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FRR, False rejection rate : type 1

FAR, False accept rate : type 2

Intersection of both gives the Crossover Error rate (CER) or Equal Error Rate (EER). The CER should be
get as lower as possible

Keystroke dynamics:

- Dwell time: time to hold the key

- Flight time: time of pressure between two keys

AAA: who you are, what you’re allowed to do and tracking what you’re doing

Best practice: Radius for normal users and TACACS auth for admins

SSO: user logs on the network system and is not prompted to auth anymore based on access control

Kerbeors is a protocol for SSO, uses symmetric key

TGT: ticket granting Ticket

SESAME: multi vendor, symmetric and asymmetric

Rainbow table: try to discover password by comparing passwords

OTP: one time password

Honey pots: fake servers/ ressources that are made easy targets for hackers and better understand
the origin.

TEMPEST room: shield on any kind of emanation from devices

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