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Population refers to the total number of beings living

in a particular area. Population helps us get an

estimate of the number of beings and how to act
accordingly. For instance, if we know the particular
population of a city, we can estimate the number of
resources it needs. Similarly, we can do the same for
animals. If we look at the human population, we see
how it is becoming a cause of concern. In particular,
the third world countries suffer the most from
population explosion. As it is the resources there are
limited and the ever-increasing population just
makes it worse. On the other hand, there is a
problem of low population in many regions.

India population crisis

India faces a major population crisis due to the

growing population. If we were to estimate, we can
say that almost 17% of the population of the world
lives in India alone. India ranks second in the list of
most populated countries.

Furthermore, India is also one of the countries with

low literacy rates. This factor contributes largely to
the population explosion in India. It is usually seen
that the illiterate and poor classes have a greater
number of children. This happens mainly because
they do not have sufficient knowledge about   birth
control methods. In addition, more people in a
family are equals to more helping hands. This means
they have better chances of earning.

Moreover, we also see how these classes practice

early marriage. This makes it one of the major
reasons for a greater population. People marry off
their young daughters to men way older than them
for money or to get free from their responsibility.
The young girl bears children from an early age and
continues to do so for a long time.

As India is facing a shortage of resources, the

population crisis just adds on to the problem. It
makes it quite hard for every citizen to get an equal
share of resources. This makes the poor poorer and
the rich richer.

Impact of Population Explosion

The   human population   explosion not only affects

humans but also our environment and wildlife. We
have seen so many species of birds and animals go
extinct because of various factors. As more
population requires more resources, deforestation is
happening at a faster rate which takes away the
homes of these animals. Similarly, their habitat is
being destroyed owing to human activities.

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