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“Up in the Air”

Reaction Paper

The movie Up in the Air is so amazing. I absolutely love the ending. I totally
thought he was going to end up with the “cool girl” and I’m so happy he didn’t. The
“cool girl” doesn’t exist. You can’t go through life playing house with people as if
they’re just disposable plastic dolls and then expect them to not be doing the same
to you. The guy got what he deserved. The realization that people don’t actually
enjoy being temporary play things. When you think you’ve found your “cool girl”
who doesn’t care that she is just a plaything it’s because she’s hiding something.

I think that if you find it heartbreaking it is because you want to be able to go

through life treating people like disposable objects and are upset to realize that life
isn’t actually fulfilling and you can’t just decide one day to settle down and actually
made it happen.

The wedding scene was a bit odd but the twist at the end and the fact that he
ends up lost without a destination after he’s hit his goal. Masterpiece. The color
contrast and the scene set up was so perfect for me. The contrast in personalities old
vs young, casual vs committed, the past vs the future, warm colors vs cold dark
colors. The ending was perfect. A wake-up call for the audience to remember the
important things in life. Really hit home with me and a lot of people who isolate

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