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com/newslette as computers and cellphones but also things like

rs/2017/sep/industry-4-0-change-accounting.html coffee makers and parts of machinery.
How Industry 4.0 will change accounting The internet of things and that communication
Here’s what CPAs need to know about the next between devices is part of what's made Industry 4.0
industrial revolution. possible, Merkas said.
By Lea Hart KPMG's 2016 report The Factory of the
September 25, 2017 Future describes Industry 4.0 as the full integration
September 11, 2017 of information and communication technology and
automation technology in the "factory of the
History class teaches us about the Industrial future."
Revolution of the late 18th century, when steam Everything in the factory is on a network that also
power revolutionized industry. includes sales partners, suppliers, equipment
But some may not realize this wasn't our only manufacturers, and clients, the report said.
industrial revolution. As this Deloitte video explains, The results will be numerous. Devices will not only
a second occurred in the 19th century, when communicate, but also use information and data
electricity and assembly lines led to mass analysis to drive future actions, according to
production, and a third in the 1960s, when advances Deloitte.
in computing allowed us to program machines and One such result will be the evolution of the "digital
networks. twin" in manufacturing, which allows new ways to
Today, we are on the verge of a fourth industrial optimize product design and functionality, Heckler
revolution, dubbed Industry 4.0. said. Using artificial intelligence, machine learning,
"Industry 4.0 is the next evolution of automating advanced analytics, and more, companies will be
processes, making them smarter and better," said able to build a product in the digital world that
Brian Heckler, CPA, U.S. leader of KPMG's Industrial allows more advanced views and smarter design
Manufacturing Sector. than ever before. This allows companies to do more
So just what does that mean? And why should CPAs rapid prototyping than with physical products,
care? Heckler and others discuss Industry 4.0, the experiment with new designs at a lower cost, and
financial impact across industries, and why CPAs improve communication with the extended supply
need to prepare for those changes. chain.
"The most important thing is just being on top of Deloitte's video also points to decreases in
this," said C.J. Skender, clinical professor of downtime on the production floor, ensuring
accounting at the University of North Carolina's manufacturers never start work that can't be
Kenan-Flagler Business School. "If you're not on top finished with the materials and labor on hand and
of it, you're falling behind, and then somebody takes providing an opportunity for manufacturers to grow
their business elsewhere." new sources of revenue, such as a data business that
can become as large as their product business.
What is Industry 4.0? Merkas shared a specific example of how
Industry 4.0 began in Germany several years ago as manufacturers might sell data in addition to
a strategic initiative to provide advanced products: A tractor manufacturer builds a tractor
manufacturing solutions, Skender said. that can transmit data. The tractor tracks a farmer's
To fully understand Industry 4.0, it's important to seed and fertilizer habits, which the tractor
understand the internet of things, said Walter manufacturer can sell to seed and fertilizer
Merkas, senior manager in WithumSmith+Brown's companies, which can in turn market their products
cloud solutions and management consulting to individual farmers based on their particular usage
practice. and needs. "It may be that they sell more data than
The internet of things includes anything with an on- tractors," Merkas said.
off switch that's connected to the internet and/or
other internet-enabled devices, as this What the future holds
article from Forbes explains. It includes devices such
Many argue we're only on the verge of Industry 4.0, determine whether the company can charge more
Merkas said. for filling a customer's need, he said. Or they might
"The introduction is here in the theoretical arena," examine cost savings. If production is more effective
he said. "Companies will start to experiment more and efficient, what will the company save in costs?
with the internet of things." With this new connectivity among machines also
In large part, companies for now are testing the comes new risk, Heckler said.
internet of things in small ways, rather than making CPAs can help their clients analyze the risks that will
across-the-board changes. As those connections arise, he said, including liability for product misuse
grow, manufacturers will build a collection of data, or unintended use, as well as risks related to being
he said. In that same vein, workers are still learning more connected within a factory or outside the
to convert that data to knowledge useful in decision- enterprise. As recent ransomware attacks have
making, Merkas said. shown, connected devices have a level of
"In five years, I think we'll likely be looking at new vulnerability, Heckler pointed out.
business models," he said. "That will include quicker "The enterprise risk-management process has not
speed to market and the ability to respond more really caught up to assessing the unique new risks
rapidly to customers." that might arise due to this connectivity," Heckler
Heckler calls the deployment of Industry 4.0 an said.
"evolution, not a revolution," in that it will be Contract management, terms and conditions, and
difficult to see exactly when it starts and when it responsibilities and boundaries will all see changes,
stops. And it may vary from company to company. and CPAs can help, he said. Companies will need to
"Some companies say, 'We absolutely have to be address frontiers such as ownership of data and
connected,'" Heckler said. "But some companies standards for transmission, according to Heckler.
say, 'We see that, but we're not sure it applies to our Finally, CPAs will be crucial in helping companies
customers or is something we can monetize to understand new value streams and new business
extract value.'" streams coming from the transmission of all that
That second group of companies tends to believe data, Merkas said.
they have cemented a competitive advantage by "If you specialize in manufacturing, information is
doing business in a certain way, he said. However, going to come from a sensor—how are we going to
those companies may face problems if a competitor use the data to make better decisions?"
finds a way to provide the same product with Lea Hart is a freelance writer based in Durham, N.C.
increased value or better customer retention. To comment on this article, contact Chris Baysden,
"You see that happen in other business models," senior manager of newsletters at the AICPA.
Heckler said. "Look at the retail sector being
disintermediated by Amazon."
How CPAs can help industry-40
Changes brought forth by Industry 4.0 will impact How Accountants Can Survive Industry 4.0
the financial side of these businesses. garyeastwood
An investment analysis will need to take place, Loess Hills AccountingSep 28th 201
Heckler said, as industries look at the cost of change Some analysts call it Industry 4.0, claiming that this
and weigh that against potential future profits. is the fourth Industrial Revolution and will change
"How well is finance really able to predict the every aspect of society. Others worry about the
profitability impact and the return-on-investment potential downsides such as security or how
analysis?" Heckler said. "If we buy this new workers will be impacted by new changes.
equipment, if we invest in new technology, can we But no matter the name, the last few years has
predict and quantify its impact with a similar degree witnessed an explosion of new technology. The
of comfort as we can with traditional investments?" Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and automation
CPAs can help companies with pricing analysis when will affect how businesses work, and how CPAs do
a product improves in functionality, helping to their jobs. It is consequently critical that
accountants look at these technological trends, learn how to use data to make smart decisions. But
understand the resulting changes, and figure out whether it comes slowly or quickly, Industry 4.0 is
what role they can play in the new economy which coming.
will be created.
The Role of the CPA
The Power of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, Big Data, and Industry 4.0 will
People have been talking of the Internet of Things have major effects for CPAs both directly and
for years, and ZDNet reported in June that IoT indirectly.
spending will reach over $800 billion in 2017 and Directly, accountants will now have to prepare to
$1.4 trillion by 2021. Furthermore, ZDNet also states face an incoming stream of real-time financial data
that “manufacturing, freight monitoring and instead of periodically checking in with a
production asset management will attract the bookkeeper. Auditing in particular will become
largest investments.” much easier. Accountants can catch financial fraud
On a basic level, the Internet of Things revolves faster, minimizing the damage, and can also notice
around different devices, devices which never financial trends and offer more real time advice.
before have been connected to the Internet, But only CPAs who learn how to manage these large
communicating with one another. Manufacturing real time data flows will be able to take advantage.
equipment can be connected and transmit data, They will thus have to learn the language of IT and
which allows businesses to respond faster to IoT concepts in order to construct new accounting
developing situations. and reporting structures. Once that is complete,
For example, a piece of industrial machinery can accountants can then help their clients as well,
now transmit a warning of when it is about to fail or providing advice on how to build a business
is nearing the end of its lifespan. Before, a factory structure which takes full advantage of the IoT.
would either have to spend hundreds of man hours Providing advice will be the main way through which
checking machinery, including your signal booster, Industry 4.0 will indirectly change the accounting
to make sure everything is in order, waste space and profession. Automation and artificial intelligence
money storing spares in case a piece happened to are already changing the industry so that as Firm of
fail, or even shut down should that piece suddenly the Future states, the accountant’s role will evolve
fail without warning. Now, a factory can order parts from reporting and compliance work to becoming
only when they need it, eliminating downtime, “forward-thinking small business advisors.”
saving money, and making machine failures far less Industry 4.0 will amplify that trend, especially
frequent. because many businesses are unsure of how exactly
A key thing to note in the above example is the role to embrace the IoT. The IoT does have potential
which data plays. The Internet of Things and Big risks, such as hackers using less protected devices to
Data are linked together, as devices connected to commit data breaches or other criminal activities.
the Internet will be constantly transmitting data to Accountants will need to help their clients analyze
interested parties. More businesses with more data the upsides and risks of using the IoT with any
means more analysis and prediction. A 2016 survey particular device, get the maximum value out of
of industrial participants reported data they collect, and play a crucial advisory role.
by Forbes showed that “83% expect data to have a The first Industrial Revolution was all about size in
significant impact on their decision-making in five who could build the biggest factories, have the most
years” while only half are using data now. machinery, and get the most workers into a single
Manufacturers could even sell data received from space. Industry 4.0 will be about speed. Who can get
customers using their products to other customers, data the fastest and use it to reach good decisions?
establishing a data market and a new revenue As financial advisors with knowledge of technology,
stream. CPAs have a crucial role to play in helping businesses
The transition to manufacturers wholeheartedly and must ensure that their own firms are not
embracing the Internet of Things will take time, as swallowed in the new technological storm. There is
manufacturers slowly upgrade their equipment and
still time to prepare for the IoT, but it will not be for actionable analytics to achieve a competitive
much longer. advantage.
Accountants are therefore moving away from bookkeeping and stewardship to become strategic
urth-industrial-revolution-impacting-accountancy/ business partners. Routine and process-driven roles
How the fourth industrial revolution is impacting will decrease while roles which require thinking
accountancy outside the box will be in demand. Accountants
What we learned from the Accountancy Age Fourth have grasped this “inexorable tide” of technology
Industrial Revolution webinar overall, but the challenge lies in completing day jobs
Author in time to deliver the change of the future. Many
Lucy Skoulding people’s daily routines are so hectic, that even
thinking about different ways of working is
ReporterDate publishedFebruary 26, Most accountants have come round to the idea that
2018Categories change needs to happen, but the delivery of change
Our recent webinar was all about the fourth is still in its infancy. Some customers also still need
industrial revolution – the way technology is persuading that technology is the way forwards.
transforming the accounting industry and the They need to remember that their competitors are
resultant changing role of the accountant. using technology to drive growth, so they must too.
Speakers discussed how accountants can leverage
technology to drive business success, how to 2. Technology is disrupting the accounting sector
maximise the benefits of cloud systems, and how Key developments have led to better processing
best to approach technology investment decisions. power and the ability to store more data.
With opportunity often comes risk, so overcoming Accountants can work faster but also look at more,
challenges associated with technology was also which is massively impacting the way they work.
discussed. Finally, our panel talked about what the Specific developments include cloud technology and
future of accounting might look like, bringing in AI big data, both of which are affecting all businesses,
and machine learning, and predicting what the not just accountants. Clients are more empowered
industry will look like in 15-20 years. by data and technology too.
Emma Smith, Managing Editor of Accountancy Age, There is no underestimating the power of
drew upon the expert knowledge of the panel. The technology. It will change the unit costs of the
speakers were: finance function and the pricing models of the
 Tim Wakeford, Vice President, Financials Product
Strategy, EMEA at Workday 3. With change, comes opportunity
 Mark Farrar, Chief Executive, AAT Technology has enabled finance teams to do three
 Chetan Mistry, Director, Smith & Williamson key things at pace: produce and create value, shape
 Noel Tagoe, Executive Vice President, Academics, how it is done, and tell the story of how it is
The Association achieved. In the past, finance was focused only on
cost, whereas now it can contribute value creation
Listen to the webinar on demand here.
and value preservation.
1. The role of the of the accountant is changing
In particular, accountants can make use of software-
A key benefit of technological developments is the
as-a-service (SAAS) technology, which allows access
removal of the need for slow, manual processes,
to individual applications and is hosted on the cloud.
enabling accountants to spend more time on adding
As well as lowering infrastructure costs, set-up costs
value to the business. Also, cloud technology has
are cheaper and the speed of implementation is
lowered the infrastructure support costs for
greatly improved.
organisations. New technology allows a greater Cloud technology is also secure and allows seamless
analysis of business drivers, using insight and
updates to be performed. The level of insight which
can be obtained from it far surpasses anything that 6. There are challenges with cloud technology to
is possible on an On Premise system and any overcome
changes, such as adding new companies, can be Security is a major issue. We need to protect
almost instantaneous. software, hardware, and data. With GDPR coming in
May, there is also the consideration of permission to
4. Accountants should take time when investing in access data. There has been carnage with big
technology corporations such as Carillion going bust recently
Before making an investment in technology, which has led businesses to worry about what will
accountants must understand how it ties in happen if their suppliers go into liquidation. It is
strategically with their business. They should look at important that accountants are aware and prepared
the value proposition and apply this to both their for this.
staff and clients. Cost does not bear as much weight Training is another challenge. People have a key part
as it once did, but it is still a consideration. to play in technology and they must be taught how
Resources and time needed for implementation to make the most out of it. Time is vital. Not
should also come into the mix. everyone will grasp using new technology overnight
To ensure successful technology and businesses must allow for this. They should
implementation, accounting firms should have empower staff to try it out and eliminate any fears
plans in place and the right kind of partnerships to of failure.
help with this. The technical side is often well Trust is also a barrier. People often lack confidence
looked-after, but people can be more of a barrier. in new systems, but they will change their minds the
The necessary question to ask is are people using more they use it. Getting staff involved in User
the technological platforms in the way they are Acceptance Testing is a good way to tackle this as
expected to use them and therefore getting people are then involved in the technology journey,
optimum output? learning about it while testing it.
Seamless implementation can only be achieved with
a project team who understands what needs to be 7. The future of accounting is varied and bright
achieved conceptually and then technical teams and Drivers such as Blockchain, Making Tax Digital, and
solutions providers working together to make this Open Banking are changing work for accountants,
happen. and they need to get ahead of the game and ensure
they are not left behind.
5. Cloud technology is a game-changer for AI and machine learning do form part of the future
accountants for accountancy, and this is a good thing. There is no
One tangible benefit of cloud technology specifically need to worry about accuracy. There will always be
is mobile working. People can access their data qualified accountants checking any figures
anytime, anywhere, which has fundamentally produced by automation and verifying that they are
changed the way businesses operate. correct.
The ability to perform real-time reporting has also Accountants should stand back and think very
transformed organisations. More information can carefully about their objectives around technology.
be pushed directly into the hands of business Move quickly, get with this change, and stay agile.
leaders in the format they want it. This revolution cannot be ignored.
Traditional technology tells you the who and the
what, but not the why. Cloud ERP technology works
in a totally different way, for example recording
people’s names against revenue transactions. The fourth-industrial-revolution-accounting-faces-new-
linking of non-financial information into general challenges/
ledgers means accountants can offer richer services The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Accounting faces
now. new challenges
By BusinessMirror January 7, 2019
Observed in most academic discourses, it tends to
F we stay silent about change, we might as well focus on answering the what of things, rather than
resist it. For change has come once again. But to the why and how. Not to mention that
what extent are we responsible to ourselves and to the why and/or how can be taught in lectures with
the accounting profession in terms of victory or its what inherently included. It is, still,
defeat? understandable that this is immensely challenging
The 13th Washington SyCip Lecture Series, dubbed on the part of those belonging in academe.
“Industry 4.0: Lights and Shadows,” was organized However, the field of accounting, at this point in
by the University of Santo Tomas-Alfredo M. Velayo time, is crucial to the technologies that are currently
College of Accountancy on November 7, 2018. surfacing. We are, somehow, in competition with
Accounting experts from various sectors discussed artificial intelligence in terms of the application of
their insights and judgment with regard to Industry accounting rules and standards. Though accounting
4.0 in business and accounting education. The may be an overwhelming field, if we bring into the
experts include: Mr. Michael Gallego of system how accounting, such as tackling essence as
Punongbayan & Araullo, Dr. Arnel Onesimo Uy of foundation rather than facts, may not only allow us
the Commission on Higher Education, Prof. Florenz to attain the highest level of appreciation for
Tugas, Prof. Kenji Asano, Mr. Fermin Antonio Yabut accounting but also an opportunity to instill a
and Ms. Kristine Abegail D. Asug. lifelong zeal in students, the rewards of which may
be unseen in the present, but are potentially
Being told for numerous times, there is only one realizable in the future.
thing in this world that is constant: Change. Today,
Industry 4.0 has been establishing itself on our Accounting is a very competitive practice, involving
current business setting. This is of great importance complex skills such as analysis, communication and
not only to the general population but also to the decision-making. The human mind is essentially
whole work force. The implications of technology created with the capability to operationalize these
exempt no one, as seen on how it influences processes but not to recreate these into machine
individual behaviors and overall culture. With this, form. This is, in all honesty, a misinterpreted
corporate regulations and business transactions opportunity. We usually underestimate human
have also been evolving. As these changes occur talent when robotics becomes a frontliner. But a
naturally in our economic and business system, as human heart we do possess, and that is a passion
individuals, one option is and will always be present within the accounting equation that can
existence; sometimes our last resort is acceptance never be replaced.
of change. In relation to this, Dr. Uy mentioned that human
While Industry 4.0 is a call for both celebration of beings can offer one resource to our clients that
potential and preparation for risk, it likewise robotics can’t, and that is trust. Our nature as
challenges our educational system to take human beings will keep accounting alive, and
responsibility in creating a new norm on educating accounting, in return, will keep the business sector
the future generations, as educational institutions functional not only for the economy as a whole but
are one of the starting points where we can reap the also for its individual constituents.
benefits of Industry 4.0. There are certain weapons that can be designed to
Generally, seeing the shift in how education is put supplement the current scope we implement in our
into operation, the focus of academics at some point accounting education. For this accounting world
becomes the technicalities of the field, rather than will, one day, be far from the kind of accounting we
discussing the very essence of principles and have today, and we are preparing for a change we
concepts. Sometimes, educational systems focus shall embrace.
more on the functionalities of the system itself,
leaving the principal mission of education Camila V. Amistoso is a senior student from the
overlooked. University of Santo Tomas, pursuing a Bachelor of
science in accountancy. She is a member of UST
Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants and a have on the scope and relevance of the audit of the
contributor to UST-JPIA’s official publication, The future. If we do not engage with these
Ledger. developments the outlook could be bleak: at best
This column accepts contributions from the profession as we know it will become less
accountants, especially articles that are of interest relevant and at worst we might not remain in
to the accountancy profession, in particular, and to business at all. But if we harness the opportunities
the business community, in general. These can be e- that technology disruption offers us then we have a
mailed to very exciting and integral role to play.
Over the past 10 to 20 years there has already been a significant change in how we all use technology –
/Industry+40+Audit+professionals+of+the+future both in business and socially. However, the rate of
Nigeria: Industry 4.0: Audit Professionals Of The technology change that is around the corner is likely
Future to be significantly greater than any we have
Last Updated: 24 January 2019 experienced to date. As an example, market
Article by Deloitte Nigeria research company Forrester reported that by 2021
Deloitte Nigeria robots will have eliminated 6% of all jobs in the
United States – just a few years away.
My early days in the profession witnessed going to And set against this backdrop we have a profession
the field with loads of prior year audit files stacked steeped in tradition and operating within rigid
in several volumes sometimes up to ten volumes regulatory frameworks. Do these disruptive
depending on the size and complexity of the technologies present an opportunity or a threat to
engagement. As a year one Audit Associate then, the auditing profession?
one of my tasks on any engagement was to obtain While this pace of change will be perceived as a
and move to the field long and short analysis significant threat by many in the profession, this is a
spreadsheets with which we are to document audit time of great opportunity for the profession if we
work to be performed plus the prior year audit files. embrace it. The biggest risk for auditors lies in doing
Today, audit professionals go to a client with their nothing in response.
laptop, equipped with audit software to deliver Some routine roles/tasks will undoubtedly be
seamless quality audit service to clients. eliminated. However, there will always be a need for
skilled, human auditors who can apply sound
However, current technology being used by audit judgment and arguably this is even more important
practitioners has its limitations and no longer meets in an increasingly technology-enabled world. After
the ever growing needs of practitioners today's all, who will decide what information should be fed
complex global economy. Since modern-day audit into technology-enabled tools? Who will interpret
professionals have been exposed to how applying and communicate the results? And who will ensure
cutting edge technology can be a key differentiator that end users can rely on the output from these
with clients and talents. Also as the industry moves tools and have a robust understanding as to how
forward, organisations will require carefully crafted risks such as cyber threats have been mitigated?
business strategies that anticipate the ultimate
effects of regulatory reform, technology changes, The current technology landscape
competitive dynamics and market movements,
hence audit firms must continue the tradition of Technology is already changing the face of the audit
excellence and innovation in audit technology by profession. Machines are helping us today to do
embarking on initiatives and invest in new audits faster, efficiently and with a reduced risk of
technology and skills to shape the future, remain error.
competitive and remain relevant in the future.
There is wide debate around the impact that
advances in technology in this disruptive era will
Analytics industry, from online advertising to credit agencies.
Unsurprisingly, the audit profession is also exploring
Analytics has been a buzzword within the audit the opportunities and potential for harnessing AI
landscape for a number of years now and it remains within an audit approach.
a pivotal part of the move towards the audit of the Emerging technologies like AI present the audit
future. Improvements in analytics capabilities are profession with many opportunities to improve the
enabling auditors to concentrate their efforts way we work, to provide better services delivered in
towards outliers in a population and allow 24/7 a more efficient way and bring enhanced insight into
analysis of huge data sets. Suddenly testing the audit process.
complete data sets rather than a sample-based Just take one example of natural language
approach is achievable and the concept of processing: using advanced machine learning
continuous audit within reach, allowing auditors to techniques, auditors are now able to quickly
test audit evidence in real time, with timely process, highlight, and extract key information from
identification of issues and insights and allowing electronic documents. These cognitive capabilities
focus on anomalies in a population. enable the auditor to assess a far broader
Audit Analytics has an important role in raising the population set in its entirety and focus effort on key
audit quality bar, in particular, enabling items of interest and insight while the repetitive or
stratification of data and focused testing of large or low judgement area of extraction is automated.
complex data sets. As with many of the technology Although automation, analytics and cognitive
solutions which are going to become part of the technologies in themselves have the power to
auditor's future toolkit there is a critical dependency disrupt how audits are delivered – and indeed the
on the standardisation of data as a pre-requisite to business models and structure of audit firms – the
being able to overlay these advanced tools. real transformation of the audit profession will
Going forward, there is a shift towards predictive occur as these exponentials converge and combine
analytics – using analytics capabilities to predict with new technological disruptors, such as
events, explain when and why they might occur distributed ledgers – often referred to as the
using simulation and modelling and also prescribe blockchain.
the most effective path to maximise opportunities.
Such developments will allow audits to be Technology horizon scanning
increasingly precise in targeting risk and increase Blockchain
their relevance.
Distributed ledgers are becoming an increasingly
Artificial Intelligence (AI) hot topic. The concept of a secure, distributed
ledger of information which provides a platform for
AI is simply the task of getting computers and representing and exchanging things of value could
machines to do tasks that require intelligence when disrupt the way in which transactions are conducted
done by humans. Most current AI is narrow in that and recorded in the future. Many organisations are
it is created to deliver a specific task within certain starting to recognise the potential of blockchain
programmed parameters. This means the AI is technology and some are investing heavily in
reliant on humans providing initial instructions and experimenting in this area.
algorithms. Over the last five years, blockchain has evolved from
Cognitive computing uses artificial intelligence and a cryptocurrency or payment system to a broad
machine learning algorithms to go beyond analytic ecosystem of digital automation opportunities.
capabilities and to learn and make autonomous The blockchain provides an immutable record of a
decisions. AI is considered a fundamental advance in transaction established in code. Some have
driving efficiency and quality of output. suggested the future possibility of triple entry
The concept of AI is not new and is being actively accounting where every accounting transaction
explored and rolled out in a broad range of areas – recorded by an entity also has a corresponding
from the healthcare sector to the automotive posting onto a public blockchain. All the transactions
on a public distributed ledger are available to all the have yet to emerge. And of course it is not without
users in the network, making the system its negative press; the instability of Bitcoin is a
transparent by design. seasoned discussion point. More recently, the
In reality, this feels a little far off and is dependent negative press associated with the "hacking" of
on collaboration within a complex ecosystem of ledgers due to potential flaws in the code has made
companies, regulators, standard setters and people realise that the blockchain may not be as
government. The more likely route over the short to impenetrable as thought.
medium term is that some core building blocks of Blockchain is still a relatively early stage technology.
the blockchain concept will be incorporated into the However, despite the very obvious current
way in which private groups of companies transact. challenges and its unpredictable journey to
One such example is the way in which blockchain maturity, the disruptive potential of distributed
can be used to record smart contracts between ledgers remains significant.
entities. Such contracts could dramatically disrupt
the way people do business. It is easy to see the What does this all mean for the profession?
advantages of users being able to interact with
smart contracts to invoke an automatic execution of As a profession that is steeped in tradition and
defined rules and as a way of securely holding and surrounded by frameworks and concern for
transferring legal title of the asset. Details of how to regulatory challenge it is going to take a concerted
account for the contract could also be included effort to embrace and proactively respond to the
within the smart contract. This would enforce opportunities and challenges that the digital and
congruence between the recognition of costs in one technological revolution will bring. Some of the
entity and the recognition of revenue in the other. biggest hurdles will be around responding in an agile
Such transactions are self-verifying meaning that way and having a forward-looking mindset.
someone auditing the recognition of revenue from Technology disruption is not a distant future state –
the contract would know that the other party to the it is here and now. If the profession is going to
contract has agreed the costs incurred, either remain relevant it needs to embrace these changes.
themselves or through a trusted source of And the pace of change remains one of the biggest
verification. threats to the profession. If we are not proactive in
And what is the long term view? Put the concepts of our response to these technological advancements
smart contracts and triple entry accounting together then the traditional audit services and audit firms
and the world of auditing looks very different. With are wide open to challenge from the more agile
all transactions verified by an independent source startup community.
(or the other party to the smart contract) and a The response required is complex and requires
complete history of all transactions on the interactions from multiple stakeholders. Each of
blockchain, the focus can move from the audit of these stakeholders is critical in ensuring the ability
transactions in a year to auditing the terms of the of the profession to move forward.
smart contract itself.
Rather than waiting until year-end to see the impact Auditors
of an entity's transactions on their financial
statements, auditing could occur as smart contracts While there are many important stakeholders, in
are created, before the transactions even take discussing the future of the audit profession it is
place. Misstatements, either due to fraud or error auditors themselves who should be seeking to drive
could be stopped before they occur. Auditing the agenda. There is a responsibility on audit firms,
becomes real time – not an annual event looking particularly the largest firms, to continue to invest in
back at the past year, hence bringing a new lens to developing increasingly technologically enabled
transparency and corporate reporting. audits. This needs to involve some experimentation
Most development efforts using distributed ledgers and an active ongoing dialogue with regulators as
remain highly experimental, and practical new techniques emerge.
applications and large-scale commercial solutions
The increasing use of technology will result in new the pace of change and therefore action is needed
challenges for businesses and new risks in the audit now to start the cogs of change.
process. Auditors will need to validate the design
and controls around the platforms which host the Companies
new software in addition to interpreting the
complex data sets that arise. Technological change and its impact on internal and
All firms – regardless of size – have the potential to external audits will also bring challenge and
be disrupted by technological advancement. While opportunity for companies. For example, boards
smaller and medium practices may not be able to and audit committees can demonstrate an interest
invest in experimentation on a scale that larger in how technology-enabled their external audit is
practices are able to, building awareness and through supporting technology investment in
engaging in the debate, as well as developing an internal audit.
agile strategy, is key to successfully adapting to From a governance perspective, boards and audit
these new challenges and opportunities. committees will need to be appropriately resourced
and sufficiently trained in order to understand the
Regulators and standard setters impact of technology on companies' own financial
reporting processes, as well as being able to
Recent and future technological advancements understand and challenge the work executed by
demand a rethink of the regulatory environment. In auditors.
the short term, as auditors increasingly use And, from a practical standpoint, if companies want
algorithms to identify outliers for testing there is an to benefit from a more effective and efficient audit,
urgent need for regulators to reassess the relevance they will need to be open to moving towards a more
of the regulatory environment and adapt their standardised format of financial data to enable
focus. This means that regulators need to work analytics capability and cognitive software to be
closely with audit firms to understand the used without the prohibitive barriers of complex
experiments in progress and to make some data manipulation which is often the case at
wholesale changes to regulatory requirements present.
which in turn will shape individual firm methodology
and approaches. Investors
Longer term disruptors – such as distributed ledgers
– will require a completely new regulatory The investor community also has an important role
environment and accounting standards to ensure to play. The clearer this community can be on what
consistency of approach around verification of information they need, when it is needed and what
ledgers, validation and recording of transactions and level of assurance is required, the greater the
the role that oracles play verses auditors. chance of success.
If we want something that is going to support Investor needs can be met through more innovative,
technological developments and be a meaningful timely and relevant financial reporting, enabled by
and appropriate regulatory environment, we must the types of technological developments
ensure that we do not simply try and shoehorn the highlighted above, but engagement and clarity of
new technology/approach into an existing needs is key.
framework. There needs to be a transparent process
and mechanism for developing these new What does this mean for the auditor of the future?
frameworks with input from all key stakeholders.
The audit profession can be a big ship to turn and a Significant change is coming and offers a huge
concerted and proactive effort is needed on the part opportunity for the profession to be more relevant
of regulators, standard setters and audit firms to and trusted than ever. This prize will require us to
make this change happen. There is a risk that embrace change and to train and to develop people
existing laws and regulations will act as a barrier to with a different range of skills and abilities.
While the broad business training that qualification
for the ACA provides is still considered a valuable
asset by graduates, there is a risk that the profession
is still perceived by the majority to be very narrow in
its graduate selection and required skillset.
For the future, the mix of skillsets is critical. The
profession will need people who have accounting
skills but who are also extremely IT literate.
Analytical capability is coming to the fore – and also
the ability to code and work with a range of new
technologies. To meet this opportunity there are
already some examples of audit firms recruiting in a
broader way than they have done in the past and
this trend looks set to continue.
Added to this is the potential to use the crowd to
deliver audit tasks – a future that will be enabled by
technology platforms and which will bring a whole
new dimension to the flexible and agile audit
Future audits will be of a higher quality enabled by
technology, but this is only part of the equation.
Highly skilled humans will always be needed to
interpret the big data, report and to interact with
other humans on key judgement areas and provide
assurance around the new technologies which are
generating the data.
Technology is not a silver bullet – it is only as good
as the data underneath. While the day-to-day
responsibility of the auditor may change, the
opportunities for our profession are greater than

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