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Gay with Angels

By: Gay P. Blanco

Oil in canvas

Gay with Angels is an amazing artwork from Ms. Gay Blanco showing a lady carrying a child
and being surrounded by some children which she considered them Angels. It was a lovely
painting indeed that shows some care and love for the children, but for me there is some reason
why I choose this painting and it is because for me it looks like my mother and I was the subject
of the painting inside it. My mother is a kind loving woman and I know that she loves us so much
just like on the painting the lady was surrounded by some Angels and just like on my mother
she is surrounded by her lovely Angels and that was me and my siblings. We are her blessing
and gift from above she loves us very much to the point that our names are very similar to each
other. I am Angeluz their firstborn followed by my sister that they named Angela and our little
brother Angelo Luiz. Our name are all starting from a single word “Angel” in which I know that
our mother considered us as her Angels from the very first place that we we’re born. I am very
lucky to have a mother like her a mother that will do anything just to give the needs of her
children. Even though I am not that close with her I can always feel the love that a children
deserved from her mother. As I have seen this painting it made me realize that I should love my
mother nor my parents more because as I grow up they get a little older and older as the years
passes by that is why I should treasure every moment we spend our time together. I love my
mother so much and there is nothing more precious in this world than a mothers love to her
The Grandmother

By: Gay P. Blanco

Oil in canvas

The Grandmother painting reminds me of my Grand Lola we call her “Nanay”. The painting
shows an old woman sitting with a problematic face behind her there are two little children that
are kind of lonely. It looks like the old woman had a big problem about something. The old
woman was dressed with an apron that maybe looks like she was working her whole entire life
just to provide the needs of her little grand children. Her problem maybe is that she cannot do it
anymore or her body cannot do it anymore. The tiredness is very evident in her face
The Angelus


Oil in canvas

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