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Eggs are either really tough, or soft and leathery.

Trying breaking an egg in your

hand, the shape makes them very resistant to pressure. To break the egg the bird
would have to have such a serious impact that the animal is probably dead before
the egg breaks.

Sometimes birds produce imperfect eggs. They can get stuck along the way for a bit
before moving on, leading to odd shapes, or sometimes no shell at all. The shell-
less eggs can tear, scramble egg in the nest, but the shell wasn't hard yet, so at
least no cuts. If an egg gets stuck completely it's a life-threatening emergency.
Usually you'd try to lubricate it and gently massage it out in one piece. Breaking
the egg is a last resort and dangerous, because yes, the shells can cut the bird

The soft eggs of reptiles can tear when they get stuck. It's also possible that
eggs accumulate and can't come out at all, same urgent emergency as with birds,
gotta get them out or the animal dies.

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