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English I Honors--Romeo & Juliet SPES 

All characters in the play are to blame for the tragic events that occurred. If one 
character was not present or chose a different plan of action, the entire play would be 
different. Each character had a specific role in the plot and contributed to the events that 
occured in the play. The tragic events begin when Capulet assigns Paris to marry his daughter, 
Juliet. Capulet says to Paris, “ Let two more summers wither in their pride. Ere we may think 
her ripe to be a bride.” This triggers the events that occur after because Juliet doesn’t want to 
be with Paris and falls for Romeo. Juliet feels controlled, causing her to rebel and go with 
Romeo. Later in the play, Romeo says, “Here’s to my love.​ Drinking.​ O true apothecary, 
Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die,” as he dies from drinking the poison. If all the 
previous events hadn’t occurred and if the other characters acted differently, Romeo might 
not have been put in that position. Both of these events show how everything in the play 
happened for a reason and ultimately led to resolution it had. Every character in the play had 
their own role in the outcome of the play and the outcome would be completely different if 
one character wasn’t included. In conclusion, all characters were responsible for the events 
that happened in the play and the play would be completely different if any character was 
taken out.  

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