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Human Resource Management





Charles Araujo explains the major essential concepts that ought to put into consideration

in a learning organization. A learning organization should be a significant factor that companies

should consider to improve their position in a market.

The leader should act as an example to the team, just like Jim. Employees in an

organization should learn to be good listeners and know how to connect with their customers.

Thus, customers can express the dissatisfaction they may have experienced and the organization

to improve on it and make changes and also the satisfaction they receive. Through the excellent

communication channel embraced between the employees and customers, a lot is gathered to

enable the business to be in a top position in the competitive market.

When employees embrace the value of having teamwork and being each other's backup,

then the business will survive lots of challenges in the organization. A strong team bond

enhanced customers' services from different persons and treated equally. Team learning is

encouraged as it has benefits to the team, that is: increase in terms of knowledge and expertise.

As a professional, teamwork goes way beyond such that success is all based on partnership.

Every organization has a mission and a goal that ought to meet. With a strong team led by

a strong leader that encourages learning organization, the business will improve its position in

the competitive market since using IT also contributes. They are competing to ensure that the

team meets its goal of making a profit and its mission of serving its clients. The mission and

purpose get achieved when the team knows the importance of building a learning organization.

In conclusion, the takeaway concept is teamwork. I support cooperation since my

strengths in business are someone else weakness and vice versa; thus, as a team implies that we

complement each other hence a great team and easy to be in a perfect competition market.


1. Serrat, O. (2017). Building a learning organization. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 57-67).

Springer, Singapore.

2. Senge, P. M. (2014). The fifth discipline field book: Strategies and tools for building a learning
organization. Crown Business.

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