that even mean?” Jonghyun says laughing, moving a particularly light box with

“Or the honeymoon phase,” Minho takes a deep breath while holding a big box, “whenever
we go out together there’s still that spark between you two.”

“Yeah, spark,” Jinki says, walking into the room with a couple of small boxes piled up, “like
the spark Kibum had when he first heard you sing, when he first saw you throw up in that one
party,” he leaves the boxes in the corner of the room and walks back to the storage, “when
he cleaned the puke off of you, when he wouldn’t shut up about how dreamy you were even
with vomit all over your face.”

“I really don’t know what you guys mean,” Jonghyun chuckles and follows Jinki to the
storage for more boxes, “Jinki and Taemin are also all honey-moonie right now.”

Minho sits in one of the chairs near the storage’s door as Jonghyun and Jinki empty it,
carrying the last small boxes inside it.

“Jinki and Taemin started dating about… 2 years ago? Am I right, man?”

“1 year and 10 months,” Jinki replies with a small smile.

“Yeah, 2 years.  And you two I mean… 7 or something?”

“8. And 2 months,” Jonghyun grins when Minho groans.

“Why must you be so exact, it doesn’t matter.”

“That’s what you think,” Jonghyun puts the last boxes down and walks towards Minho, “Get a
boyfriend who would cut one of your balls if you forgot an anniversary and you would reply
with hours and seconds.”

Minho laughs and scoots a little on the chair so there’s enough space for Jonghyun to sit.

“You guys are lucky though. I still don’t know how you don’t get tired of each other.”

“Neither do I,” Jonghyun laughs, “It’s just easy? I mean, it’s been easy since the beginning.
This might sound really cheesy, so don’t push me off the chair, but Kibum is perfect.  He is my
soul mate in some way, I—“ Jonghyun says, until a hand pushes him hard and he falls on his

Minho laughs and stands up, walking over to ask something to Jinki.

Jonghyun rubs his back a little as he stands up, feeling the sting of the hit dissipate slowly.

He never understood why Minho was so curious about why he and Kibum worked so well,
because Jonghyun had never questioned it, it had just happened. It was natural, and quick,
and easy, and here they were eight years later.

“Thanks for helping Taemin with the store, guys, it means a lot to us.”

“No problem,” Minho says and Jonghyun just nods.

Jonghyun checks his clock and winces, quickly gathering his jacket and waving Jinki and
Minho goodbye.

“I’ve got dinner with Kibum so I’ll see you guys around, okay? Minho, try not to rip off your
dick while you masturbate.”

Jinki waves and Minho fakes a loud laugh as Jonghyun closes the door.

Jonghyun arrives, honestly, three minutes late.

But that doesn’t stop Kibum from pointing out that punctuality is a virtue, while Jonghyun just
sits and listens because he likes his boyfriend’s voice regardless of what he is talking about.

Jonghyun is still curious about why Kibum picked one of the most expensive restaurants
around them, Italian, and why their table is in a small and very private room. He knows Kibum
can afford it, since he has bought both their cars and the apartment, not to mention that he is
in charge of the bills and leave Jonghyun feeling a little useless, but they usually go to cheap
or normal places since it doesn’t really matter to either of them how much condiment the
food has. Therefore, Jonghyun can’t help but feel a little uneasy, intimidated perhaps,
because Kibum only does things like this for specific reasons. Specific reasons that go from
good to bad.

Through the night Kibum is nervous. Jonghyun can see it, he smells it, he knows Kibum like
the back of his hand, like the ABC. He fidgets with the napkin and sometimes drifts off while
he is picking on his food or drinking.

“What’s wrong?” Jonghyun asks as he sets his glass of water down.

Kibum’s eyes go wide and he laughs, mirthless.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh come on Kibum, just tell me.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“A toothpick costs like two dollars here and you’re anxious, just tell me.”

“Toothpicks are free Jonghyun, don’t exaggerate.”

“Kibum,” Jonghyun whispers harshly, getting the napkin off his lap and leaning closer, eyes
on his boyfriend.

Kibum looks a little troubled, like his head is overloaded with things. Eventually, he takes a
deep breath and puts a hand inside his pocket.

“So, you know, we’ve been together for a long time and if I’m honest, I think I wouldn’t mind
being like this for all the years that come, you know?” he laughs and looks at Jonghyun,
whose face is serious. He coughs and then continues, “The other day one of my co-workers
asked me out, obviously I declined, and then I got into thinking that there isn’t really
something that can let people know I’m in a relationship. We’ve got the necklaces,” Kibum
gestures towards the small pendant on his neck, a small heart, “but they really could be
pretty common or mean anything. So I thought maybe,” he says pulling out a small black box.
He opens it and there are two twin silver rings. They’re simple, nothing too big or too flashy.
“Maybe we could wear these,” he says, eyes on the rings. “I mean, obviously if you want to,
I’m not forcing you or anything, I still have the receipt so if you think they’re too much I could

“Kibum,” Jonghyun whispers, except this time it’s soft.

Kibum looks up and is met with Jonghyun’s tears, he was really trying to hold back but it was
impossible. He stretches a hand and grabs Kibum’s, squeezes it and smiles despite his tears.

“Of course I want to wear it, baby” Jonghyun laughs but it sounds a little more like a sob, “I’d
love to.”

Kibum exhales loudly, as if he had been carrying with a heavy burden for a long time that had
finally resolved, and slowly slides the ring in Jonghyun’s finger. Jonghyun grabs the other
one and does the same thing, more tears gathering on his cheeks. He doesn’t let go of
Kibum’s hands, he holds them both in the middle of the table and looks at him, his
boyfriend’s face now serious too, the ambiance shifting.

“I love you,” Jonghyun says, a shy smile on his face. He rubs his thumb across Kibum’s
knuckles and the latter just squeezes tighter.

a/n: special thanks to majo reading over this and for being an amazing friend
also first time posting!! hello!! and thank's for reading

TAGS: jonghyun/key (, pg13

(, shinee

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